The crazy part is that I've never once advocate for NR to begin openly defying this regulation, yet. I've tried to make the logical argument as to why this regulation is unjust because all Americans are fundamentally equally entitled to enjoy this land. And more importantly why it's important to have a forum for exactly this type of dialogue. I naively expected the other side to come back with rationale as to why this regulation is necessary. I was prepared to have that civil conversation. Unfortunately this thread was full of the loud ignorant type who are more interested in throwing their own feces at one another like a bunch of baboons.
To give some level of credit to some, a few did try to make an argument using the existence of similar regulations in other states as to justify the righteousness of the WY regulation. Unfortunately, I was unable to address this argument politely without insulting ones intelligence due to it's absurdity. "Bobby does it, so why can't I?" I tried to ignore it. hoping somebody else would step up to that task. The story of the last decade is, if nothing else, the ability of a loud. obnoxious, and vocal online minority to force their extreme views on the majority.
Unfortunately, they're not the enigma. Men with a principled and moral foundation are the enigma. It's the job of the home/education system and society/religion to instill these into children/young men. Unfortunately our education system was overtaken and reconstructed to produce mindless and obedient peasants and our society has become overwhelmingly secular. People do inherently require a since of common ethics and in the absence of religion people have and will replace it with the state. These results are natural and inevitable. However, that doesn't mean they haven't been artificially accelerated, e.g., destruction and demonetization of the traditional nuclear family.