Lobbying Wyoming game and fish negatively affecting non-resident elk hunters

Apr 28, 2021
Other thoughts of heavy land use fees for hunting on FEDERAL land. If the odds are so low for me that I can't hunt it . I'm not really interested in paying for someone else


Sep 26, 2018
Non-resident western hunters I would imagine game/fish departments face pressure from residents and legislators . Maybe it's time game and fish hear more from non - residents. I know they have meetings/forums for discussion . Not sure how receptive they are ? State legislators crumble to the Feds for money all the time. Maybe the need to hear from who is paying the bill for their game departments even if you as a non-resident and cant vote at the polls but with your money
Game and Fish aren’t the decision makers, they just carry out the orders.
Apr 28, 2021
I had read once for effective movement against the masses it takes only 20% of the "sqeeky wheel" to get things changed. I know an organized financial boycott would suck but a 20% loss of revenue for fish and game in today's inflationary climate might open some eyes.


Sep 26, 2018
I think there might be basis for a bait and switch situation with how WY solicited NR to purchase points. Some have laughed, but would be interesting to follow. Not sure the “protection “ mentioned previously would cover this type of behavior.
It’ll be interesting to see if anything comes up from it for sure.
Apr 28, 2021
I get game and fish follow orders from legislation. Maybe I wasn't clear but my 2nd point was to put pressure on those ( legislators) figuring out where money comes from for there state budget. Thanks


May 17, 2018
This entire thread is absolutely ridiculous. The amount of entitlement some of you people feel for things that are half-way across the country from your homes is truly amazing!

The OP seems to think that F&G of Western states cares about his opinion and is worried about losing his money. Newsflash: Neither is true.

WY just passed 90-10 for the big 5, that is what you seem to think is going to cause a bunch of people to drop out, to the point that WY won't be able to pay for anything. Interesting theory, easily disprovable. MT has 90-10 for EVERY LE permit in the entire state....how's that huge drop in applications working out? Oh, wait....more applications every single year? How strange!

I also have to laugh at the assertion that we should hold back funding federal lands because you don't get to go chase the specific type of antlers that you want to in WY....yeah, let's charge hunters for access! That'll show em! Hilarious! You seem to think that the only purpose for public land is for hunting. You completely ignore just general recreation on public lands as well as resource extraction on public lands. I promise you that both of those activities far outpace the number of hunters you see in the woods.

Bottom line: if you don't like the game you don't have to play. There are a million people standing in line behind you more than happy to take your place.

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Apr 28, 2021
It might seem odd to contact a legislator from a state you don't live, but to respectfully let them know that your not happy with changes/ proposals occurring to you as a non -resident who funds their game and fish programs. Maybe a waste of time. I don't know ?


Dec 24, 2019
I don't think so.
I don’t know how you can possibly believe that. It’s double the distance of Colorado or Wyoming from the Midwest or Texas and almost 2 full days of driving each way from the east coast. I’m not saying it’s the ONLY factor, but it’s absolutely a huge one.


May 17, 2018
I think there might be basis for a bait and switch situation with how WY solicited NR to purchase points. Some have laughed, but would be interesting to follow. Not sure the “protection “ mentioned previously would cover this type of behavior.
Can I sue the government for inflation because my dollars aren't worth what they were a year ago?

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Dec 24, 2019
This entire thread is absolutely ridiculous. The amount of entitlement some of you people feel for things that are half-way across the country from your homes is truly amazing!

The OP seems to think that F&G of Western states cares about his opinion and is worried about losing his money. Newsflash: Neither is true.

WY just passed 90-10 for the big 5, that is what you seem to think is going to cause a bunch of people to drop out, to the point that WY won't be able to pay for anything. Interesting theory, easily disprovable. MT has 90-10 for EVERY LE permit in the entire state....how's that huge drop in applications working out? Oh, wait....more applications every single year? How strange!

I also have to laugh at the assertion that we should hold back funding federal lands because you don't get to go chase the specific type of antlers that you want to in WY....yeah, let's charge hunters for access! That'll show em! Hilarious! You seem to think that the only purpose for public land is for hunting. You completely ignore just general recreation on public lands as well as resource extraction on public lands. I promise you that both of those activities far outpace the number of hunters you see in the woods.

Bottom line: if you don't like the game you don't have to play. There are a million people standing in line behind you more than happy to take your place.

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I’m not one that has been whining about it, but I try to see things from both sides. Residents see the huge boom in western hunting and are unhappy. But, the western states are the fastest growing in terms of population boom in the country. In states like Colorado and Wyoming that offer basically unlimited “opportunity” type hunts for residents, it’s going to lead to more crowding as those states continue to grow. The post-covid outdoor recreation boom is also still bringing hippies and insta-fluencers out in droves. I’m actually currently waiting to see if I get a job offer to become a western state resident myself next year.

But I can also see how spending a rather large some of money into a point pool for decades only to have the rules change would be upsetting to non-residents.

This is why I wish more states would do a hybrid draw somewhat like Utah. Squared bonus points with a certain allocation of tags being guaranteed to the highest point holder and the rest going into random pull. You always have a chance. I would also like to see point only options go away. Applying for a hunt with no refund opportunity or don’t put in.

I don’t want to argue with anyone, but I see valid points from both sides.
Apr 28, 2021
Western non-resident hunters, fngs, and lurkers this thread is about getting a seat at the table. It is about the lobbying going on behind the scenes that adversely affects you . Not sure if anyone (techy guy) here wants to take the time and research the state you hunt in as a non-resident and post names, email addresses or phone numbers of legislaters that might hear you out or possibly influenced. Probably some involved in tourism


May 17, 2018
I’m not one that has been whining about it, but I try to see things from both sides. Residents see the huge boom in western hunting and are unhappy. But, the western states are the fastest growing in terms of population boom in the country. In states like Colorado and Wyoming that offer basically unlimited “opportunity” type hunts for residents, it’s going to lead to more crowding as those states continue to grow. The post-covid outdoor recreation boom is also still bringing hippies and insta-fluencers out in droves. I’m actually currently waiting to see if I get a job offer to become a western state resident myself next year.

But I can also see how spending a rather large some of money into a point pool for decades only to have the rules change would be upsetting to non-residents.

This is why I wish more states would do a hybrid draw somewhat like Utah. Squared bonus points with a certain allocation of tags being guaranteed to the highest point holder and the rest going into random pull. You always have a chance. I would also like to see point only options go away. Applying for a hunt with no refund opportunity or don’t put in.

I don’t want to argue with anyone, but I see valid points from both sides.
Yeah, I get what you're saying and I agree, they certainly have a right to their feelings. I'd probably be annoyed too if it was me.

The problem is that there is a supply and demand problem relating to western hunting tags for critters with shit growing out of their heads. When there is a supply and demand problem, the price goes up, and it can become harder to get what you wanted.

This is a basic fact of life. If you didn't expect to see this happen with hunting the west I'd say you haven't been paying attention over the last 10 years.

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Nov 15, 2017
Stop! The horse is dead. But really. The line of NR clamoring for tags is around the block. If someone want to grab their ball and go home that's reasonable. There are 5 guys behind you ready to step into your place in line. The numbers dont lie.


Nov 15, 2017
If you cant see value in public land beyond hunting you really need to look at your priorities. Of the time I spend on public land only a quarter is hunting. I'm sorry that the only time you enjoy them is when you travel to hunt. You are missing out
Dec 12, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
I think what is going on is the G&F trying to fix something by doing the wrong thing. Preference points for residents are not the answer, more tags is the answer. That’s my opinion for how they are thinking. I tend to disagree. What I would rather see is go back to the strict % of allocated tags to residents. Whatever that is. It used to be 10-20%. If what it is today is 20%, leave it but go with a hybrid preference points, split up seasons by choice of weapon. For the extremely hard to draw areas give residents preference points, those points are only valid for that specific unit and if the person puts in for a different unit, the other points go away. If your dedicated to an area, you could draw more often. If you bounce around, your odds go down. I think this is a balance of preference points and drawing tags but I am not on the task force so my voice doesn’t matter. It’s the guides and others who benefit from the G&F giving them tags.


May 17, 2018
Did they solicit you to purchase? At the end of they day each October WY emails people to solicit them to purchase specifically preference points. Then after you purchase, they change the rules? Not sure how your analogy makes any sense.
WY solicited you? They actively searched you out and started convincing you to buy points? You must be pretty big name in hunting if you have states coming after you personally. I get reminders from WY to buy points because I signed up for a mailing list, but I contacted them first.

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Nov 26, 2018
I’d like to see federal legislation that states will lose federal wildlife matching dollars if…

A) Nonresident tag allocation is less than 90/10.

B) If tag costs for nonresidents is greater than 10 times that of the resident cost.

C) If nonresidents are not given all the same privileges with regards to residents when hunting federal land. (IE no more nonresident WY wilderness rule.)

D) If preference is given to outfitted clients with regard to draw odds on tags valid for use on federal land.

Bottom line I think it’s great states give preferential treatment to residents, but at one point there is going to have to be left and right lateral limits because it’s getting ridiculous. I pay taxes for all that awesome NF and BLM land out west. I think it’s only fair that the states give up federal matching dollars if they are going to restrict my opportunity to hunt it to an onerous degree.

We’re all non residents in 49 other states. Would suck to be stuck hunting just one even if it’s some place like WY.
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