Keep or sell?


Mar 26, 2018
I'm just looking for opinions here. I have 2 pack systems and I'm trying to decide whether it's worth keeping both, or selling one.

I have an almost 3 year old Kifaru Reckoning on the Hunter Duplex frame. I have never warmed to it (and yes, I am aware that that is borderline heresy on this site lol). It just has never felt comfortable (I HATE the huge lumbar pad). My other issue is that I'm more of an OCD organizer kinda guy, and having just a big empty sack that you have to strap pockets to just doesn't appeal like I thought it might. All this being said, I have NOT had the pleasure of weighing it down with meat yet, for what that's worth.

Fast forward to this spring and I pulled the trigger on a full Kuiu set-up. I know they don't get much love... but so far I love it. I've taken it on one overnight trip pretty weighed down (close to 50 lbs... my lack of ultra lite capabilities could be another thread) and never had an issue with comfort or fit. I know durability is the knock that you read about on the interweb, but it seems like it's well made. I absolutely love the organization.

I don't hunt every day from September to December, so it's not like I'll be tearing either one of these apart from overuse. Most years so far I've only been out in the field about 15-20 days total.

So, would you keep the Kifaru as a back up or lender? Or would you sell it and never look back?
Used Kifaru’s bring the cheese it seems like. Kinda tough to justify keeping a bunch of money tied up in a ‘loaner’ pack.

I am a fan of having redundancy, but not necessarily with packs - I think KUIU has done a solid job with their new packs (don’t hear about frames breaking, and mine was decently quiet)
Your decision seems pretty clear and easy - I did the exact opposite and went from KUIU to Kifaru - sold the KUIU - to each their own - nothing wrong with having a KUIU set up if it fits and you like it.
I keep an extra pack on deck but that doesn't make it logical. I would sell the kifaru and pick up a used exo, SG, or SO. You might find you like one better than your Kuiu pack.

I bought the rokslide kifaru hype a little while back and bought a duplex frame. It was less comfortable without weight and didn't handle weight as comfortably as my exo. Sure, they work great for others but that doesn't mean it's a good fit for you.
Life is too short to keep a pack that you never warmed up too no matter what anyone else says. I thought the kuiu system looked good but I have not tried one yet. Good inside organizer pockets, Zips open all the way around, some outside pockets. I could like a pack with those things.
I would hold on to it until you’ve had a chance to put some weight in that Kuiu. I really liked my Kuiu pack until I had 2 boned out blacktail bucks and my camp loaded in it. Once it was loaded up that sucker squeaked like crazy! After that even under a light load of 20 pounds it squeaked and drove me nuts. I bought the Reckoning and couldn’t be happier. I guess if you really don’t like the layout that’s one thing but I’d load that Kuiu up with a heavy load and see what happens after a few miles.
IT sounds like you haven't spent much time with a pack on your back. Either way, only you can answer the question of selling the Kifaru. There is a good bit of money setting there for a pack to use as back up. But, there is also a good bit of money setting there to replace if you sell it before you ensure you don't like it.

Here is what I would do personally if I did not need the money. I would load up one after ensuring it is fitted correctly, with about 40 pounds and train with it for 2-3 weeks. Then I'd switch to the other with the exact same load and duration. Do this and see where you are. If you don;t have a use for your second choice, dump it and don;t lok back.

FWIW, I own both brands you do and like the KUIU system very well. Good luck and God Bless
Has the reckoning even been out for 2 years??? I got a fulcrum when they first came out and that was not even 2 full years ago.
Personally - I'd sell both.

Then I'd be looking at the newer Kifaru lite frame with a different bag, or a Stone Glacier, maybe an Exo... I haven't used the Kuiu, but the general consensus seems to be great clothing, mid-grade pack that isn't in the same league as some of the others.
My opinion. The Kifaru doesn't work for you. Who cares what others say. Call Kifaru and see if they can help - or sell it. Hype doesn't make it comfortable. And an uncomfortable pack isn't a good backup either. (And yes, I'm a dedicated Kifaru fan.)

The advice on adding weight to the Kuiu is good.

If your Kuiu doesn't work, check out all the other big names. You'll find something that works. Best of luck.
Thank you all for the replies. Very much appreciate the other points of view.

To touch on a couple points guys mentioned. I have loaded both up to about 80lbs. While I’m not a fan of carrying that much weight, period, the Kuiu seemed more comfortable. Again- I think the smaller lumbar pad plays a role for me. And interestingly, the Kifaru’s Uber-lumbar pad has squeaked and driven me crazy since day one.

The Reckoning has been worn in the field on a 4 day mule deer hunt, multiple weekends of spring bear hunting, and multiple days of blacktail deer and Roosevelt elk hunting. I think I’ve given it a fair shake except for the meat hauling.

Thinhorn, you are correct in that the reckoning has only been out since early 2017. I had the dates wrong in my head. So the pack is actually only 2 years old.

I think I’ve made my decision and am going to have to look for a good home for the reckoning. If the Kuiu falls apart, as some seem to think it will, they have a lifetime warranty that I’ll have to test. They actually did replace a pair of Chinook pants that started to delaminates after about 5 years, so I know that they do try to work with people. Plus, if it breaks that’ll give me a reason to look at a SG or Exo lol. Thanks again guys!!
I think Zap is right, life's too short to keep things hanging around that you're not going to use. I sounds like you've given the Kifaru what you feel is a fair shake. And as others have said, used Kifaru's bring a decent price. Even though I'm a big Kifaru fan I'd sell it and concentrate on the things you enjoy.
I should close this out. I sold the kifaru. I listed it as a package deal and priced it reasonably . I mean, I did use the set up for a while, so asking near to full price seemed ridiculous. It sold 4 minutes after I posted it. Glad it’s gone to a good home where it will be run hard and enjoyed.