Kifaru Nomad User Reviews

wooohoo mine just arrived. I got the highlander. I like the looks of the mandrake, but in the desert I live in nothing is that green after about june 1st haha. PS: another vote for green straps

Hmmm...mine is on order in highlander. Not due til mid April. I wonder if there are any mandrake duplex frames to be built?? That may change things...On the other hand I may stick with the ASAT philosophy: never seen a green rabbit, calf elk, or antelope and they can be pretty hard to see. There must be something to those muted browns, tans, etc....but I am torn. My eyes like a little green in the camo spectrum. It's intuitive, I guess.
I got my Nomad today and so far it looks great. The only thing I need to figure out is the how to attach the bottom 1/2 of the top lid. Where are you guys going to connect it in that configuration? I am thinking about tying them into the loops at the bottom of the frame where the grab-it ties in.
Glad I saw this thread. Been tossing around the idea for the nomad. Something between my 4800 and spike camp. Mandrake just made my decision a lot easier. Wish I would have known about the grab it 2 in mandrake before, but oh well.

Aron, maybe this question was asked before, but will the side pockets that the videos show for the water bladder hold a full 6L Msr, or will only the 4L fit when full?
One thing I can see will frustrate me with the nomad is not being able to quickly get to things I want to grab on the go. Gloves, face mask, snacks, range finder... The wings make it easy to get to things like spotter, jacket, bladder but the little things will be either behind the wing so you have to unbuckle or stuffed deep into the wings and you sort have to fish them out.

I wish that on each wing were you have the top lid that you can quickly rip open that each of those lids had a zippered pocket on top of it. It would be a perfect place to stuff the types of items I mentioned. Anyway I got some waist belt pockets coming, hopefully that solves my problems. If not I may have to try a lid.
That same concern held back me from ordering a nomad. When I heard the camp bag would arrive with a dual zipper, that triggered me to make the purchase that same evening. With a dual zipper camp bag, the grab-it II, 2 small belt pouches and the long hunter lid, I'll have all the organization I need. Hopefully. I also have an Alaskan Guide Creations chest pack for my binoculars that has built in room for extra storage. I should be set with this setup.
Glad I saw this thread. Been tossing around the idea for the nomad. Something between my 4800 and spike camp. Mandrake just made my decision a lot easier. Wish I would have known about the grab it 2 in mandrake before, but oh well.

Aron, maybe this question was asked before, but will the side pockets that the videos show for the water bladder hold a full 6L Msr, or will only the 4L fit when full?

Holds a 6 liter no problem.
Yeah, belt pouches will do you fine. Also, it seems many including myself are going with a longhunter lid which would provide quick access to stuff like that.
One thing I can see will frustrate me with the nomad is not being able to quickly get to things I want to grab on the go. Gloves, face mask, snacks, range finder... The wings make it easy to get to things like spotter, jacket, bladder but the little things will be either behind the wing so you have to unbuckle or stuffed deep into the wings and you sort have to fish them out.

I wish that on each wing were you have the top lid that you can quickly rip open that each of those lids had a zippered pocket on top of it. It would be a perfect place to stuff the types of items I mentioned. Anyway I got some waist belt pockets coming, hopefully that solves my problems. If not I may have to try a lid.

Call me

Brown Truck just dropped mine off! Second guessing my color choice (foilage) but all of my other stuff is foilage so I guess it will have to work. Can't wait to play with this thing.
Brown Truck just dropped mine off! Second guessing my color choice (foilage) but all of my other stuff is foilage so I guess it will have to work. Can't wait to play with this thing.

What part are you 2nd guessing? I ordered a foliage nomad since I was told it would match my optifade the best. I admit to being nervous since I haven't seen one with my own eyes before.
Foliage is my favorite color. On my second kifaru foliage pack now. Goes with with just about everything and it doesn't change with the camo fads. Just my opinion though.