Jetboil SOL versus Primus ETA Solo Video Comparison...


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
I figured I would carry the extra weight this weekend and do a comparison of the two stoves. Sorry about the shakiness, my camera/video-camera ran out of batteries, so I was stuck with no tripod and my iPhone.

So the ETA Solo was faster and lighter than my old Jetboil PCS a few years back when I bought it, but I have a gear problem and I am always looking for something better, stronger, faster, lighter, etc. So I bought the SOL on friday when I was picking up some other items. I didn't want the Ti version since I cook other food in my cup sometimes. Plus, the 1 ounce difference and thinner sleeve didn't seem worth it. The Primus can be found pretty cheap online and for $60 shipped it may still be a good choice for the budget conscious hunter who cares about ounces and efficiency. With the ETA Solo I get 10+ days of use out of a single 110g Snow Peak IsoButane fuel canister (@ 7-8k elevation) and that's 1 cup in the morning and 2-3 cups every night.

I think Vimeo reduces the video quality when you embed without an upgraded account. So if you want to watch this in HD I think you will need to click the link instead.


On a side note, I want to thank Aron for recommending I buy some trekking poles. I had a hard time with the look at first but having those poles makes a night and day difference when things get steep and/or the ground is loose/slippery and you have a load on your back. It's amazing the strain they take off your knees. Plus, at 10 ounces for both poles, I can't complain about the added weight. I am kind of out of mountain shape but I felt very good despite it being a decent hike.

Here are a couple pics from the little trip. We ended up walking about 11 miles. There is a section of the Hoh trail that goes up over a decent cliff and you have to climb ladders to get up and down. That was interesting. Also, don't miss the tide or you are risking your life. :)


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Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
Awesome pics.

Looks like fun. It also looks wet.

I'm glad you guys liked it. I think I'm going to do more random backpacking trips. It's oddly kind of fun as long as its either new country or with some kind of a hunting related purpose.

It might not look it but it only rained a few drops on the entire trip. It's actually a bit of a miracle. :)

Aron knows how it is. He had the ill-fortune of hunting our jungles and living here for awhile. Lol.

The trail on the other hand looked like it had been rained on every day for the last 9 months, oh wait, it probably has. :) Here's a good representation of one of the flatter portions of the best coastal trail in WA. This was actually a decent part of the trail when it comes to the mud.


Sorry about the quality. YouTube compresses the heck out of the file and Vimeo only allows me one HD upload per week apparently.
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