@Article 4 , I hear what you are saying about using enough gun, but do realize there is more than one way to skin a cat, and both physics and terminal ballistics support both large and small bullets as effective for making big holes in critters. In multiple places you and others are making leaps from the papers you cited to support your views, info that is either misinterpreted and/or extrapolating to conclusions that arent reached in those papers. Equating energy in a projectile, with energy transferred to a target, while discounting variations in if or how that energy is transferred, is just one example. It may seem like a fresh perspective, but it more and more seems like the thread is a degree away at best from rehashing whats been beat to death here many, many, many (many) times already. I dont think rehashing this for what seems like the 17th time is going to somehow make bullets kill differently.
The truth is that a 30 cal has never been “needed”. The ubiquitous popularity and proven success of the 270 win for close to the past century, for all NA game, is proof enough of this to say that the answer to your post is unequivocally NO. The success on large game of the 6.5x55 is further proof. The fact that people are reliably and ethically killing big game with even smaller cartridges than those two is further proof—if a 30cal was a requirement (ie “needed”), this would not be happening…but it IS happening, has been for a long, long time, and Ive watched it happen quite a few times myself.
If energy is what you believe is necessary, keep doing that, Im sure it works well for you. Just dont make the mistake of thinking that a heavy hitter is “needed” if your only goal is to quickly and ethically kill an animal, or that science only supports the bigger=deader approach.