Late to the party BRO ELK

The hamblaster shot was A BAD SHOT. The guy missed the goodies and missed by A LOT on a moving elk.
He intentionally took the shot so yeah it was intentional. He damn sure should have been torn up about it.

Yeah, yeah... we all know stuff happens, but as much as those guys talk, they couldve just done a narrative...

Below is the video - go to 38:30 and start watching.
I wont even talk about the part seeing that dead elk look like a effin pin cushion when they walked up to it.

Like WapitiBob said above, that should have stayed on the cutting room floor.

I'd rather take a real experience than a filmed up pc one. Shit we had one bull end up with 6 arrows in it.

Steve's pretty well respected locally and is a killer.

They're not my favorite by any stretch, but better the flushin or some of the others.

Best hands down imho is Western Hunter when Nate Simmons is on screen.

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The hamblaster shot was A BAD SHOT. The guy missed the goodies and missed by A LOT on a moving elk.
He intentionally took the shot so yeah it was intentional. He damn sure should have been torn up about it.

Are you saying he intentionallly took a bad shot? If that's what your're implying., I'd argue that. He took a shot, like many do and stuff happens. When a guy turns around and looks sick, I'd say that's far from "Intentional"

I'd say they did a great job on recovery.
I won't watch hushin, some of the bro guys are ok, but Steve is a little hyper, and Ty is kind of scary sorry to say. Although Ty and newburgs toilet paper routine was funny. If like to see just Cody and Trent on a hunt and make it serious.
Im saying he didnt have take that shot, but he did. Want to argue that?

Can't argue that. Bad scenario all around. He should have held back.

BUT. How many regular dudes out there would have done the same thing? If I recall, Steve works a day job as a plumber. I appreciate them showing his fu#% up, his emotion after the fact, and the ending. A regular guy killed a giant bull.

Put 100 regular joe's out there and how many pull the trigger with a 330 bull in front of them? Put yourself in front of that bull with no cameras and shit running down your leg and what happens? Lie on the internet all you want, there's no telling how you would react in that moment.
Can't argue that. Bad scenario all around. He should have held back.

BUT. How many regular dudes out there would have done the same thing? If I recall, Steve works a day job as a plumber. I appreciate them showing his fu#% up, his emotion after the fact, and the ending. A regular guy killed a giant bull.

Put 100 regular joe's out there and how many pull the trigger with a 330 bull in front of them? Put yourself in front of that bull with no cameras and shit running down your leg and what happens? Lie on the internet all you want, there's no telling how you would react in that moment.

I don’t shoot moving elk. Honestly. Regardless of antler size.
They are partially responsible for me actually taking the dive to go West. I still haven't been elk hunting yet so my perspective is pretty limited. I do have a few thoughts about them though:

1) the first Land of the Free series was golden. It was a great eye opener for what's available on public land and relatively easy tag draws for me.

2) the content this year hasn't been a good as the past two years. I don't fault them for it, statistically it's bound to happen at some point. I have also found some of the extra episodes a little tedious. I assume tonight's episode will be another perspective of the pack out of the bull Zach from THP shot which doesnt really interest me. I'll probably have it on in the background tomorrow while doing something else.

3) I'm paying $0 for their content. For something that is free for me to watch, I dont really have much to complain about.

4) the Az bull bothered me. The first shot was bad. I'm glad they did all they could to recover and then put the bull down, but that's the absolute least you can do then. I've had shots that I wish I had back and then I've had freak things happen. That's a shot that I would want back. That was Steve's second bad shot of the year, counting the bull he hit in Wy. I don't doubt that he's torn up about it, but it doesn't excuse it.

5) I will continue to live vicariously through guys like them as I anticipate hunting elk on my own.
I stumbled on their videos about a year ago. Specifically their “Colorado backcountry elk hunt” from I think 2012. As a Pennsylvania whitetail guy I had never exposed myself to western hunting other than some meat eater episodes, but after seeing those videos I was hooked. Made my first trip west this September and will regularly be doing so plus a lot more destination hunting. They have way to much filler now that they’re running on the you tube platform where content is king it seems but there’re still good nuggets of info for the beginner and maybe just an eye opener for people in a spot like I was last year. I never like “reality” tv and to me their recent stuff kinda has that feel with all the bs. They seem to be an group of honest humans that found a niche that they can make a living from which I’m sure most guys commenting on this would love to have an opportunity to get paid to hunt (maybe minus all the bs of making content). I didn’t see the ham buster shot referenced above but if they screwed up I’m sure they knew it and I think is shows a lot about them to put it out there for everyone to sink their teeth in.
For those that think ‘real life content happens, and should be showed’ I’ll say this:

Lots of real life stuff happens everyday but that doesn’t mean everyone wants to watch it.

I think that elk deserved more respect than what they showed.
Ya know what? We don’t see Newberg or Elk101 showing that crap the BackRub Outdoors boys puts out there.

That should tell people something
Really? Watch newbergs 1st archery hunt and tell me where he drills that bull. And the elk101 guys cut a femoral last year that died on camera..... happens to the best of them it would appear. Thankfully you have an off button if you're this disgruntled
Like we’ve never been caught up in the moment and made bad decisions some that worked out.... some that didn’t.

Easy to sit here and say “I wouldn’t have shot”

Elk hunting is tough bad shots happen all the time, Cory at 101 isn’t immune he too had a rough period of missed and unrecovered elk.
This year I watched the Wyoming series of both born and raised and elk 101. They where ok. I just couldn’t get into the other states at all this year. I have always been annoyed by the hush videos but enjoyed them actually scouting before the season and seeing actual hunting going on. The bro crew comes off as we just threw a dart at a map and we get there and there is always magically elk bugling, no matter what time of season it is. I think they have intel that they don’t mention.

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I loved the first two seasons of Born and Raised and it may have been the final push I needed to go out west last fall.

This seasons feels like it’s done half ass in terms of video content. I just can’t understand why they would change from the formula that allowed them to quit day jobs and hunt and sell merch full time. “Go to the well until the well runs dry”

Those guys definitely seem to know their shit and I enjoyed them helping folks out this year but feel like there is just far less hunting content.

Hush doesn’t bother me. I like Newberg and Solo hunter a lot. Really like Remi, Tim Burnett and all the Elk101 stuff.

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The hamblaster shot was A BAD SHOT. The guy missed the goodies and missed by A LOT on a moving elk.
He intentionally took the shot so yeah it was intentional. He damn sure should have been torn up about it.

Yeah, yeah... we all know stuff happens, but as much as those guys talk, they couldve just done a narrative...

Below is the video - go to 38:30 and start watching.
I wont even talk about the part seeing that dead elk look like a effin pin cushion when they walked up to it.

Like WapitiBob said above, that should have stayed on the cutting room floor.

I don't remember watching this video. I like on the 3rd arrow he says "I smoked him". Sure did.
Everybody got opinions. (y)

First year BRO was great. Since then........meh.

I like the production quality Destination Elk is putting out this year.

BRO helping others out is pretty cool about their stuff this year.
I like how they show how tiring elk hunting can be. Bags under eyes, snooze button 2-3 times, and the crazy wind that we all have to deal with.