Lead ingestion health risks

Friend, I'd encourage you to read this. It's what you signed up for when you became a U.S. citizen.

I would like to remind you that the First Amendment doesn't apply here. This is a privately owned Forum and you are a guest here. Either you follow the rules as laid out, and linked by eric, or you will eventually be told to leave.
I would like to remind you that the First Amendment doesn't apply here. This is a privately owned Forum and you are a guest here. Either you follow the rules as laid out, and linked by eric, or you will eventually be told to leave.
Just like the truth doesn't "belong" on FB or any other SM forum.
Do you have any public-ish places you hang out regularly in person? A small bar, coffee shop, small church, bowling alley, gun store, etc that has a group of regulars?

If yes, what do you do if someone comes in and brashly, aggressively inserts themselves into a conversation you're having as a group? I guess I'm making an assumption that you're more civil in person with your friends and acquaintances than you've been here, and there are places where you're part of a group that deals with each other respectfully.

When I'm in a conversation as a group and someone acts the way you have here, it's tough. We can ask him to be less disrespectful (as was done here). We can decide to end the conversation if the disruption is bad enough (or table it until we're in a setting without the counterproductive interjections). That is analogous to closing the thread. If it goes far enough (loud enough, disruptive enough, etc) a bar owner has the right to ask him to leave, same as you'll get banned or suspended from a public forum for belligerently ignoring the forum rules you agreed to.

If that guy, as he's being escorted out after crashing your conversation and insulting the other participants, starts yelling about his 1st Amendment rights being infringed upon by the bar owner, you're going to roll your eyes, right?
Spoken like a true Millennial who has been brainwashed into believing any speech that calls out frauds and liars is "bullying." After you get your panties out of a wad and go back and read my posts, you'll see that while I hold no punches when calling our frauds, I'd say it's a healthy stretch to claim I "aggressively inserted" myself into your conversation. You asked for advice. I gave it and when some "know-it-all" with an agenda came on and starting making page-long posts to try and look smart, I called him out for the fraud and liar he is. Grow a spine. Don't bother banning me. I'm done here anyway. I'll find a forum where truth and the constitution are respected and the members are mature enough to handle it.
Spoken like a true Millennial who has been brainwashed into believing any speech that calls out frauds and liars is "bullying." After you get your panties out of a wad and go back and read my posts, you'll see that while I hold no punches when calling our frauds, I'd say it's a healthy stretch to claim I "aggressively inserted" myself into your conversation. You asked for advice. I gave it and when some "know-it-all" with an agenda came on and starting making page-long posts to try and look smart, I called him out for the fraud and liar he is. Grow a spine. Don't bother banning me. I'm done here anyway. I'll find a forum where truth and the constitution are respected and the members are mature enough to handle it.
Don't leave, at least not yet.

I reviewed some of your posts in this thread and fwiw I agree with a good bit of what you are saying - proof is different from allegations, scientific studies (and the "peer review system") are often riddled with problems, pharma, etc.

But I think the manner in which you delivered those (calling people stupid or part of the propaganda machine, Kool-aid drinkers, looping Covid into the mix) that has not gone over well. If that's the only way you post, then maybe leaving is the best result. But if you stick to the substance, you might get better results.
Spoken like a true Millennial who has been brainwashed into believing any speech that calls out frauds and liars is "bullying." After you get your panties out of a wad and go back and read my posts, you'll see that while I hold no punches when calling our frauds, I'd say it's a healthy stretch to claim I "aggressively inserted" myself into your conversation. You asked for advice. I gave it and when some "know-it-all" with an agenda came on and starting making page-long posts to try and look smart, I called him out for the fraud and liar he is. Grow a spine. Don't bother banning me. I'm done here anyway. I'll find a forum where truth and the constitution are respected and the members are mature enough to handle it.

No, spoken like someone who was raised to treat other people with respect. We got into this in another thread, but do you really speak to other people this way in person? I asked you over there and your response was a very mature, "well he started it!"

The following is your first post. I asked for evidence in my first post. Not assertions, not anecdote. Something that can be used in an argument with someone who believes lead is a problem. "My internet buddy Dave C did a deep dive a long time ago and he found nothing but he doesn't remember any of his sources" is not a very strong or convincing argument. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and asked for the evidence to support your assertions and got nothing constructive.

Anybody who believes the lead propaganda should ask for another glass of Kool-aid. It's been several yrs since I did a deep dive into any "research" regarding the claims and what I essentially came up with was not a shred of scientific proof that lead ingestion from harvested game does ANYTHING. In fact, there was never any proof connecting lead shot used for bird hunting to lead poisoning in raptors. It was all manufactured. The studies were poorly performed and simply ignored other more likely sources.

You can't just say what you're posting is true. I generally agree with you that the lead ingestion problem is made up, but your posts did absolutely nothing to actually support the position we both hold (maybe with a difference in degree).

That's the problem. You didn't expose the frauds, you just insulted them. You didn't disprove the claims, you just dismissed them as ridiculous gubbermint conspiracies that only a moron would believe. You didn't explain the methodology errors in the studies, you just asserted that they were garbage. You contributed nothing of substance to this thread, and you actively made it worse. If that's the best input you're capable of providing, maybe 24HCF is the place for you.
Straight from a world-class nobody. Don't worry, the nation is already waking up and recognizing that this is not only untrue, but a ridiculously clueless outright lie. Must suck knowing your industry is about to take an epic financial hit as the American people finally see just how corrupt you all are.

Well hot damn!

I might be a nobody, but I’m a world class nobody!

I’d like to thank all the people who made this possible, starting with my agent…

Friend, I'd encourage you to read this. It's what you signed up for when you became a U.S. citizen.


Holy crap this is great! Dave is throwing the First Amendment on a privately owned website! Classic!

He tells you to read it, without understanding it at all! What a great way to show his ass!

Pure gold. I hope I’m still world class.
