Kifaru Nomad User Reviews

I didn't think I would have to modify my kifaru ever but definitely didn't like the way the bottom of the nomad hooked up. I sewed on 2 upward pulling tab loops above the common loop tab. I didn't like the upward pull on the downward tabs and this allows the bottom, original tab loops to be more available for a grabit or open-ended buckle.
PM me your email address. Photobucket is on the outs for me right now. I will take some pics and send them to you that way, if that works for you.
mt100gr. sent me these pics of the mod he made to his Duplex frame to attach the bottom of the Nomad. I like this and may do something similar.

I can't tell for sure if the Bikini is different. The way I have it attached, they do pull upstream, but the grab-it still attaches and works.

So far I like the way the long pocket fits down there the best

I attached the top of the long pocket with repair buckles to the Nomad strap and the bottom with k connectors to the very bottom tabs on the frame.

Yep. Long pocket side zip is the one for that spot. I just stash my grabit in the long pocket as I will likely have to reconfigure the whole mess if a need for the grabit comes into play...not a bad problem to have usually.
I am actually finding that the original grab-it with 3 bar sliders on each end works great. I can put the bottom of the grab-it in the D rings that are at the bottom of the Nomad panel, and the 3 bar sliders on the top straps of the grab-it go into the D rings on the top of the frame. I may not even use the grab-it though, the compression straps seem to work just fine.
I am so close to having the money for my nomad setup its painful!! Money is tight these days so a big purchase is hard to swallow but this is one thing that this guy has to have!!
I have a Nomad on order and as Bart Scott said "Can't Wait!". Anyone loaded up the Nomad and attached their bow yet?

Yoter, I don't know if anyone else has tried it but I got a gun bearer with my Nomad and I tried it out with my bow. I works awesome with the it attached to my hip belt. I placed my cam in the sling and then attached the riser to the shoulder strap. Totally hands free bow stays locked in place and can be deployed fast.
Yep. Long pocket side zip is the one for that spot. I just stash my grabit in the long pocket as I will likely have to reconfigure the whole mess if a need for the grabit comes into play...not a bad problem to have usually.

I did the same the with a Medium Pod. Perfect size for this location and adds additional CI's. Holds my bag, pad and pillow and can be released quickly when converting to daypack.