I think it has been telling this past week, and a big slip up on his part, that Obama has come out along with the usual lying criminals of course (Schiff, Nadler, Comey, etc.) and condemmed the justice department's decision to not pursue Flynn, when it is clear just from what is already known publicly that the DOJ and FBI acted improperly at best in setting up Flynn for something completely immaterial, and after FBI agents had cleared him of no collusion. I think this behavior implicates Obama on some level, even beyond the multiple circumstantial Clinton, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, etc. connections to the White House in all of this.
Secondly, read interviews by Papadopolus and K T McFarland. They are eerily similar, very scary, and describe exactly how an unscrupulous FBI under Comey could falsely get any one of us for lying or obstruction, despite doing nothing wrong. Pure evil.
The other thing of note with all of this from a political, non-law enforcement standpoint that I find interesting, is that despite the multiple real scandals in the Obama admin, no one got fired. The wagons just got circled and all dirty bureaucratic foot soldiers like Lerner, Holder, etc. were protected. While the Trump admin has fired people like Flynn who did nothing wrong, except get lied and leaked about by the FBI.