Lead poisoning

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I watched the video all the way through and knowing who Hammer Bullets is, it did appear to be a conflict of interest to me. But to the non-hunter, Hammer is not mentioned in the credits, only Steve as an individual.

There is a very off-putting group over on LRH that will defend Hammer to the grave, but I think this really has more to do with the intent than anything else. If the intent was to promote sales, then this participation by Hammer was in poor taste.

Eagles are a giant success story of the Endangered Species Act and even with lead piosoning and all other causes of death, they are still a growing population. So much so that some experts are wondering if they are nearing the carrying capacity of their habitats. The link below is an arcticle that takes about the boom in growth and also mentions lead poisoning, but does not list it as a major impact.

Lead vs non-lead debates are senseless in all honesty. There are more animals dieting from habitat loss due to deforestation, new construction, global warming, and the list goes on….

Support what you want. The last thing we should do as hunters is fight internally over this crap.

This video was similar to a political super-pac ad in my opinion. It doesn’t make me want to switch from CE to Hammer for sure.
I can assure promoting sales had nothing to do with Hammers participation in ths video
Can anyone provide me with a legitimate study on this?

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Curious what other people think of this and how others view hammer bullets participation in this video.
What is more disingenuous? You posting this video as a means to slam Hammer Bullets, or Hammer Bullets making an appearance in a lead poisoning awareness video? I am gonna say these are rhetorical questions, because in your very second post you reveal your true intentions...to slam Hammer Bullets.

You: Hey guys I just found a little something I'd like your feedback on...
First responder: F Hammer Bullets!
You: OMG, yes F Hammer Bullets!

Then you admit the foundation of your bias with your subsequent posts outlying your disdain of fans posting about Hammer Bullets. Pot, kettle, black!

Do you see your hypocrisy?
What is more disingenuous? You posting this video as a means to slam Hammer Bullets, or Hammer Bullets making an appearance in a lead poisoning awareness video? I am gonna say these are rhetorical questions, because in your very second post you reveal your true intentions...to slam Hammer Bullets.

You: Hey guys I just found a little something I'd like your feedback on...
First responder: F Hammer Bullets!
You: OMG, yes F Hammer Bullets!

Then you admit the foundation of your bias with your subsequent posts outlying your disdain of fans posting about Hammer Bullets. Pot, kettle, black!

Do you see your hypocrisy?
No hypocrisy, my stance is firm. It was a stupid video for hammer to post on forums and I completely disagree with what they did.

The point of not posting my feelings in the first post as to why people to open the thread, see the video, make up their mind, and then post.
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I can assure promoting sales had nothing to do with Hammers participation in ths video
Hammer bullets came into existence long before this video project, right? Is Hammer's bullet sales plummeting and they needed this documentary to kickstart a dying company?
We all know that but it has nothing to do with the video
IMHO it does.

There is a movement afoot to shut down hunting. It will never happen in one fell sweep, but rather incrementally.

Lead poisoning is a much smaller issue than wind and solar farms but you don’t hear anyone really going after them. In fact, the feds have exempted them from penalties of killing protected birds, yet they go after oil and fossil fuel power generation plants for the same.

Why you ask? Because there is an agenda.

Barnes bullets were quoted in an article about lead vs copper bullets. Here is their response:

“This boils down to an anti-hunting initiative,” says Jess Brooks at Barnes Bullets, one of the leading manufacturers of non-toxic bullets. “It’s as simple as that. We’re not looking at this as a bullet-sales tool at all. We’re looking at it as an issue to divide hunters and thin our ranks.”

Personally, I like their response. It goes with what I posted earlier in this thread about sticking together.

Here is where that quote came from:

IMHO it does.

There is a movement afoot to shut down hunting. It will never happen in one fell sweep, but rather incrementally.

Lead poisoning is a much smaller issue than wind and solar farms but you don’t hear anyone really going after them. In fact, the feds have exempted them from penalties of killing protected birds, yet they go after oil and fossil fuel power generation plants for the same.

Why you ask? Because there is an agenda.

Barnes bullets were quoted in an article about lead vs copper bullets. Here is their response:

Personally, I like their response. It goes with what I posted earlier in this thread about sticking together.

Here is where that quote came from:

Well, Steve Davis outright said they were not about eliminating lead bullets and certainly not aligned with anti-hunting environmental tactics. You believe what is printed, but not what was spoken?
Well, Steve Davis outright said they were not about eliminating lead bullets and certainly not aligned with anti-hunting environmental tactics. You believe what is printed, but not what was spoken?
Where am I criticizing or questioning Steve?

I use Hammer bullets. I use lead core bullets. Just depends on the situation.

I do, however, prefer Barnes approach.
It makes no difference to me what mono bullet company is in that video. The message of the video is the same whether it’s Leigh Defense, Nosler Etips, etc. Though for that video Hammer makes perfect sense since the video was Montana-centric.

My my point regarding ammunition types per this discussion is that environmentalists will never be happy and will always continue to look for ways to make things harder for hunters.
It makes no difference to me what mono bullet company is in that video. The message of the video is the same whether it’s Leigh Defense, Nosler Etips, etc. Though for that video Hammer makes perfect sense since the video was Montana-centric.

My my point regarding ammunition types per this discussion is that environmentalists will never be happy and will always continue to look for ways to make things harder for hunters.
That is a fact. Just like the 2A liberal attacks.
The documentary was made for the audience of hunters not antis. The the reason for our participation was to let hunters know that if they want to make a change they don't have to sacrifice performance with Hammers.
Why don’t you like Steve’s? Said same thing.
Not really. Steve doesn’t recognize this as an overall anti-hunter agenda.

His approach is the exact opposite of Barnes.

Barnes didn’t want to divide the hunting community. I’m confident Steve doesn’t either, but just look at the results… circular firing squad…unintended consequences.
I have been very vocal about my dislike of Steve and Hammer bullets prior to seeing this. The guy is an arrogant piece of work. This video is awful…
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The documentary was made for the audience of hunters not antis. The the reason for our participation was to let hunters know that if they want to make a change they don't have to sacrifice performance with Hammers.
The video was awful. You 100% have to sacrifice performance if you go with hammers. Your bullets BCs suck. They aren’t a long range hunting bullet like you pretend they are. Go back to LRH.
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