Returned yesterday from a NM elk hunt. Before you ask yes, killed a dink 5x5 the last day but had 4 close encounters with 330 to 360 bulls that were within 50 yards but there was no shot.
This was fully guided hunt. There were multiple camps and maybe 15 hunters in the various camps. They ranged from guys that had hunted elk for 30 plus years, to young guys who had taken plenty of animals with a bow but never elk hunted to guys who had never taken any animal with a bow. The outfitter had an amazing archery range at the lodge. Large block targets at many yardages as well as many 3D targets from elk, to pronghorn to deer to you name it including a lynx.
Lets keep this to my first original point. Just because your new 2024 bow with technology out the ying yang can shoot 100 yards DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN. I was there early and watched almost every hunter practice at the range. There were some great shots who were dialed in, knew they equipment and were well prepared. The majority had great equipment, but you could tell they just do not shoot often. If they could hit the large hexagon on the Block Field Logic target at 30 yards they were good. I did not say “hit is consistently”, I said hit it.
Here is the shot history. There were 3 guys that could shoot and killed bulls at over 50 yards. Admittedly one of them noted that he had killed 7 or 8 bulls and was super nervous making a 55 yards shot even though I saw him shoot consistent at 70. After the kill he still wondered if he was irresponsible taking the shot. Great gentleman and ethical hunter. They other two were capable as well.
Now for the rest of the story. The worst first. One guy launched prayers at 110 yards and 80 yards. Thank God they were clean misses. He could not figure why he missed. I could not resist. My question: “how often do you shoot”. Answer: “Well I take my bow to the best shop in town and get it tuned and ready about 3 weeks out, and shoot a few times a week the two weeks before I travel”. I watched him shoot before the hunt at 40 yards. He missed the entire Block 6x6 consistently 2 out of 4 times. I asked why he thought he could hit a bull at 110 and 80 based on the number of times I helped him look for arrows. He said: “I had to shoot”. Well not he did not have to shoot. Life was going to go on for him if he did not.
Two other hunters that shot better than he, but were not 50 yard shots wounded two bulls at over 70. To the one guys credit he stopped hunting and only looked for that bull for 5 days. The other guy continued on and did not get another shot.
I could give more details, but it would only be beating a dead horse. Lets just remember, that as bowhunters we are responsible for every arrow we launch. Self awareness is a trait that is often lost. Be aware of your current limitations and either work diligently to improve your skills or play the game within the boundaries you and and God have created for yourself based on your natural talent and time invested in practice and preparation. Be safe out there and good luck to everyone!
This was fully guided hunt. There were multiple camps and maybe 15 hunters in the various camps. They ranged from guys that had hunted elk for 30 plus years, to young guys who had taken plenty of animals with a bow but never elk hunted to guys who had never taken any animal with a bow. The outfitter had an amazing archery range at the lodge. Large block targets at many yardages as well as many 3D targets from elk, to pronghorn to deer to you name it including a lynx.
Lets keep this to my first original point. Just because your new 2024 bow with technology out the ying yang can shoot 100 yards DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN. I was there early and watched almost every hunter practice at the range. There were some great shots who were dialed in, knew they equipment and were well prepared. The majority had great equipment, but you could tell they just do not shoot often. If they could hit the large hexagon on the Block Field Logic target at 30 yards they were good. I did not say “hit is consistently”, I said hit it.
Here is the shot history. There were 3 guys that could shoot and killed bulls at over 50 yards. Admittedly one of them noted that he had killed 7 or 8 bulls and was super nervous making a 55 yards shot even though I saw him shoot consistent at 70. After the kill he still wondered if he was irresponsible taking the shot. Great gentleman and ethical hunter. They other two were capable as well.
Now for the rest of the story. The worst first. One guy launched prayers at 110 yards and 80 yards. Thank God they were clean misses. He could not figure why he missed. I could not resist. My question: “how often do you shoot”. Answer: “Well I take my bow to the best shop in town and get it tuned and ready about 3 weeks out, and shoot a few times a week the two weeks before I travel”. I watched him shoot before the hunt at 40 yards. He missed the entire Block 6x6 consistently 2 out of 4 times. I asked why he thought he could hit a bull at 110 and 80 based on the number of times I helped him look for arrows. He said: “I had to shoot”. Well not he did not have to shoot. Life was going to go on for him if he did not.
Two other hunters that shot better than he, but were not 50 yard shots wounded two bulls at over 70. To the one guys credit he stopped hunting and only looked for that bull for 5 days. The other guy continued on and did not get another shot.
I could give more details, but it would only be beating a dead horse. Lets just remember, that as bowhunters we are responsible for every arrow we launch. Self awareness is a trait that is often lost. Be aware of your current limitations and either work diligently to improve your skills or play the game within the boundaries you and and God have created for yourself based on your natural talent and time invested in practice and preparation. Be safe out there and good luck to everyone!