Interesting test on a frame

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I didn't see the thread last night so I don't know what was on it. I found the test to be interesting. I'm not a pack expert so I am a little concerned whether I want that much flex, but it does give us an idea that there is a lot of strength under certain types of stress. I am curious to see how the packs fit and carry loads as that is the ultimate test that the pack needs to pass. I don't know how many other pack frames would have stood up to the test, but that may not be a measure (like the cliff test) of whether a pack meets your needs. Hopefully this test will give potential buyers an understanding of the potential durability of the frame if for no other reason. Again, not looking to pick a fight for or against.
I'll be surprised if the frame makes it through the cliff test. By the nature of the marerial the carbon fiber shouldn't break when run over with a truck. Slow sustained loading is what it is designed for. What it can't take well is sharp, fast concentrated loading. Hit the frame with a ball ping hammer and you will break the fiber or at least damage it.

Full of weight, dropped off a cliff, it is hits right the frame will break. Those skinny stays should never break under normal loads and use.
Well, it looks like they got the frame durability ironed out. That's good to see. I'm curious how the 160D pack bag will handle the cliff throw. I also wonder how that frame carries a heavy pack out load, say 100+ lbs. Would the flexibility of the frame be an issue? I bet it's really comfortable with average loads, I know the Icon is.
I saw the test and my question is, under a heavy load are the stays going to flex and still lift the load off of my shoulders?

I don't have a dog in this fight, I am happy with my KU5200.

Just curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually hunt in areas where the chances of falling off a cliff and then getting run over by a truck are minimal so my needs are clearly different than others.
Interesting test for sure. As long as folks can keep things civil we all win with the the incredible gear choices we have nowdays. Kuiu, rokslide, SG, SO, kiraru I like them all, and hope Jason and Rokslide just deal with the issues off forum as we all need to focus on what brings us here in the first place.
Throwing a pack off a cliff and running it over with a truck is a possiblity in a hunting situation, all the elements are there! Buddy ran over my bike at hunting camp one year lol. The next tests should be to burn a pack in a campfire and hit them with some buckshot. This frame is taking on a life of its own like Chuck Norris jokes.
Looked significantly more durable than previous frames. I think they are making progress. I am a Kifaru pack owner but heavy with Kuiu and FirstLite clothing. All 3 have their place. You will most likely see me rocking my FirstLite puffy, kuiu attack pants and duplex nomad this fall. Maybe add a Sitka hat to round it out! :)
it seems to me that the only test they did that was not a slow controlled flex over a long area, cracked the frame. I will try not to sound like bashing... but take a carbon arrow, and slowly flex it holding onto the ends... almost impossible to break, now take the same arrow, hold it closer together and quickly hit it across your knee, a rock or a table... snaps in half. I don't doubt that that frame can do what a big piece of carbon fiber is made to do, flex and be durable in over a large radius curve, i am more worried about when you drop your 100 pound pack off your back when exhausted and needing a rest, and it hits a rock. I wont even mention the 180d, if its the same material as the bino cover, i am not convinced it is durable at all.

I don't think the cliff test is very practical either though... but probably slightly more applicable to hunting situations. ie rocks, sharp falls, durable fabric.
I have never took a pack off my back and set it down frame to the ground, always goes pack or meat side down do to gravity, not sure how or why you would take your pack off and throw it on the ground frame side down. Makes about as much sense as driving over your pack with a truck or throwing it off a cliff to me...

if you don't want to buy their pack then don't, pretty simple really (at least it should be). I guess the old adage is true "you can not make everyone happy all the time"
That is quite impressive. I think if I had the chance to go Osprey Xenith or Kuiu Ultra I'd likely choose the Kuiu as they are roughly the same price point. That said the pack fabric being 160D is my main concern with it being less than 1/3 the industry standard and I have put holes in the 500D Cordura packs. Overall its seems to be a good pack at a very attractive price point.
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That test is cool. At the end of the day the pack needs to fit comfortably. For me it didn't. It is still a good product. That's the great thing about Rokslide. Regardless of anyone's position in the industry, the amount of impartial information and recommendations is why I signed up and have remained, unlike many other sites. Look at all the continued traffic Kuiu still garners on this site. Kudos to management to allow the continued discussions.
For the price point I think they are going after it looks like it might be a good performer. Sure looks stronger than the BL 4500 I had that snapped both stays under a heavy load. Time will tell though.
For the price point I think they are going after it looks like it might be a good performer. Sure looks stronger than the BL 4500 I had that snapped both stays under a heavy load. Time will tell though.

Good point. I've been through the BL 4500 thing as well.

If I was looking for a pack in that price range only I would be looking pretty hard at this new pack.
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