Kifaru Nomad User Reviews

When you put your spotter on one side and tripod on the other, how much more space would you guess you have left?
In the pictures it looks like a spotter and tripod would fill the two pockets pretty good. I though a lid would be needed for other non sleep system stuff like rain gear, possibles pouch, kill kit, etc.
When you put your spotter on one side and tripod on the other, how much more space would you guess you have left?
In the pictures it looks like a spotter and tripod would fill the two pockets pretty good. I though a lid would be needed for other non sleep system stuff like rain gear, possibles pouch, kill kit, etc.

A TON!!! This was my original concern as well, that is why i got the longhunter lid. As it turns out, even after i put my zeiss 85mm diascope in zipperless sleeve, you still have almost the full volume available in the zippered area, plus the bungee pocket at the bottom. You wont find a spotter bigger than that one and i am already thinking the longhunter will rarely get used for day stuff because even with no other pockets there is tons of CI available.

Agree with squeek - there is plenty of room in the "slot" pockets with spotter, tripod, ground pad with room for more. Have not gotten this pack into the field yet but I will say there is a bit of a learning curve with this thing because of all the options. It took me a couple time packing and re-configuring before I found a decent set up and I think that will only get better with more use. I have no doubt this pack will grow on me and will only get better with time.
View attachment 14475View attachment 14475 Finally got somewhat of attachment system down for my crossbow for the nomad. Of course when I get into hunting for the fall I am sure something will change. This pack is insane!! I thought my eberlestock was big but I just put everything in the nomad and still had some space leftover. I am in love and it is comfortable!!!!!!!!!!! Aron is the man to talk to about packs. I couldn't be happier!!
Anybody else notice that Kifaru's hanging water bladder has been pulled from the website? was just about to order...hope its not gone for good!
I have been playing with my Nomad for 2 days now. Versatile is an understatement. Until I get a serious "system" worked out, I am not sure I will ever load it or strap it down the same way, twice.

It's a really well thought out design though. I am excited to put it to use this spring.
Has anyone attached a climbing treestand yet?

I have an EMR II in order but if a Summit Viper stand can be rigged to the Nomad I may have to pick one up as well for whitetail season.
I used the Nomad on a turkey hunt today, and it worked slick to carry my turkey blind. With the new model grab-it extended down so the bottom of the blind would extend ~10" below the bottom of the frame and the blind slid in between my LH lid and the frame to hold the top 1/2 in place, the blind carried pretty nice. And with most packs, the bag would be in the way of the blind, but with the Nomad you can stuff the wings and keep them out of the way of the blind. For those of you who have strapped a blind to a pack, you will appreciate there is no perfect way to carry it - but this was as good as it gets.
Has anyone attached a climbing treestand yet?

I have an EMR II in order but if a Summit Viper stand can be rigged to the Nomad I may have to pick one up as well for whitetail season.

The Viper would easily attach to the nomad, next time I get out to my shop I'll grab my viper stand and snap some pics but I easily did it with an X2 and the nomad has more options.
I got my Nomad in the mail a week or two ago and have used it nearly everyday since. I love it. View attachment 14899By the end of Friday I had 7 horns loaded on it and it holds them great for a long pack out. Also, I am able to load all my fishing gear in the pockets; such as rods, reels, and tackle trays; it all fits perfectly in the sleeves. I ended up forgetting my fillet knife at home and had to stuff a couple limits of Walleye in the pockets for the pack out. Now it kinda smells like fish, anyone know the best way to wash these packs? Wash machine or outside hose?
I used the Nomad on a turkey hunt today, and it worked slick to carry my turkey blind. With the new model grab-it extended down so the bottom of the blind would extend ~10" below the bottom of the frame and the blind slid in between my LH lid and the frame to hold the top 1/2 in place, the blind carried pretty nice. And with most packs, the bag would be in the way of the blind, but with the Nomad you can stuff the wings and keep them out of the way of the blind. For those of you who have strapped a blind to a pack, you will appreciate there is no perfect way to carry it - but this was as good as it gets.
It's also very easy to convert the "grab-it version 1" into the newer "grab-it II" for anyone that didn't know. You just need two k-connectors, and more importantly two ladder-locs and two pieces of webbing with tri-glides on one end.