In case ya missed it...Deep state edition...

The biggest problem is that even though those involved have been found out , NO ONE WILL see the inside of a cage as they should.
The left will continue to do what they do and no one will ever put them where they belong, IN PRISON.


And this is a big problem for us- the citizens. It will continue to be like Groundhog Day with gov corruption until we start holding politicians feet to the fire.

Someone grumbled about politics earlier....and yeah, I don't blame them as its all dirty business. But the reason its so dirty is because of that 'stick your head in the sand' attitude of the majority. These politiicians have too much leash. Term limits, one and done will restore the power to the people.

How many folks went to jail over the financial crisis of 2008/2009? Politics is a shit show and we all need to stay less partisan...... and pay attention to gov spending.

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Politics is a shit show and we all need to stay less partisan...... and pay attention to gov spending.

Ya, this $3 trillion package from Pelosi ought to be the attention to all that SPENDING. Because as soon as the Dems get back in control, your spending will plummet.......except for your spending on taxes that is. Loving all this debt load they're all giving the nation. Yay.

And some of these states pay for all the illegals healthcare, education, and welfare and pay for abortions then expect the federal government to just give them money for their mismanagement of their state funds. SMH
This latest turn of trampling our civil rights should have everyone take notice.

Flynn was buried by the FBI for essentially showing up early to work- meeting with the Russians- his job.

The FBI threatened to bury him, threatened to bring his family into it, destroy everything he has worked for his entire life...all politically get him to plead guilty. I think anyone would take one for their family at that point.

Now that much of the info the FBI withheld in court [totally illegal BTW] comes out, the DOJ has dropped the charges.
Flynn is free right....nope. Politics intervenes again, a liberal judge decides that he is going to take the unprecedented step of allowing outside political arguments in a case where he denied the same 24 times. This is unbelievable.

Can you imagine 3 years of your life fighting the federal gov for something, you are exonerated- and this Judge is still playing politics?

Judge Emmet call yourself a jurist? What a joke. You should be ashamed of trampling on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Deep bet......This is truly scary stuff.....

Now Obama interjected himself into the Flynn case claiming he perjured himself- Nope.

Flynns lawyers response is probably the most important read I've seen all year;

First, General Flynn was not charged with perjury—which requires a material false statement made under oath with intent to deceive.1A perjury prosecution would have been appropriate and the Rule of Law applied if the Justice Department prosecuted your former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his multiple lies under oath in an investigation of a leak only he knew he caused.

McCabe lied under oath in fully recorded and transcribed interviews with the Inspector General for the DOJ. He was informed of the purpose of the interview, and he had had the benefit of counsel. He knew he was the leaker. McCabe even lied about lying. He lied to his own agents—which sent them on a “wild-goose-chase”—thereby making his lies “material” and an obstruction of justice. Yet, remarkably, Attorney General Barr declined to prosecute McCabe for these offenses.

Applying the Rule of Law, after declining McCabe’s perjury prosecution, required the Justice Department to dismiss the prosecution of General Flynn who was not warned, not under oath, had no counsel, and whose statements were not only not recorded, but were created as false by FBI agents who falsified the 302.

Second, it would seem your “wingman” Eric Holder is missing a step these days at Covington & Burling LLP. Indelibly marked in his memory (and one might think, yours) should be his Motion to Dismiss the multi-count jury verdict of guilty and the entire case against former United States Senator Ted Stevens. Within weeks of Mr. Holder becoming Attorney General, he moved to dismiss the Stevens prosecution in the interest of justice for the same reasons the Justice Department did against General Flynn—egregious misconduct by prosecutors who hid exculpatory evidence and concocted purported crimes.

As horrifying as the facts of the Stevens case were, they pale in comparison to the targeted setup, framing, and prosecution of a newly elected President’s National Security Advisor and the shocking facts that surround it. This case was an assault on the heart of liberty— our cherished system of self-government, the right of citizens to choose their President, and the hallowed peaceful transition of power.

Third, the inability of anyone in your alumni association to find “anybody who has been charged [with anything] just getting off scot-free” would be laughable were it not so pathetic.

Many of your alum feature prominently in the non-fiction legal thriller published in 2014: Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. A national best- seller, it focusses on the egregious prosecutorial misconduct of your longest serving White House Counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler; your counter-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco; Loretta Lynch’s DAG for the Criminal Division Leslie Caldwell; and Mueller protégé Andrew Weissmann. While they worked as federal prosecutors on the Enron Task Force—under the purported supervision of Christopher Wray—they destroyed Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs; sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison on an indictment that criminalized an innocent business transaction while they hid the evidence that showed those defendants were innocent for six years. Both cases were reversed on appeal for their over-criminalization and misconduct. Indeed, Andersen was reversed by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Fourth, even if your many alumni don’t remember multiple cases that had to be reversed or dismissed for their own misconduct, Judge Emmet Sullivan should remember dismissing the corrupted case against Ted Stevens. Judge Sullivan is the judicial hero of Licensed to Lie. It is that case that caused Judge Sullivan to enter the strong Brady order the Mueller and D.C. career prosecutors violated repeatedly in the Flynn prosecution.

Fifth, there is precedent for guilty pleas being vacated. Your alumni Weissmann and Ruemmler are no strangers to such reversals. At least two guilty pleas they coerced by threats against defendants in Houston had to be thrown out—again for reasons like those here. The defendants “got off scot-free” because—like General Flynn—your alumni had concocted the charges and terrorized the defendants into pleading guilty to “offenses” that were not crimes. Andersen partner David Duncan even testified for the government against Andersen in its trial, but his plea had to be vacated. Enron Broadband defendant Christopher Calger had his plea vacated. There are many others across the country.

Sixth, should further edification be necessary, see Why Innocent People Plead Guilty, written in 2014 by federal Judge Jed Rakoff (a Clinton appointee). Abusive prosecutors force innocent people to plead guilty with painful frequency. The Mueller special counsel operation led by Andrew Weissmann and Weissmann “wannabes” specializes in prosecutorial terrorist tactics repulsive to everything “justice” is supposed to mean. These tactics are designed to intimidate their targets into pleading guilty—while punishing them and their families with the process itself and financial ruin.
Yes, but the left will chant "I know you are but what am I" while throwing their hands in the air for the victory dance while declaring the win. And the media will suck that up and do the same, while the rest of us just shake our heads in bewilderment at their idiocy. The sad part is.......they will never mature and grow out of that, and their candidates will still receive votes from the masses. Even if charges are filed and people fall, this will not change for them.
The civil rights violations of the Obama DOJ and FBI was off the charts....all for political reasons. Thankfully as noted above by Flynn's lawyers...some cases have been overturned.....after their lives were destroyed of course.

Its amazing to me that CNN not only ignores this........ but also twists the narrative into...."No big deal"...all in the name of helping their side of the political isle.

Its amazing to me that CNN not only ignores this........ but also twists the narrative into...."No big deal"...all in the name of helping their side of the political isle.

They're all in it together. The thing I can't figure out is what is their end game? Ok, so they trample the Constitution, bankrupt the nation, and turn the country into a cesspool........and then what? That's their end game? At that point they're hurting as much as we are, we're in total anarchy........and what's left? Just having trouble grasping why that's what they want.
I'm still wondering why this Flynn thing started. He was never a hyper partizan right winger.
Does the left have something personal against him?
Does anyone actually think a meeting between an incoming nat security advisor and a Russian ambassador to the US is treasonous?
It seems they were willing to sacrifice a decorated general to try and score political points. Because it plays into their Russian collusion narrative. But if that's the case, why are they still pushing this so hard now that impeached is over?
You can answer the question as to what their end game is with one word. Power

The media's part is just ignorance. They think they will get to share in the power. But history has shown that absolute power is not shared. If the left ever gets their way, the media will be shocked that their views and opinions are no longer needed or tolerated along with everyone else's. Hard to believe they are so ignorant of history.

The repeated reelection of people like Schiff, Shhumer and the like is proof positive the masses are too lazy to know what made America the home of the free.
There are many good posts on this thread. I pray the people who have ignored the threat to our freedom are finally awakening from their long sleep. We will know soon.

I see the virus as a horrible happening to many folks health and a huge destroyer of our economy. But what it has done that may be positive is to expose our venerability of outsourcing to China, exposed the socialist movement even further via their authoritarian rule.

The Flynn issue is part of the left's plan to squash threats from exposure. They have shown their true selves. They really thought they had the country where they wanted it. That is till Donald Trump shocked them to the core. They really thought they had all the top spots of government in their camp and did everything short of Marshall law to ensure the crushing from behind the scenes. They believed the masses would stay blissfully asleep and only by the narrowest margins were they wrong.

This is the last chance at continued freedom. it will take a lot of hard work to regain the high ground.
I was hesitant to respond to this thread so as to keep politics out of Rockslide, but I have come to the conclusion that every opportunity should be used to speak up for freedom.

So now you know where I stand.


Why did the Obama Admin target Flynn? It sure looks its because he was trying to get to the truth of the Democrats claim of "Russian Collusion" and as National security advisor he was going to expose them.

So what started as Dem politicians using the full power of the federal gov against now a clear case of civil rights violation.

CNN glossing over this claiming no big deal, unmasking happens all the time- NOT AS A POLITICAL WEAPON
Can you imagine years of;

the DOJ and Justice dept banging down their door,

freezing all of their assets,

threatening to drag his family down

Threatening to arrest his son

Using the media to wreck his life and reputation

Withholding key evidence that exonerated him at his trial


I don't care what anyones politics is....THIS IS A CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE. .......

.....and one of the worst things is the liberal media outlets are still complicit in this helping to hide the truth even now after the DOJ dropped the case.

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You can answer the question as to what their end game is with one word. Power

I agree that in the short term "power" is definitely what they're grabbing for. For the "end game" is total failure, a bankrupt nation, anarchy with every man for himself, and complete destruction. Still can't grasp why they want a part of that. If you want power, that's fine. But at least then run the nation for prosperity so you can have something to have power over. And how does the average Democrat voter gain anything from all that? They certainly don't get the power, and they definitely don't get any what's in it for them to keep voting that way???????
I agree that in the short term "power" is definitely what they're grabbing for. For the "end game" is total failure, a bankrupt nation, anarchy with every man for himself, and complete destruction. Still can't grasp why they want a part of that. If you want power, that's fine. But at least then run the nation for prosperity so you can have something to have power over. And how does the average Democrat voter gain anything from all that? They certainly don't get the power, and they definitely don't get any what's in it for them to keep voting that way???????
I have a hard time believing that the average democrat voter knows what they're voting for. I'm sure some understand, but most just think the left will give them free stuff. They have no idea who pays or what it will cost them in the long run. They have no concept of consequences.

If they fully understand what they're voting for, and still vote that way, we're in deep trouble.
Free stuff is good for them as they will get all they want and not have to pick cotton or even a finger for it, but will be the first to bitch when those working aren't keeping up with the demands.
These Dimmwitts are so messed up, they think you go to a butcher shop because there, there are no animals killed for the meat you get, just throw some seeds on the ground and out comes the corn, beans and all the other magical things.
The kind of power I was referring to is ultimate power as in Stalin, or Mao or Putin. Total domination and control. Not just party in power for as long as possible as in dems in control of congress for forty years.

I cannot really get that need to control everything and everybody mindset, but it is real and history bears witness to it's existence.

I believe you are right in the result if they do succeed. It is a mind suck to try to understand why anyone would vote for a Schiff or Nadler, but they continue to do so. Why would anyone want to tear down a country they live in that offers the most freedom, success, opportunity and quality of life of anywhere in the world? I surely do not have any answer to that.
It is just so frustrating to watch the nation be torn down from within. The left is unrelenting. They never stop attacking. Their reasoning is totally devoid of logic and the hypocrisy is unbearable. They wear down anyone who just wants to be left to their own devices.

The average guy just wants to be left alone. It is not in his nature to get up every day and try to take away somebody's freedom or control someone else's life. But the left does and that's what makes them so difficult to defeat.

I hear the frustration in your posts and am right there with you. We cannot let up at the voting booth or this will be resolved in ways we do not want to witness.
I'm still wondering why this Flynn thing started....
That's an easy one; Flynn had openly criticized Obama's Iran deal and several other ridiculous administrative actions.
Obama made no scret that he hated the guy and he was openly campaigning agaisnt his appointment by Trump.