Leupold CDS

I agree. This guy is basically calling the folks at Leupold "Bald Face Liars". I spoke with real people at Leupold and have no reason to believe I wasn't being told facts. I was assured the interior on the VX-6 HD's were completely redesigned. Sooooo, who has the credibility to tell me exactly what the construction is. The folks who design them, build them, and maintain them or some person with a screen name on the internet. Perhaps Mr. Formidilious can give us his thorough testing and his examination of the VX-6 HD line that gives him the credence to make such broad and arbritary statements. I'm thinking he has some personal issues with Leupold.

Would you mind listing your credentials as it pertains to rifle scope testing? You have some pretty strong opinions and claims. I would just like to know your rifle scope background. You did the same thing on the hunttalk forum and were put in your place by BigFin. I don't want to jinx myself, but I have had no problem dialing my VX5HD scope on my 300 H&H.

"put me in my place"? Not hardly. I was asked, in a PM, to stop saying that Leupolds have issues as it hurts sponsorship.

As for what I do....

I just play airsoft.....[/IMG]

10 days, 5 guns. This was just a fraction of the 86,000 rounds that I shot, and saw shot in 12 days from ten shooters.

Here's part of the ammo for six people every six weeks.


Here's the other part.
I agree. This guy is basically calling the folks at Leupold "Bald Face Liars". I spoke with real people at Leupold and have no reason to believe I wasn't being told facts. I was assured the interior on the VX-6 HD's were completely redesigned. Sooooo, who has the credibility to tell me exactly what the construction is. The folks who design them, build them, and maintain them or some person with a screen name on the internet. Perhaps Mr. Formidilious can give us his thorough testing and his examination of the VX-6 HD line that gives him the credence to make such broad and arbritary statements. I'm thinking he has some personal issues with Leupold.

sigh.... Here we go again.

No, no personal issue with Leupold. Just lots of experience with them.

This Mark 4, and 2 others all failed catastrophically while on missions... in one week.
Would you tell us how many Leupold scopes you have sent back to be repaired. Also if they are that bad why still use them? I am not saying you are wrong I am just trying to learn. I ask a few of my old special ops friends down at FT Bragg what they were using for scopes as they can have anything they want and they still shoot Leupold I guess I have just been lucky but i do not shoot that much anymore.
Would you tell us how many Leupold scopes you have sent back to be repaired. Also if they are that bad why still use them? I am not saying you are wrong I am just trying to learn. I ask a few of my old special ops friends down at FT Bragg what they were using for scopes as they can have anything they want and they still shoot Leupold I guess I have just been lucky but i do not shoot that much anymore.

More than a dozen personally owned. I do not use them on my guns anymore. They are issued optics on some sniper weapon systems therefore I shoot and see them with other people.

Leupolds having issues with tracking isn't a secret. One can easily go to snipershide, 24hourcampfire, etc. and see how many threads there are about problems with Leupolds. And one shroud the take that Leupolds (or any scope) is issued as a statement of it being a good item. Sniper weapon systems are just that- systems. They do not test the optics separately, and it is scary what "passes" because of it.
I agree. This guy is basically calling the folks at Leupold "Bald Face Liars". I spoke with real people at Leupold and have no reason to believe I wasn't being told facts. I was assured the interior on the VX-6 HD's were completely redesigned. Sooooo, who has the credibility to tell me exactly what the construction is. The folks who design them, build them, and maintain them or some person with a screen name on the internet. Perhaps Mr. Formidilious can give us his thorough testing and his examination of the VX-6 HD line that gives him the credence to make such broad and arbritary statements. I'm thinking he has some personal issues with Leupold.

I wouldn't say he's calling them liars, he's just saying they continue to fail, even IF they are redesigned. I don't use Leupold cause I don't like their configurations and the configurations that are acceptable to me are out of my personal budget, even with a gunsmith discount.

Form I was only able to see the first pic. The others aren’t showing, not sure if others can see them.

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I can see them. Some 5 gal buckets filled with spent brass and some crates of ammo in the back of a Humvee

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
What it sounds like to me is you are expecting a light-weight rifle scope to do something it isn't designed to do. Most of us big game hunters probably only shoot our hunting rifles 100-300 shots per year. I don't want to speak for everyone else, but that is what I am guessing. Multiply that by 10 years and that is about 3,000 shots. That is a long way from the amount of rounds you are shooting. It's like saying that a Honda Accord that blows up after 800,000 miles is junk.
I did not see one VX-6 HD scope in any of your pictures. So, you rate all leupold products based on a small sample of what you use or have seen used for military/police operations. That is a different use and piece of specialized equipment that most of we HUNTERS will never have a need. Leupold is perhaps one of the oldest US scope makers serving a varied market. Heaven knows how many scopes they have produced. The negative comments made on various forums are I'm sure just a small fraction of the total number of satisfied customers. Do they have scopes that have failed and are returned for service? Of course. Same reason Chev/Ford and even BMW have service departments. Anything man made will eventually wear out or have malfunctions. I wouldn't pretend to have the experience you have shooting in your field. However, as a hunter who has vast experience hunting big game in most of North America and Internationally my Leupolds have served me well from the Wrangells to Mexico. Fact is I have 2 new VX-6 HD's on the way. Can't wait to mount them and take them on my next adventure hunt.
What it sounds like to me is you are expecting a light-weight rifle scope to do something it isn't designed to do. Most of us big game hunters probably only shoot our hunting rifles 100-300 shots per year. I don't want to speak for everyone else, but that is what I am guessing. Multiply that by 10 years and that is about 3,000 shots. That is a long way from the amount of rounds you are shooting. It's like saying that a Honda Accord that blows up after 800,000 miles is junk.

No. I have said this in multiple threads- everyone I work with are addicted hunters. I see a ton of normal hunting setups shot by default. It is almost a gaurantee that within 250-300 rounds of using the elevation turret on a Leupold, you will have a big enough issue to cause a miss at 400 yards on an 8 inch target.
I did not see one VX-6 HD scope in any of your pictures. So, you rate all leupold products based on a small sample of what you use or have seen used for military/police operations. That is a different use and piece of specialized equipment that most of we HUNTERS will never have a need. Leupold is perhaps one of the oldest US scope makers serving a varied market. Heaven knows how many scopes they have produced. The negative comments made on various forums are I'm sure just a small fraction of the total number of satisfied customers. Do they have scopes that have failed and are returned for service? Of course. Same reason Chev/Ford and even BMW have service departments. Anything man made will eventually wear out or have malfunctions. I wouldn't pretend to have the experience you have shooting in your field. However, as a hunter who has vast experience hunting big game in most of North America and Internationally my Leupolds have served me well from the Wrangells to Mexico. Fact is I have 2 new VX-6 HD's on the way. Can't wait to mount them and take them on my next adventure hunt.

Again.... I don't talk about things that I don't know. I had shot and broke two VX6 HD's inside of 1k rounds before most of the public even knew they existed. Neither one of those scopes, or the half dozen that have followed, had tracking reliable enough to be dialed on live animals.

There isnt isn't a person on this board that wants Leupold to build good scopes more than I. But the facts are that as reliable, robust aiming devices used for dialing elevation- they have significant issues.
I did not see one VX-6 HD scope in any of your pictures. So, you rate all leupold products based on a small sample of what you use or have seen used for military/police operations. That is a different use and piece of specialized equipment that most of we HUNTERS will never have a need. Leupold is perhaps one of the oldest US scope makers serving a varied market. Heaven knows how many scopes they have produced. The negative comments made on various forums are I'm sure just a small fraction of the total number of satisfied customers. Do they have scopes that have failed and are returned for service? Of course. Same reason Chev/Ford and even BMW have service departments. Anything man made will eventually wear out or have malfunctions. I wouldn't pretend to have the experience you have shooting in your field. However, as a hunter who has vast experience hunting big game in most of North America and Internationally my Leupolds have served me well from the Wrangells to Mexico. Fact is I have 2 new VX-6 HD's on the way. Can't wait to mount them and take them on my next adventure hunt.

Leupold is happy to have customers like you.
I guess time will tell with my VX5HD scope. But then again, based on internet forums, all my gear is junk. From my Browning X-Bolt, Swaro Z3 scope, Vortex spotting scope, Kuiu backpack, Elite bow, Tightspot quiver, Dodge pickup, CanAm 4-wheeler, Honda Pioneer, Lowa boots, etc...it sounds like all my gear is a ticking time bomb.
Form has a SHITLOAD of field experience with a multitude of optics and all I know is that he says what works and what doesn't work based on HIS findings and testings. Just as others do on this site. We all have our own opinions based on real life scenarios/experiences and what others who you trust think. I, for one, value his judgement.
I'm not sure he will tell you how he and they test optics/equipment but it's pretty damn impressive. I have had my own equipment failures and above all else, I personally think a person has to have confidence in what one uses especially if a life has to depend on it. (Or a 200 inch muley)
An example for me would be vortex. Great company but after having several failing, I would not own another as they don't work for me and I don't have confidence in them to take one in the backcountry. I've got buddies that have them and swear by them. Not my cup of tea. And if I was a turret twister, I would not have a leupold but I really really like a couple of their reticles.

Good points Randy. I've been using a vx6 on almost all of my hunts the last 3 years despite having more rugged scopes. That said, I don't discount form's input at all. It mimics what a friend has told me about his experiences with Mark 6s failing at "work" (special forces weapons sergeant and sniper instructor).
I have been following this thread since it began. I hunt mostly Whitetails in Mississippi and currently have three bolt guns (260, 308 and 7RM) that all wear Leupolds. I have been using Leupolds for most of my life ( I am 60 years old ) and I have NEVER had a failure or had an occasion to send one back to Leupold. Now grant you I am NOT twisting turrets or shooting 800 yards but the brand has served me well as far out as 528 yards. Nothing said in this thread would change my mind about the confidence I have in my scopes nor do I doubt Form’s experience (or opinion). To each his own and good hunting!
Enough said about this subject. We have some very strong opinions on this subject. Opinions are all we have as I've yet to see any real facts presented other than just hearsay. Leupold can't be that bad as the proof is in the share of the market they have and the number of years the company has been in existance. I'll remain a Leupold and Swarovski (another brand that was bashed) user as my experience as a HUNTER with them has been positive. Happy hunting everyone and enjoy whatever brand of scope rests on your rifle.
Enough said about this subject. We have some very strong opinions on this subject. Opinions are all we have as I've yet to see any real facts presented other than just hearsay. Leupold can't be that bad as the proof is in the share of the market they have and the number of years the company has been in existance. I'll remain a Leupold and Swarovski (another brand that was bashed) user as my experience as a HUNTER with them has been positive. Happy hunting everyone and enjoy whatever brand of scope rests on your rifle.

About that Leopold market share:
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