I'm gonna run the numbers in a hypothetical based on what you said. "Enough BC inflation to miss an elk at 500yds:
Cartridge 308 WIN shooting 137gr HH with website G1 BC estimated .335 - 3000fps MV
Same cartridge & numbers, just drop G1 BC to .250 because of wild estimation.
An elk chest height averages 34.65" according to bowhunting.net. Call it 37" for simple math. Divide that area by 2 because of a center mass hold. That gives 18.5" above and below the kill zone.
According to Federal Premium Ballistics Calculator (available free online)
@ G1 BC of .335 - If you pull the trigger at an elk that is 500yds one would have to account for 51.6" of drop.
@G1 BC of .250 - you must account for 63.3" of drop. That is an 11.7" difference.
So you pull the trigger on an elk at 500yds using the drop data for the inflated BC of .335 and it turns out it was really .250 G1 BC, you will till hit the elk in the vital area. Really there is 6.8" above the bottom of the kill zone.
One would need a BC of .225 to miss the zone. .335 down to .225 is .110 of error. Are you saying the BC estimates listed on the Hammer site are that far inflated?