Just Got Scammed on Hunttalk. Need some help/ Warning @Grud

Currently having a suspicious interaction on HT. Pretty sure it's a scam but figured I would ask on here. I did post a WTB thread recently for these.

100% that is a scammer.
Hunt talk is un regulated clown show. There has been fraud on there for years And Randy refuses to anything about it
Here's my method for spending when I don't know the person.

I ask them to call me on the phone when they have the item in hand. I get a conversation going and inquire where they are.....at work, in a shop, house....etc.

While I am on the phone I ask them to text me a picture of the exact item sitting on top of an item that should be present in their location.....a bath towel, dinner plate, tool....whatever.

If they cannot or will not,I'm out. It's hard to photo fake while on the line.
Anyone who uses "kindly" is a GD scammer. Bottom line

I’ve dropped this bit of knowledge before and I’ll do it again:

The reason the Nigerian price emails were riddled with spelling errors and grammatical issues isn’t because they’re Nigerian - they were doing it to weed out the people who weren’t dumb enough to fall for their scheme. Any replies they got were a likely mark and worth spending their time talking to.

Kindly is another word that’s popped up within the last few years. I get supposed credit card emails from banks I have a card with offering different specials/limit increases/etc and every damn time the word kindly is shoehorned in there somewhere.

It’s a sad state what dealing online is coming to. You never know who’s out to scam you.
Might be the same DirtBag that scammed me on SCH Outdoors re: Zeiss binoculars. I got my bank involved and was reimbursed and they pursued the case...
Scammers are everywhere and anywhere hobby gear is B/S/T. I bet i flag 20 profiles a week on Sitka and Decoy trading pages on FB.
If you paid through paypal, they have a reputation for not refunding monies when tbe evidence supports a refund. You got great advice earlier in this thread; if you payed through paypal with a credit card (you always should) use your credit cards consumer protections, you will be refunded.
Looks like he is also on Long Range Hunting Forum!

His cell number or phone number did noty pop up under people search or any other site.
We need some top level hackers to go scammer hunting for the good of all! If there was only a way for that to be profitable...
If you paid through paypal, they have a reputation for not refunding monies when tbe evidence supports a refund. You got great advice earlier in this thread; if you payed through paypal with a credit card (you always should) use your credit cards consumer protections, you will be refunded.
I’ve been scammed by a buyer from PayPal, guy said the pack I sent wasn’t acceptable and I had to lose about 1/2 the profits, fighting it went nowhere:/
I just about got taken a couple weeks ago when I tried to buy a muzzleloader shotgun. I asked the seller to send me a picture of the shotgun on a rolled up towel on the bathroom floor. The seller responded that he was working out of town and would get back to me when he returned. I told him no problem I will request a different picture scenario that he can send me as we're in conversation. Shockingly that never took place. I also contacted a buyer from another post this guy had that was marked sold. I asked the buyer if his transaction went smoothly. This buyer had nothing but buying history and oddly knew a hell of a lot about the seller and his travel habits......so I look up the address that I was supposed to send a check....Shockingly again it's a vacant apartment for sale in miami.
