Just Announced - Leica Geovid Pro 8x32 & 10x32

Guess I should not have sold my 3200.coms, for another brand bino with applied ballistic built in. Really like Geovids, have had many pair over the years, still have 15x56. Wish I new that info 6 months ago!
Well I gave in and ordered the 8x but I'm hoping I don't wish I bought the 10x instead.
I have the 8x and I’m happy with it. I have three 10x and one 7x in other Leica models. I’m a die hard 10x fan but I’m enjoying the 8. OMO.
Is anyone else having problems with connecting their Pro's to Basemap. Beside the Basemap icon it says "coming soon".

Also can they be paired to a Garmin Montana 700 series to drop a pin. Looking at upgrading my GPS to one and want to know if it's worth the extra dollars for the Bluetooth Montana.