Article 4
Yeah but in this case there is proof.There is a comma. I stated that eating wild game does not cause medically validated increased blood lead levels, because there despite an entire “industry” if you will, trying to show how it’s- there is nothing. If you would prefer that I put period water “there are no studies that show it does”- no problem.
I stated “because it doesn’t”, because despite trying to prove it dies- including lying and being deliberately disingenuous; there are no legit studies that show that hunters who eat meat from animals killed with lead based bullets have a higher BLL than the same population that doesn’t.
The study submitted states clearly - lead from shot and bullets are shown to have negative health affects in adult humans and unborn fetuses. It also shows that populations in Scandinavia that have a diet higher in birds and other animals that have more lead in them show more blood lead levels above the standard - that standard would be the rest of the population
People who frequently consume game shot with lead ammunition are at risk from high dietary lead exposure, e.g., Greenlanders had mean blood lead levels four to ten times higher than the EFSA benchmark dose modeling (BMDL) thresholds for developmental neurotoxicity in children and for chronic kidney disease in adults (Johansen et al. 2006). Bjermo et al. (2013) showed that increased blood lead levels in Swedish adults were associated with wild game consumption and that the blood lead concentrations in several individuals exceeded EFSA’s BMDL threshold values. The sources of lead in wild game were hunting bullets or shot.
Did you actually read it or just continue on with your bias view?
You often chastise me and others about Proof - whether the proof meets "form" standards is not the issue.