I agree, the parked truck is not the perfect analogy but it’s a lot closer than “apples to oranges”. Truck or tree stand - both personally owned pieces of equipmen. Leave a stand legally and I expect it to remain unoccupied just like my truck. Leave either illegally and I expect it to be reported, ticketed and/ or towed/removed.
When I park in a public area I know full well that Joe Public can park right next to me or just across the lot. If I left a stand on public hunting land I know full well that Joe Public can put a stand in the next tree over, or sit against the base of the tree my stand is in. I don’t feel like I have claimed the hunting land around my stand just like it doesn’t become my parking lot.
If I go out to hunt and somebody else is in the same location I will steer clear and let them enjoy their hunt, can’t imagine thinking I could run them off because I had a stand in the area. But if they are sitting in my stand I will ask them to please stop using my equipment.
Furthermore, where does the liability fall? If you judge my stand to be safe and climb in who is responsible when the strap breaks? Do you blame me and try to recover medical expenses? Do I blame you for breaking my stand and try to recover damages?