Kifaru Nomad User Reviews

Run them up the middle, between the wings. You can also use the Grab It. The best is running it up the middle in your situation.
One thing that hit me right away that maybe Aron can answer. I am kind a lost on what to do with the lid. The only straps that can connect come from the bottom of the Nomad panel and that is what Aron crosses to hold stuff in in the videos. However, when I tried this initially, it would really tend to want to pull the lid in a twisting fashion to the center. The other option is as pictured where those straps just run up the sides of that middle bag. I guess I should go watch the videos again.
That's awesome! I might just have to convert my entire order! Mandrake looks like a good color for spring turkey and early fall.
I REALLY like this thing....Gonna have to order a Gun Cradle and maybe a back pouch. Really exited to test this on its maiden voyage: A spring AK Brown bear hunt. This maybe a perfect pack for that hunt as I will be carrying a rifle and snow shoes.
Aron, when you get a chance can you throw some pics up of a mandrake nomad on a highlander patterned frame. I am interested in the contract of the two patterns. I have a highlander frame already. Thanks.
Just tried, but the lighting sucks. I'll try and get some up tomorrow.
Aron, when you get a chance can you throw some pics up of a mandrake nomad on a highlander patterned frame. I am interested in the contract of the two patterns. I have a highlander frame already. Thanks.
1st impression after putting the nomad on the bikini frame and looking it all over is---WOW this is for sure got to be the most versatile pack--can't wait to use it scouting!
Is there going to be this much excitement over the EMRII when it comes out? I'm getting a Barneys with a custom bag made right now, but I still like the idea of the Nomad/EMRII that I can crank down to a daypack size for deer hunts and short jaunts. It's fun reading all the reviews and ideas on the Nomad, but the EMRII is also on my radar...anyone planning on getting one of those, or is the Nomad king?
Is there going to be this much excitement over the EMRII when it comes out? I'm getting a Barneys with a custom bag made right now, but I still like the idea of the Nomad/EMRII that I can crank down to a daypack size for deer hunts and short jaunts. It's fun reading all the reviews and ideas on the Nomad, but the EMRII is also on my radar...anyone planning on getting one of those, or is the Nomad king?

My EMR II has been on order for a few weeks now. Can't wait!
There's been a bunch of guys that ordered the EMR II, but a ton of guides got them too.

I think the EMR II scares people when they hear 8,400 CI, but when they see it in person, they order one. Deeznuts was going to get the Nomad, but he got a good look at the EMR II today and ordered it instead.

My EMR II has been on order for a few weeks now. Can't wait!
Is there going to be this much excitement over the EMRII when it comes out? I'm getting a Barneys with a custom bag made right now, but I still like the idea of the Nomad/EMRII that I can crank down to a daypack size for deer hunts and short jaunts. It's fun reading all the reviews and ideas on the Nomad, but the EMRII is also on my radar...anyone planning on getting one of those, or is the Nomad king?

I think most of the AK guys went with the EMR II.
Aron, hats off to you, fielding all these questions and requests. Holy buckets- dropping the m word (mandrake) into this thread sure made things lively. Good for you and good for kifaru. This captive audience is all ears for innovation and options. I am sure customer service will be busy "adjusting" orders and sorting all this out.
There's been a few swap-outs for Mandrake, but we didn't make many, so they're going to be sold out by tomorrow I bet. I took one first thing:), so I didn't help any with that!
Aron, hats off to you, fielding all these questions and requests. Holy buckets- dropping the m word (mandrake) into this thread sure made things lively. Good for you and good for kifaru. This captive audience is all ears for innovation and options. I am sure customer service will be busy "adjusting" orders and sorting all this out.