Lets Introduce ourselves!


I have to agree. The good thing with my wife is she like to shoot too. But every time she sees me on the computer looking at stuff and watching videos she is like "Ok.. what are we going to go get now?"

You are a lucky guy.
Rick Anderson
Married with 2 daughters
Custom Bowstring Specialist
Remodel/Trim Carpenter going on 15 years.
I love hunting Whitetails, however, I am very excited to be going on my first elk hunt in September.
My name is Kristoffer, and I´m a gear´o´holic.
Living in Norway
Self-employed valuer and serveyor
Love hunting in the mountains, especially for our Reindeer (lean long-legged caribou) and Tahr/Chamois in New Zealand.
My name is Kristoffer, and I´m a gear´o´holic.
Living in Norway
Self-employed valuer and serveyor
Love hunting in the mountains, especially for our Reindeer (lean long-legged caribou) and Tahr/Chamois in New Zealand.

Welcome. Do you determine value of land or timber? I've always wanted to visit Norway.
Justin Redman (39) Selton Washington
Maried with three kids (17,14 and 9 years old)
Heavy Equipment Operator/Dump truck Driver
Born to hunt :)
Mostly rifle Hunt but been trying bow hunting the last couple of years
Richie Holton , married, 3 little girls, my 10 y/o is already a deer slayer, whitetails and turkey are my passion but with 1 DIY elk hunt under my belt I'm hooked, going back out this fall!! Hopefully with success this time !
Darin Cooper
Archineer & Bowhunting Obsessed Fanatic
The west is my playground!
Wonderful wife and super daughter (15)
40 - Boise, ID
western WA
Grew up backpack hunting the Glacier Peak Wilderness high country for black tail and black bear with my dad. He is still my hunting partner and we have recently started archery elk hunting.
Love being in the back country. And definate gear junkie.
Council Bluffs Iowa
I have been a bowhunter for 36 years. I also hunt firearms seasons to give me more time outdoors. Iowa whitetails, high country elk, and musky fishing are my passions.
Chad Wright 32 years old and married

SE New Mexico.

Have two boys that love hunting.

Police Detective

I will hunt anything under the sun with a stick and string. Not afraid to shoot a sheep with the boom stick though. :) Elk is my true passion.
Casey Rash, 27
Aurora, CO (current home)
Buffalo, MO (hometown)
USMC... 7 years so far, gettin out in about a year
Married for 9 years come July 2013.
3 kids: girl-boy-girl, 5-2-3months
Wanna-be gear junkie
Hunting, especially with a bow, is not hobby. It is part of my being.
Nick Posselt, 28
Born and raised western, MT
Fisheries Tech. (Fish Squeezer)
Elk and Shed connoisseur. Eat, Sleep, Breathe Elk.
Though site is definitely turned me into a Gear Junkie.