"I still get alot of buck fever and feel I
need to harvest as many animals as possible to calm that down.
Part of the allure to Kodiak was to get alot of killing in, in a short time.
All im saying is one deer isn't worth $5k to me.
The adventure just isn't worth the $5k
Doesn't have anything to do with the meat I just give deer meat away anyway.
I just want to kill the most animals per dollar."
I get all of what you typed because i've probably felt the same way at some point early in my hunting life as i moved from stage to stage, BUT man some of what you wrote makes me cringe as an Alaska hunter and sportsman. First, killing doesn't calm us down just like we soldiers never stop loving combat operations. The buck fever you experience is not bloodlust as much as it is lack of first hand experience making shot selections and self restricting opportunities to fill any and all tags in our pocket.
As an Alaskan hunter, by law, the meat is made most important and giving it away is not our MO. It validates your first priority of killing not for food but for bragging rights and jitters control. I encourage you to dig deeper for more of connection to the process.
Your last point of killing the most for less money makes me want to ask you to stay out of Alaska so you're not engaging the actual problem of perception here which influences state decisions to limit everyone else.
$5K for a deer hunt is stupid whether we shoot 1 or 3 bucks, but the meat in my freezer doesn't know what it costs to gather it and store it for the next year. When my wife goes with me on a moose float, the price goes from $5K to $10K for 500-lbs of meat and experience. Crazy town man.
The five stages of hunter development are:
- Shooting Stage.
- Limiting-Out Stage.
- Trophy Stage.
- Method Stage.
- Sportsman Stage.