Liner to boost warmth?

May 16, 2020

Anyone ever use a liner like this to boost warmth? I have a 15 degree bag and rarely find myself needing much more, but a late season tag has me thinking I'd like more warmth. I don't really want to spring for an all new bag and was wondering if this would get me through.
I have one and use it often. It is light and does make a huge difference.

Cheap insurance, I think

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I am buying one on the advice of my dad he is an avid back packer and he carries 2 of them.
I've got just a cheap fleece liner and it's well worth it...the next one on the list is the one you have listed.
I have one and I’ve used it on occasion. It’s hard to put a number to it, but it does add some warmth to your bag.

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I have a Marmot Helium bag that's rated to 15 degrees, I have slept in relative comfort down to the upper teens in it. If I could get that comfort zone down to 5-10 degrees I think that would work.
The liners weigh almost nothing and can make the difference between shivering all night or sleeping when conditions take a dive. But if looking to make a 15 degree bag into a zero bag, purchasing another bag is the only way to go.
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Get a lightweight quilt to throw over the bag. A 40deg quilt would add warmth to your system, and could pull double duty as a wrap for glassing, and not weigh much more than a liner. I don't care for liners because they are a specialized piece of gear. I like gear that serves multiple purposes.

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Liners also keep your bag from getting filthy and if you sweat in your bag or get the clammy feeling like I do, it will help eliminate that
They work but I find them aggravating. I toss and turn and end up getting wrapped up in mine. to add warm to my sleep set up I prefer watch caps and insulating clothing. I have used blankets and quilts on top of bags to and they will add warmth as well. Not the best set up but I have used a 20* bag in single digits with a watch cap and a Kifaru woobie over top.
the liner driver me nuts

get or make an over bag. it can add much more to your existing bag. just make sure you can keep it on top. use some Velcro if needed.

Anyone ever use a liner like this to boost warmth? I have a 15 degree bag and rarely find myself needing much more, but a late season tag has me thinking I'd like more warmth. I don't really want to spring for an all new bag and was wondering if this would get me through.

Interesting, I am also planning to camp in my pickup for November opener
Look at the Snugpak Jungle blanket....

what low temp sleeping bag would you recommend?
If adding warmth is your goal there are two ways to go about it imo. First would be wearing something to bed, like a puffy jacket or pants, these only work if you have room in your bag to not compress it’s insulation.

Second would be to run something over your bag, like a woobie, or something else light that won’t compress your bags insulation.

Liners are a pain in the ass. I bought one thinking I needed it, and also wanted to keep my bag clean. I roll quite a bit when sleeping. It just became a tangled mess and didn’t do anymore than wearing a baselayers to bed.

Instead of carrying the weight of a liner I prefer a hooded heavy base layer. Versatility is the name of the game when building a sleep/clothing system. Cutting out extras that only have a single use, like a liner is a plus in my book

The only bag liner I would consider anymore would be a moisture barrier liner, and I’d only use that if needed during extended cold nights with minimal ability to dry, which I don’t see many of.
I use a 20 degree quilt through 3rd season in Nov. I’ll use a bivy sack for a little extra warmth and sleep in more layers than usual.
i would test what ever i choose before i go. if you choose puffy pants and jacket and it compresses you may be unhappy. even if it does not compress it will certainly feel funny because the bag will be full.