Kill pictures from cartridges above 6.5 Creed???

Rifle 308 Baer
180gn Accubond 2960 fps MV

Photos from a hunt in the Kalahari region of Namibia. A lot of dead animal photos, but no necropsies. At the time of this hunt, I judged bullet performance on how the animal reacted to the shot. Was not so concerned with what the internal damage looked like.

Species - Gemsbok
Distance - 340 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - one shot, ran 20 paces & died. Recovered bullet from off side shoulder, under skin


Species - Springbok
Distance - 200 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - one shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 150 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 375 yards
Point of aim - On-side shoulder
Outcome - Shot was with the ram facing towards me. I aimed for the off side shoulder, intending to angle the shot through the chest, however impact was a little forward, hitting the neck. One shot with animal dropping on the spot.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 150 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Gemsbok
Distance - 150 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - Shot was facing into the setting sun on the horizon. POI was intended to be the shoulder, but hit in neck. One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 350 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - The ram was ranged as 320 yards. At the shot the animal dropped on the spot but was still moving. Actual distance was found to be 350 yards, with bullet impacting legs below the rib cage. Bullet passed through. Animal was dispatched with knife to base of skull.

Namibia hunt continued...

Species - Steenbok
Distance - 100 yards
Point of aim - angled shot at on-side rear leg
Outcome - One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed from on-side ham, to off-side shoulder and exited.


Species - Gemsbok
Distance - 300 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - Animal was ranged as being at 380 yards. POI was intended to be the shoulder, but hit high due to being 80 yards closer than the data used, and to the left of intended POI due to not holding enough wind. Impact was between the eyes with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 435 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - Wind was stronger than estimated, pushing the bullet 6" further horizontally, impacting the neck and dropping the animal on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Gemsbok
Distance - 380 yards
Point of aim - High shoulder
Outcome - Distance was originally called as 300 yards. Point of aim was high shoulder, but due to extra distance, hit was lower vertically, impacting the heart & lungs. One shot, with animal going several paces before expiring. Bullet was recovered in off side of chest.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 518 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - Wind was stronger than estimated, pushing the bullet 6" further horizontally, impacting the neck and dropping the animal on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 220 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Species - Springbok
Distance - 100 yards
Point of aim - centre of shoulder
Outcome - One shot with animal dropping on the spot. Bullet passed through.


Recovered bullets. Two from my Gemsbok bulls & the third from a springbok shot by a friend. The third bullet penetrated the springbok from rear to front, and was found under the skin.

150g EldX handload going about 2,700fps on impact out of my 280AI. Exit wound. He tried to run w/o lungs, but I blew one of his legs off right at the "knee" as he tried to get away.

I guess I will jump in on this.

Rifle: Tikka semi-custom. PBB 21" Light Palma contour, Manners EH1-TK stock, Maven RS1.2 scope.
Cartridge: 338 Sherman Mega
Bullet: 225 grain Accubond
MV: 2905 fps

Species: Nilgai Bull
Distance: 203 yards
Point of Aim: White patch on neck. It was back in the brush right at dark and that is the only opening I had
Outcome: Dropped right where he was standing. No exit.


Species: Nilgai Cow
Distance: 22 yards
Point of Aim: Right up front leg, lower 1/3
Outcome: A couple inches further back than expected, but it was a quick, off-hand shot as she stepped into a fire lane as we were stalking into a larger field. She ran about 18 yards and died. Bullet passed through.


Species: Feral Hog
Distance: 134 yards
Point of aim: Rear ham with the expectation of full penetration and entry into second hog. They were lined up with the brown one pretty much butt to me and the black one broadside behind it.
Outcome: Complete pass-through on the brown hog, entry right in front of the onside ham and exiting right at the offside eye socket. Entry into the black hog just in front of the onside shoulder and exited the base of the neck. Brown one dropped where it stood. Black one flopped a couple of steps and dropped.


Whitetail shot with my 270win with 130 SST factory rounds. About 110 yards. Don't know impact velocity. Down after a short 10-15 yard kick and sprint. Destroyed both lungs.

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Black bear, 300nmi 245 berger, 576 yds. Impact slightly behind shoulder, exit same location. Pictured is the exit. Bear ran 30yds and piled up.
Black bear, 338 Lapua with 300 OTM with trimmed meplat. 500yds, exit wound shown…large enough to fit the snout through. Beer made it 20-30yds and piled up. Impact and exit about 5-6” behind shoulder.
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7mag 154 gr sst 512 yds canyon ledge to the wall on the other side mountain goat elk hunt..took 2 hrs to get to him


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Black bear, 300 WSM 208 ELD-M. 250 yards. Dropped at shot. 2.5" -3" wound channel and exit.20200919_181219.jpg20200919_194257.jpg

Black bear, 300 WSM 208 ELD-M. 925 yards. Hit in back of head, bear was facing away uphill and had drug a carcass down closer. Bullet didn't exit, bear dropped at the shot.20201008_083842.jpg

Mule deer. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. 725 yards. Bedded quartering to on the first shot, hit near the last rib. Bullet traveled into the ham and shattered the femur. Second shot was broadside laying down behind shoulder. 2.5" wound channel through.

Coues deer. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. 400 yards. Buck was quartered away, bullet entered between the last rib and hindquarter and stopped under the offside shoulder. Ran about 70 yards before going down.

Black bear, 300 WSM 208 ELD-M. 1170 yards. Both entrance and exit are visible. Exit was around 1.5" diameter. Spine was almost completely severed, bear dropped and rolled straight down hill. Required a finishing shot at recovery.

Black bear, 300 WSM. 200 yards. Hit was high through the spine, bear dropped at the shot. 3" diameter wound channel. Required a finishing shot at recovery.
Bull elk. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. 525 yards. All three hits were low and forward, all exited. 1.5"-2" wound channels. Bull stumbled about 25 yards from site of first shot.

Whitetail buck. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. 525 yards. Hit in base of neck, dropped on the spot. 1.25" exit.

Black bear. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. 725 yards. Entrance 2/3 up behind shoulder, exit 1/3 up behind shoulder. 2" exit. Bear ran 40 yards before dropping and rolling.

Whitetail buck, 825 yards. 300 WSM, 208 ELD-M. Facing steep downhill, entrance between shoulder blades, no exit. 2.5" wound channel. Dropped at shot.
Some African stuff too, sorry no good wound channel pics.

Bushbuck, 7mm RM 168 HVLD. 120 yards. Quartered away, entrance at last rib. No exit. Dropped at shot.

11' Crocodile. 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. Shot in the top of the head, took a 2" wide channel across the top of the skull. That's just barely visible in the picture. Flopped around a bit but didn't really move from the spot.

Red Hartebeast. 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. 150 yards. Behind shoulder, no exit. Ran 30 yards and went down.

Blesbok, 150 yards. 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. Entrance behind shoulder, no exit. Ran 20 yards

Blue wildebeast. 250 yards. 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. Entrance in shoulder, no exit. Ran less than 50 yards.

Impala, 150 yards. Entrance on shoulder, small exit (1.5"). 7mm RM 168 HVLD. Dropped at shot.

Bull giraffe, 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. 115 yards. Shot in head, dropped immediately. Bullet didn't exit.

Black wildebeast. 7mm RM, 168 HVLD. 350 yards. Entrance behind shoulder, no exit. Ran 50 yards.

Springbok. 250 yards, 7mm RM 168 HVLD. Dropped at shot. Small (1.5") exit.

Blesbok. 300 WSM, 168 TTSX. Entrance and exit behind shoulder, ran 50 yards.
Last one from the big caliber days. I have some videos of some animals too that I may post. The African animals are a mix of mine, my dad's, and my brother's. The big whitetail buck is a buddy's shot with my rifle.

Red lechwe. 300 WSM, 168 TTSX. 300 yards. Hit once in the shoulder, once in the neck, once in the hindquarter. All exited, small wound channels. Ran a total of about 80 yards.
My overall summary of this experience with large calibers is that they don't do anything the 6.5CM/6UM rifles I've hunted with don't, except recoil more. They worked well and could be shot reasonable well in the field, but presented no quantifiable advantage. The 6UM that replaced the 300 WSM/208 ELD-M combo above is superior in terms of external ballistics, equal terminal ballistics, the shooter gets to watch everything happen in the scope, and follow up shots are quicker.
.308 Win, factory 175 terminal ascent ammo. First shot was a frontal at about 15-20 yds. Dropped to his knees at the shot, but jumped up and ran. I thought the shot was a winner for sure, but when I began to blood trail 20 minutes later he stood up in his bed about 75 yds from the initial shot. Shot him broadside two more times from about 15 yds and he went down for good. When breaking him down, it turns out my first shot never entered the cavity. It went behind his shoulder and ran under the skin against the ribs and stopped at the very last rib.


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Nice bull and glad it ended successfully.

That’s a crazy looking mane on that thing.
Maybe just how he’s laying?
Maybe a bit of how he was laying in that picture. It did seem very thick to me though. I had just chalked it up to it being late October. I’ve only ever shot bulls in September before this one.


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