Lifelock Identity Theft

I've got it through Norton. They do a good job of merely notifying you if your info is available out there on the web. It didn't prevent someone from trying to open a checking acct. in my name, though.
I still have it and will probably keep it.
Isn't that the company where the CEO put his SSN in the advertisements because he was so confident in his company...and then his identity was stolen and his life ruined?
We’ve had it for a few years. They’ve rarely alerted us but have blocked a few bogus credit checks that would have lowered our credit rating a little. They also provide some insurance to offset the expense of recovering your identity.
We’ve had it for a few years. They’ve rarely alerted us but have blocked a few bogus credit checks that would have lowered our credit rating a little. They also provide some insurance to offset the expense of recovering your identity.
You may want to check to see if someone else is paying into your Social Security.
We freeze our credit. If you go buy a new vehicle, the loan company has to call you to get your permission to access your credit information, unless you unfreeze it first. I had this happen a few times before I figured out you can unfreeze it long enough to go buy a vehicle and then refreeze it. Or, you can unfreeze it for a set period of time, say 5 days.
The Lifelock service is good from the perspective that when something happens you can mostly go to one place for help to navigate through the process. Depending on the issue you may have to be your own advocate, example is erroneous charges on your credit cards, stolen wallet, etc.
I have used it for years. I can't say that it has prevented my identity from being stolen, but they have an uncanny ability to know (a) when I have been authenticated with a financial institution when they ask me the challenge questions, and (b) someone tries to open a credit account. (I have also frozen my credit.) They have also caught fraudulent credit card usage - but so have my credit card companies. The most bizarre thing is that they contacted me once to say that someone had changed contact information at one of my banks. I had merely changed my email contact info - but I never gave Lifelock my specific financial account info (to me that was a bridge too far). I called and asked them how they knew and they said that they could not disclose the information.

EDiT - this thread caused me to review my Lifelock account. I added 3 YubiKeys as an authentication method (although it appears you have to pick one of them if you go to the key as primary). I also confirmed that in 2020 they stopped an attempted bank/credit application in which the fraudster matched my name, social and DOB.
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@robby denning are you trying to buy a toothbrush? We have considered lifelock as well. My company offers a service from identity force. I haven't had anything come on it other than compromised emails and stuff. We also pay for a password app (LastPass) which checks the dark web for data. I work for a pipeline company so cybersecurity is a hug issue. Last a I heard, we get hack attempts every minute.
@robby denning are you trying to buy a toothbrush? We have considered lifelock as well. My company offers a service from identity force. I haven't had anything come on it other than compromised emails and stuff. We also pay for a password app (LastPass) which checks the dark web for data. I work for a pipeline company so cybersecurity is a hug issue. Last a I heard, we get hack attempts every minute.
LastPass was hacked.