In case ya missed it...Deep state edition...

This thread is about the deep state which quite honestly involves all political parties. It's just an update what's been going on with our Media, the FBI and DOJ. These same entities are keeping a close eye on us with our guns. It's worth knowing what the heck is going on at the highest levels.
btw...I'm almost certain that deep state scumbag James Comey is a republican and so is Andrew McCabe. This isn't about one party being better than another.
These lowlifes come in all varieties.
Can you imagine the entire federal gov deciding they are going to get you on SOMETHING?

Thats ^ what this thread is about. The FBI conspired to nail Flynn....and the notes back this up. In the true meaning of the charges, Flynn lied to the FBI. In was a minor offense and a political witch hunt.

In the Obama admin, we had the head of the IRS using the full power of the federal gov attacking conservative orgs get off scot free.

Lois Lerner had to take the 5th multiple times....what did the complicity Justice dept do? Put her in jail...force her to testify....Nothing....they wanted it swept under the rug and didn't want her exposing that the admin was behind it. ...she didn't make this up by herself.

What the TJ's of the world don't realize is having the full weight of the federal gov coming after are destroyed.....they bury you guilty or not. Pretty intimidating...and the sad thing is when people are OK with it because it jibes with their political beliefs.

We can't have the AG playing politics....we need these dirty tricks exposed so it doesn't happen again.

Once again I don't see how anyone can believe one political party is better than the other. Let's be realistic, they ALL lie to us, steal from us, and try to control every bit of our everyday lives. Trump is better than most, but only slightly. He's still passed gun laws, signed an extension of the Patriot act ect. Look at the explosion of the federal debt over the last few years. Cutting taxes while increasing spending is idiotic. Voting for the lesser of two evils is how we got in the mess that is the federal government now.
There is no "political belief" that circumvents the Constitution and the facts. That's a traitorous belief.......especially when it is actually in full use by government officials.

Agreed^. The constitution rules.

I think the only way to give the power back to the people is term and done in every political office.

The recent Covid 19 thing is a perfect example; Politiicians on both sides falling all over themselves to give shit away.

Do you think- insert your favorite politician here- would have managed this differently if they were thinking about the country and not about how to get re-elected?

This is going to be the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression....and it didn't have to be.

Do you think- insert your favorite politician here- would have managed this differently if they were thinking about the country and not about how to get re-elected?

Yep. You could see it early on.......if Trump wasn't worried about the election he would have just recommended pushing through it all, which is what we were all saying that we should have done anyway. But being a politician now.......he couldn't do that, even though it would have been best for the nation as a whole. The nation would have won, but he would have lost. And he may still that would be a tragedy to lose the election, and the nation loses as well.
Yep. You could see it early on.......if Trump wasn't worried about the election he would have just recommended pushing through it all, which is what we were all saying that we should have done anyway. But being a politician now.......he couldn't do that, even though it would have been best for the nation as a whole. The nation would have won, but he would have lost. And he may still that would be a tragedy to lose the election, and the nation loses as well.
I agree with this 100%. If this happens in year 1 of Trump's second term, it would be handled dramatically different.
Ok Liberals and hunting go together like oil/water; the Obama DOJ setup Flynn from the start - even when the initial investigation was recommended to end. Comey orders Strock to send agents over to the White House to basically trap Flynn; Flynn pleads guilty to save his family from prosecution.

People have commented on here he should have never pled guilty - I would like to see you go up against FBI agents who's sole purpose is not to find a crime but trap you into one. Trust me you wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in h..l of coming out unscathed. Thats the problem folks; ill regardless of your personal political party (views) our GOV isn't supposed to do this garbage - you sanction this and you might as well be in a communist state.

Where were you liberal warriors when Hillary basically sold Americans out in Benghazi - killing Americans including our own ambassador? Obama was no where to be found during this incident - to this day nobody knows where or what he was doing.

Where was the Liberal outrage when Hillary sent top secret correspondence through a network server in her own personal closet - wake up Libs - she did this so nobody would see her pay for play Clinton Foundation actions. Ironic isn't it the Clinton Foundation dried up after she lost the election - no sense paying for favors you are no longer going to receive - people wake up! Stop seeing issues through the eyes of your political views - if it smells like a turd it more the likely is.

Yes I am a conservative but I try to view things objectively; it seems like no matter the issue Libs only see things through their personal view - yet we are the intolerant ones.
I think it has been telling this past week, and a big slip up on his part, that Obama has come out along with the usual lying criminals of course (Schiff, Nadler, Comey, etc.) and condemmed the justice department's decision to not pursue Flynn, when it is clear just from what is already known publicly that the DOJ and FBI acted improperly at best in setting up Flynn for something completely immaterial, and after FBI agents had cleared him of no collusion. I think this behavior implicates Obama on some level, even beyond the multiple circumstantial Clinton, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, etc. connections to the White House in all of this.

Secondly, read interviews by Papadopolus and K T McFarland. They are eerily similar, very scary, and describe exactly how an unscrupulous FBI under Comey could falsely get any one of us for lying or obstruction, despite doing nothing wrong. Pure evil.

The other thing of note with all of this from a political, non-law enforcement standpoint that I find interesting, is that despite the multiple real scandals in the Obama admin, no one got fired. The wagons just got circled and all dirty bureaucratic foot soldiers like Lerner, Holder, etc. were protected. While the Trump admin has fired people like Flynn who did nothing wrong, except get lied and leaked about by the FBI.