Just Announced - Leica Geovid Pro 8x32 & 10x32

Um, it’s Friday… ;):cool:
Hey, I answered handwerk’s question because it was quick. Honestly I’m overwhelmed there is so much to see. I will post my thoughts this evening when I have time to collect my thoughts. Thanks for keeping me honest 😉

Did you have a specific question you would like me to ask?
Nah, just excited hear folks opinions! Take your time!

I guess I’d like to hear how these RF binos compare to non-RF of the same size/zoom. Obviously can’t be same brand, but just in general. When you look through the glass is there an obvious difference. I use Swaro 8x30s and love them for hunting in the mountains. If I can get RF with equal viewing capability that would be a winner.
Nah, just excited hear folks opinions! Take your time!

I guess I’d like to hear how these RF binos compare to non-RF of the same size/zoom. Obviously can’t be same brand, but just in general. When you look through the glass is there an obvious difference. I use Swaro 8x30s and love them for hunting in the mountains. If I can get RF with equal viewing capability that would be a winner.
I looked at the Pros last week at the sheep show. They are a lot bigger than my 8x32 Ultravids were. Much closer in size to the 42mm HD-Bs than I was anticipating. They are still awesome, just a little different than I had pictured in my mind.
Hey, I answered handwerk’s question because it was quick. Honestly I’m overwhelmed there is so much to see. I will post my thoughts this evening when I have time to collect my thoughts. Thanks for keeping me honest 😉

Did you have a specific question you would like me to ask?
Okay. 11:15 pm pst and I’m finally sitting down after a long day on the feet. Out of all the booths I visited I spent the most time at Leica. They were well staffed and able to answer all of my questions despite my skepticism. I’ll save you the long story and just list the facts I walked away with.

The eyecups on the 8x and 10x pros are the same size as previous HD-Bs and .coms. They said they have been getting that question a lot for the reasons handwerk mentioned above.

Effective range of 2500 yards in both magnifications.

They look big by them selves but when set next to HD-Bs you can see the size difference. Mainly a bit over an inch shorter and smaller barrels.

They feel much lighter but that could be psychological because I’m used to the size and weight of the larger model.

They said no major improvement in the glass, coatings, or performance over previous models. The “improvements” are in the technology.

I questioned why they don’t work with OnX. They said be patient. It takes time for two big companies to work stuff out. I took that as they are working on it and OnX will be an option in the near future.

This is where I disappoint some people. I did not look through them for the purpose of rating the glass. The venue is indoor and isn’t large enough to see any great distance and the led high bay lights were over powering and far from natural conditions outdoor. Therefore I decided not to evaluate them optically because the evaluation would be meaningless. I did look through them and the red square is now a red circle🤷‍♂️. One other thing I noticed is the led display seems to be thinner and more difficult to read, although you can still read it. Again I’m used to the previous model. Think of it like a line you draw in word or adobe, when you reduce the “weight” of the line it gets thinner. The display is definitely thinner. The numbers are tall as before, just lighter weight. Clear as mud I know.

Then there was the nocto vids. I saw them for the first time in person. I’m in love 😻. Let’s just say I placed a pre order for an 8x geo pro with one of the RS sponsors and now I’m considering switching to a nocto and separate range finder. I don’t ever see myself using the pro as primary glass when ultras and noctos have noticeably better views. My mind isn’t made up though. I’m going back by the booth tomorrow for another look.

As for Doug, no sightings yet. I didn’t see cameraland on the list of exhibitors. He could be lurking around but I don’t know what he looks like anyway 😂.
I see they with give a solution to 875 yards with the installed Applied Ballistics lite and are upgradable to the full AB package. Does the upgrade apply to the binos as a stand alone and give solutions past 1k or is it still dependent on pairing to a Kestrel or the new app?
I did look through them and the red square is now a red circle🤷‍♂️. One other thing I noticed is the led display seems to be thinner and more difficult to read, although you can still read it. Again I’m used to the previous model. Think of it like a line you draw in word or adobe, when you reduce the “weight” of the line it gets thinner. The display is definitely thinner. The numbers are tall as before, just lighter weight. Clear as mud I know.
The Geovid 3200.com display brightness is adjustable - I'm guessing the Geovid Pro is the same.

Perhaps the units you evaluated were set to a low led level which would make the display appear thin and difficult to read?
I see they with give a solution to 875 yards with the installed Applied Ballistics lite and are upgradable to the full AB package. Does the upgrade apply to the binos as a stand alone and give solutions past 1k or is it still dependent on pairing to a Kestrel or the new app?
The binos come with AB lite. For ~$150 more you can upgrade to the full AB. It can be stand alone or paired with your other devices.
Thanks for your review.

When you were looking through them…were they easy to get behind? No blackouts, non critical eye placement, etc…
After a second day of playing with them: Keep in mind I’m use to the HD-Bs. The eye placement was different on the pros than what I’m use to on the HDs. Although different it didn’t take long to get use to. After a few minutes I could bring them up into place with no issues. I found that being smaller that my right index finger doesn’t go right to the button. I have to search for it. It actually feels weird but it’s probably due to my finger being use to the larger body of the HDs. I also find I can’t use the same grip as I do on the HDs- I hold them on the straight part of the barrel. With the pros the more comfortable spot is were the barrels angle. I purposely tried to create blackouts but I had to work for it. As for the display issue I didn’t have time to enter the setup to adjust and by that time the reps were tired of me asking questions. I’m sure it’s adjustable, I just made the comment because that was my first impression.
Thanks @Mhopper5

I purposely tried to create blackouts but I had to work for it

That’s good to hear. Seems like they are most likely an easy to use bino from an eye placement standpoint.

I find the size comparison very interesting. That when stacked next to the HD-B they only sit an inch shorter. That said, they are a smaller package. By the spec sheet, they are as “compact” as my SLCs. Which to me are a full size bin, but smaller than ELs and the HTs

Size has always moved me away from the RF Bin. Not wanting to carry something so large. So this package from Leica has me leaning early adopter status…
So does the angle corrected yardage read out instantly or is it the old Leica actual yardage followed by the angle corrected yards 2.5 seconds later? Does the angle corrected yardage read out in scan mode, unlike earlier Leica rangefinders?

As a mountain bowhunter I want instant angle corrected yards, single shot or scan mode.
So does the angle corrected yardage read out instantly or is it the old Leica actual yardage followed by the angle corrected yards 2.5 seconds later? Does the angle corrected yardage read out in scan mode, unlike earlier Leica rangefinders?

As a mountain bowhunter I want instant angle corrected yards, single shot or scan mode.
I don’t know the answer and yesterday was the last day of the show. From what I can tell all of the readings were faster but for the scan mode you are looking for I can’t say.
About damn time with the applied ballistics update.

Tempting to give geovids a 3rd try and hope they aren't turds in cool (not even cold) weather like the previous 2 tries were. Not interested in a 32mm bino for general western hunting though so it'd have to be the 3200 with AB upgrade or wait until they hopefully come out with a 42 pro.
About damn time with the applied ballistics update.

Tempting to give geovids a 3rd try and hope they aren't turds in cool (not even cold) weather like the previous 2 tries were. Not interested in a 32mm bino for general western hunting though so it'd have to be the 3200 with AB upgrade or wait until they hopefully come out with a 42 pro.
I think the cold issues were limitations with the battery not the unit themselves. When lithium batteries get cold they can’t give the burst of energy required to run the laser, or at least at full power. I believe the newer pros take this into consideration and don’t have the same power requirements. This is my opinion only and hasn’t been validated 👍.
Mhoper5, Leica had numerous known issues with the Previous Geovids, particlularly the 40034 models. I had one and it wouldn't range anything past about 200 yards when temps got near freezing. Lot's of folks had that issue and it didn't matter if you had a fresh battery in there or not. I understand Leica fixed this issue, especially with the latter models.