Late to the party BRO ELK

Plenty to learn from South's video - but if youre looking for tips for putting on 'mancara' , stick with BRO
That South video is certainly awesome. I tried to find more elk hunting videos from them and didn't see very many. I have to imagine it's easier to create one video every handful of years versus trying to create a video for each day of multiple hunts. This doesnt even seem like an apples to apples comparison as what they are each doing is completely different. I prefer seeing it all in daily videos than seeing some random video when somebody happens to get great footage.
Kody is the brains of the outfit. If he is running the camera the content is good. Now that Trent is proving most of the content the quality is suffering. He moves the camera way too much. If you watch him filming you can see that he is just holding it as he runs around. Steve takes poor shots. Watch his first Wyoming hunt and you will see what I mean. He seems to be high strung and it puts him in bad situations.

All in all the films are still good and informative. And you can't beat free. Its better than what's on TV anyday. I took my first trip to Wyoming in 2017 because of them. Got a bull the first day.
I've enjoyed their series over the last few years, but I agree with others that have commented about some of the bad shot selections. In fact, I just watched their "shots fired in Wy" video that came out a few days ago. I think they found a nitch market and a way to grow and hopefully be profitable while hunting. Because they have grown, they will now have to take the responsibly to know they are in the public eye a bit now.

I took the time to type out this comment after watching it:

"To the BRO crew....Id like to provide a bit of constructive criticism so I hope its taken that way. This video shows 2 scenes where yall were right by the road, guns out. In one of them, yall were setting up to shoot on the spike. in the second, yall are jumping out of the truck to head off the road to see if a legal elk is there to shoot. I think Wy rule is 30 feet off public roads, but im going off memory from my 2018 season. My feedback is simply that you may want to mention this in the videos or as a note at the bottom of the screen when things like this occur. We (as hunters) need to ensure the non hunting public is educated that we are doing what is legal. Your actions in this video could be severely misconstrued by some who don't take the time to look into it. As yall grow, more and more people are watching your videos. With this will come more responsibilities to think more BEFORE the shots. You have the popularity, now you have to really start thinking about what happens AFTER pulling the trigger or release. Ive seen a handful of bad shot decisions this year watching you series. I admire that yall are showing it the way it unfolds.....I really do. I agree bad shots can happen. But yall are going to start having to pass on more shot opportunities to ensure your sending the right message. I really hope yall take this as constructive because its intended that way I have truly enjoyed your video series that last few years and hope this comment only helps to make yall even better! I really am glad to see yall including some elk rifle content as well. Merry Christmas, and hope yall have a great winter!"
I agree with some of the criticism but I admit I watch it. I have met them on several occasions and can say, they are just what you see. Nice guys who like to hunt and fish. They spend time with their families and enjoy life. I think that's why I watch because they are the kind of guys I would hang out with. My.02