Wilderness Hunting Reciprocity. Good idea?

Should other Western States ban Wyoming residents from hunting their wilderness unguided?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 55.5%
  • No

    Votes: 38 29.7%
  • Maybe, be careful

    Votes: 16 12.5%
  • I’m a Wyoming resident, of course no!

    Votes: 3 2.3%

  • Total voters
Jan 9, 2023
Creating this poll to see peoples opinion on if legislation should be proposed to prevent residents of states that ban wilderness hunting(Wyoming) for NR from hunting wilderness in other states. This would be a way to give NR power to say that the WY rule is BS. Is this a slippery slope or a worthy issue to take up?
I am not a lawyer, I do not think non-residents would have standing in a lawsuit to overturn this.

I would like to hear from a lawyer on this.
Wyoming could also do the 90/10 thing, and "screw" non-residents further.
I've lived in WY my whole life and hunted wilderness for the first time this year.
This proposed ban might affect a couple dozen people, but nobody that I know.

If I ever leave WY to hunt, it will probably be to hunt pigs or whitetails, or to head to AK or Canada. Maybe someday... but a ban won't have much of an effect on that.
Naw it’s easier to make a poll crying like a little *****. 😂
I’m not saying it should be done. I’m just curious what others think. I don’t really have an opinion yet. I just know that the idea of banning WY residents from other wilderness has been thrown around and am curious what people think of it. Sounds like it’s not popular.

It’s funny to me though when people say just lobby to get rid of their dumb law. Nobody who is in WY has any incentive to change the law. It’s great for them so I don’t see it changing.
It’s funny to me though when people say just lobby to get rid of their dumb law. Nobody who is in WY has any incentive to change the law. It’s great for them so I don’t see it changing.
All it would take is a lawsuit against the state from any NR entity to escalate. Wilderness areas are federal lands and belong to the countries public, not WY.
Kudos to WY for looking out for their residents! More Western states should do the same
I’m all for looking out for residents but not welfare for outfitters. If outfitters can’t offer a service that people want without laws forcing it then they shouldn’t be in business.

If the rule was wilderness hunting only for residents with no outfitter or resident guide I would have less of a gripe. It would be just like how some states including my own have units where only residents can draw tags.
I dont get this idea/concept. I dont understand how it would even work. Its not like a state would ban just Wyoming folks. They’d ban all non res. In short order you’d only be able to hunt wilderness in your state.
And what state is it that folks propose has desirable enough wilderness hunting that Wyoming folks would feel a loss? Maybe Idaho?

At first the Wyoming rule was by and for the guides, but these days I expect its as much to provide the general population some breathing room. Its in their best interest to keep the rule in place.

Wyoming should keep their rule, or just make every wilderness its own unit with no non-res quota.

And i dont get the “its federal land” argument. Yes it is, but the game is Wyomings and thats what they say you cant have. Just like limiting non-res quota in a hunt unit. Its their game and their choice who and where folks can hunt.

If folks really want to try and strip away a guide industry hand out rule Id expect the Alaska sheep, goat, brown bear rule to be the first target.
If the citizens of WY have issue with their state's rule, they have the ability to change it.

I'm not a fan of people from other states trying to tell my state how they should govern.

I suspect the same folks championing the thought of dictating governance to other states in which they do not reside, would not respond so well if a neighbor they never met walked into their home and began dictating how that home should operate to the occupant.

Feel free to hunt WY or don't. Feel free if you are a resident of WY to address issues within your state you have issue with or don't.

But the idea that a non-resident's opinion on how another state should operate should hold sway over that state's governance is preposterous to me.