Created a poll on if other states should impose this silly rule on WY residents. Curious of everybody’s thoughts. https://rokslide.com/forums/threads/wilderness-hunting-reciprocity-good-idea.383027/?show_modal=1
Sorry to come into this late, but this is a fascinating thread. As someone who vacations in Wyoming most summers and fishes there (haven't hunted there, yet), it's Interesting to me.It’s a dumb law. Period. It provides residents an escape from NR hunters and gives a benefit to wilderness Outfitters. There is no legitimate safety reason. Period.
An old friend of mine works for WYGF and I love pitching him grief about this stupid law.
That said, it’s been upheld in the WY court system and unless someone can get their case moved to the federal courts the USSC isn’t ruling on this anytime soon.
The WY legislature has about zero impetus to take this on given 1) the strength of the outfitter lobby and 2) it benefits their residents.
Complaining about it without a plan to attack it is like Groundhog day for as long as I’ve been hunting.
Make friends in WY.