CDS cost me my deer this season..but not how you think.
i usually just sight my rifle in (257 weatherby mag) 2 inch high at 100 and just go out and shoot deer. i dont even bring a rangefinder back in the day. if it was just too far, i crept closer.
this year, i sent my scope back for repairs..while they had it, i had CDS installed. i got into it. did my dope card, wrote it down on Gaffer's tape, and taped it to my stock. i was ready.
hahah..when i saw a deer, it was a total yard sale. i got the yardage on the rangefinder and miss-read my dope card in all the excitement and sent a round..way over the deer. it was funny, when i figured out what i did.
that deer was at a paltry 275 yards..i should have just shot it. CDS was just unfamiliar to me..i didnt practice enough i guess. sprinking in a copious amount of BUCKFEVER and i lost my mind. oh well. if i just did it the old way..i would have chipshot that deer.