I’m not much into politics, but man this burns my a**


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
So we are all beholden to the market - we are commodities to be traded or abandoned at will so the bottom line performs for a select few.

should I tell the guy who was fired after 28 years simply because the company needed to show a better profit so it could be sold not to get emotional?

I Hope you never end up in a hospital like I mentioned above. It is run purely for profit to the detriment of its employees AND the patients. When an entire floor of nurses quits and are simply replaced by travelers and no one cares, YOU suffer.

but I’ll try not to get emotional after watching people get shitty care that affects them negatively for the remainder of their life. How dare I...

so you want the govt to run health care. My dad got let go after 28 years and working his way from factory floor to head of sales he didn’t have a college degree. He didn’t whine got a new job and is happier than ever.


Sep 26, 2018
So we are all beholden to the market - we are commodities to be traded or abandoned at will so the bottom line performs for a select few.

should I tell the guy who was fired after 28 years simply because the company needed to show a better profit so it could be sold not to get emotional?

I Hope you never end up in a hospital like I mentioned above. It is run purely for profit to the detriment of its employees AND the patients. When an entire floor of nurses quits and are simply replaced by travelers and no one cares, YOU suffer.

but I’ll try not to get emotional after watching people get shitty care that affects them negatively for the remainder of their life. How dare I...

So are you ok if your 401k can’t be distributed when you retire because it may effect someone else?

And yes you are nothing but an asset to a company, they aren’t your parents holding your hand. They owe you nothing and you owe them nothing. Look out for yourself first and do the best you can.

Also good luck getting good care at a hospital when it isn’t run for a profit, we still have the best healthcare in the world even if people think it’s crap.

Everyone gets emotional when life changes happen, some more then others. Sometimes these changes mean we must change, adapt or fall behind. The world doesn’t cater to anyone plain and simple. No one deserves anything, they must work for it and that doesn’t mean what they have always done will continue to pay off. Hopefully we plan and changes don’t effect us as much as those that live pay check to check.
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Sep 26, 2018
so you want the govt to run health care. My dad got let go after 28 years and working his way from factory floor to head of sales he didn’t have a college degree. He didn’t whine got a new job and is happier than ever.

I swear it boggles my mind how many think our countries systems suck and that they deserve something. We all get a trophy even if we suck society is what we have.


Feb 20, 2017
As far as building stores goes, they slowed way down during the last decade. They actually started building small "outpost" stores instead of the large stores, because the numbers made more sense.

I disagree about Singer. Singer and the Cabela family are certainly not the same. Sure, the Cabelas sold out. However they did a lot to develop the community of Sidney. Supported the school system a bunch and helped develop a lot of the town. They also ran a business, and business will introduce competition. Shutting down a few mom and pop shops is much different than essentially destroying a town. Also, I would guess online marketplaces likely had more to do with that than cabelas.

Also, its spelled Sidney. Not that it matters much, but its where I am from.

Sorry I misspelled. My apologies.

I don’t know Singer from Sasquatch. Maybe he’s a philanthropist also. No idea.

Tried to sell a product to Cabela’s once. I assure you, those guys were all business all the time. Their interests were priority 1 and you are there to make them money. I suppose closing out a mom and pop or two isn’t the same as a whole town. Unless you’re the mom and pop.
Sep 3, 2014
Sabinal, TX
Good to see that some other folks were as disturbed by this story as me. I new about some of Singer’s shady tactics in tge Cabelas deal (and many of his previous predatory moves) but I didn’t fully understand the repercussions to the community. Totally disgusting. Even more than the back story of Cabelas.

So are you ok if your 401k can’t be distributed when you retire because it may effect someone else?

And yes you are nothing but an asset to a company, they aren’t your parents holding your hand. They owe you nothing and you owe them nothing. Look out for yourself first and do the best you can.

Also good luck getting good care at a hospital when it isn’t run for a profit, we still have the best healthcare in the world even if people think it’s crap.

Everyone gets emotional when life changes happen, some more then others. Sometimes these changes mean we must change, adapt or fall behind. The world doesn’t cater to anyone plain and simple. No one deserves anything, they must work for it and that doesn’t mean what they have always done will continue to pay off. Hopefully we plan and changes don’t effect us as much as those that live pay check to check.

I get what your saying and I agree to a point but this particular case, and seemingly Paul Singer’s MO, one of those cases where the free market is being abused. I hope you’d agree that insider trading is wrong and that regulation to prevent this unfair practice is necessary. I feel like this vulture capitalism is similarly in need of some regulation. I’ve got not a thing against hedge funds. I may or may not have some money in a fund; but there’s a difference between responsible investment and vulture capitalism. Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it. I would never allow Elliot to manage any of my money despite some of their returns because I disagree with their methods; despite being 100% legal under current law.

It’s one thing to see a failing company and figuring out how to make a profit buying it and selling parts off. It’s a whole other ball of wax to take a perfectly healthy company, force a sale to drive up the stock price artificially and then sell it off for a huge profit while leaving so many employees reeling in the wake. No sir, that’s not right even if it’s legal.

I could give a damn about Cabelas. Dick Cabela is a scumbag and a canned hunter. He’s well known down here in S Texas. Fly in on a private aircraft, roll up to a pen in big SUV, step out and shoot a trophy animal in the holding pen, maybe take a quick posed picture and drive off to the airport. I’ve never liked patronizing Cabelas for that reason but I did occasionally because they employee a lot of middle class folks. Those employees are the people I care about; and the folks at the Cabelas headquarters were left high and dry for NO good reason other than to line the pockets of a New York City financial predator. Not sure how anyone can defend Paul Singer but I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sep 26, 2018
Good to see that some other folks were as disturbed by this story as me. I new about some of Singer’s shady tactics in tge Cabelas deal (and many of his previous predatory moves) but I didn’t fully understand the repercussions to the community. Totally disgusting. Even more than the back story of Cabelas.

I get what your saying and I agree to a point but this particular case, and seemingly Paul Singer’s MO, one of those cases where the free market is being abused. I hope you’d agree that insider trading is wrong and that regulation to prevent this unfair practice is necessary. I feel like this vulture capitalism is similarly in need of some regulation. I’ve got not a thing against hedge funds. I may or may not have some money in a fund; but there’s a difference between responsible investment and vulture capitalism. Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it. I would never allow Elliot to manage any of my money despite some of their returns because I disagree with their methods; despite being 100% legal under current law.

It’s one thing to see a failing company and figuring out how to make a profit buying it and selling parts off. It’s a whole other ball of wax to take a perfectly healthy company, force a sale to drive up the stock price artificially and then sell it off for a huge profit while leaving so many employees reeling in the wake. No sir, that’s not right even if it’s legal.

I could give a damn about Cabelas. Dick Cabela is a scumbag and a canned hunter. He’s well known down here in S Texas. Fly in on a private aircraft, roll up to a pen in big SUV, step out and shoot a trophy animal in the holding pen, maybe take a quick posed picture and drive off to the airport. I’ve never liked patronizing Cabelas for that reason but I did occasionally because they employee a lot of middle class folks. Those employees are the people I care about; and the folks at the Cabelas headquarters were left high and dry for NO good reason other than to line the pockets of a New York City financial predator. Not sure how anyone can defend Paul Singer but I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How is it shady to invest and want a return? This happens all the time as businesses grow. Do you want no growth?

Also wonder what would of happened to Cabela’s had Singer not invested? Would they of not needed to have as many employees as they did for many years due to lack of growth? Growth takes money and people love to hate on wealth today but wealth is what pays your bills even if your self employed.

Do poor people make great investors, will a homeless man pay you to work on his stuff?

Just things to consider, can’t look at only one side of the picture. Sidney prospered for many many years off his investment into Cabela’s. Cabela’s was good to the town but all good things come to an end.

I personally have been through 4 mergers and a bankruptcy in my career, somehow I survived and continued to prosper.

Maybe Cabela’s fault was offering those jobs in the first place if it effected the community so much. Maybe all those people that had great jobs in a small community shouldn’t of had the chance since it wasn’t a forever deal. I think they would disagree and be happy that they had the opportunity while it lasted.


Apr 8, 2019
Also Sidney isn’t that small it’ll rebound.

The population of Sidney was around 6000. Cabelas employed 2200. It's pretty hard to rebound from that.

The clip touches on real estate values plummeting, but it doesn't talk about the hit the school system is taking. Less property tax revenue, less enrollment, which also leads to less state funding, and some staff losing thier jobs, which leads to more families moving out of the community.... The snowball of effects from this is still growing.


Sep 26, 2018
The population of Sidney was around 6000. Cabelas employed 2200. It's pretty hard to rebound from that.

The clip touches on real estate values plummeting, but it doesn't talk about the hit the school system is taking. Less property tax revenue, less enrollment, which also leads to less state funding, and some staff losing thier jobs, which leads to more families moving out of the community.... The snowball of effects from this is still growing.

Many other smaller communities in NE are hurting more, just drive through the state and look what the flood damage did.

Rural America is in a decline period due to consolidation of smaller business and farms. Walmart’s etc are not all to blame, many in small towns are just as money hungry as Singer and jump at any chance to take out a small farm operation. Yes they may not be a huge hedge fund but they have destroyed small towns just as much if not more. Also land prices have made it difficult for anyone to get into farming that doesn’t have a large pot of cash or family land. There isn’t a farm out there that isn’t multimillion dollar operation when you look at land and equipment values and then the operational costs.

A town of 6000 is large, 2200 will hurt for awhile no doubt but Sidney will survive. Look at all the towns with less then 1000 15 years ago and they are hurting bad today. It’s just a fact, as the world changes so does everything else and unfortunately small town America isn’t what it once was unless you can retire there or inherited a farm that is large enough to be profitable.

My EX wife’s home town had 7000 when she was in high school, it now is at about 2500, that’s in about a 20 year span.
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Apr 8, 2019
In Nebraska, yes, a town of 6000 is large. But no, Sidney most certainly will not "rebound" from this. They will survive, but that community will be vastly different than it was. I fully realize the decline of rural Nebraska, I've lived here my entire life. I grew up in a town of 600 and currently live in a town of 3000.

The gradual decline most of rural Nebraska is going through isn't the same as the rapid decline Sidney is experiencing, however. They are seeing huge changes in thier community happening so fast they are still trying to figure out how bad the losses are going to be. The fact that the sale was orchestrated by a hedge fund manager that had no real interest in the company affected, aside from his profits, makes it sting a little more. I understand it's business (and the move worked and created revenue for him), but I can also see how hard it has been on the community of Sidney to have had the rug pulled out from under them so quickly.

On the positive, if you are looking for an area to retire, the real estate market in Sidney is great for buyers. Rural living, decent hunting for small game, turkeys, pronghorn, and deer (although largely on private ground), with quick access to Colorado and Wyoming.


Jun 22, 2016
CO Springs


Sep 26, 2018
Based on what? Because it isn't access to medical care, treatment outcome, life expectancy, infant survival, patient satisfaction, provider satisfaction, cost of care. Each of those are measured as better in other countries than here, over several years. For example: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org...althcare-system-compare-countries/#item-start ,

That report is comparing the US to countries the size of Texas with about the same population as Texas. But yes overall our healthcare is best. Tell me, if a loved one was dying which country would you prefer they get care in? I’ll pick the US every time.

The disease burden makes sense we are at the top as well, we have a lazy fat society that loves it’s fast food compared to other countries. Take away fast food and it would be interesting to see if the stats change in other areas. Take away that and you would see much worse stats overall.

Look past the picture they are trying to paint for you.
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Jun 21, 2019
• Investor buys a sizable minority position in a company he believes (correctly, it turns out) to be undervalued
• Investor pushes the company to consider selling out to a rival
• The company's board (unanimously) and the majority of its shareholders approve a sale
• Investor pockets a tidy profit for recognizing an undervalued company and for helping connect a willing seller with a willing buyer
• Fast forward 3 years...the aforementioned rival decides to close the acquired company's old small-town headquarters, hysteria ensues, investor gets blamed for ruining rural America

That last bit may seem like a non sequitur, but that's okay, the narrative doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to get clicks.

If you're interested in the other side of the story, here's a link to Elliott Management's response to the Tucker Carlson hit piece: https://medium.com/@ElliottMgmt/elliott-managements-response-to-tucker-carlson-tonight-4b629d59339a


Jun 22, 2016
CO Springs
That report is comparing the US to countries the size of Texas with about the same population as Texas. But yes overall our healthcare is best. Tell me, if a loved one was dying which country would you prefer they get care in? I’ll pick the US every time.

The disease burden makes sense we are at the top as well, we have a lazy fat society that loves it’s fast food compared to other countries. Take away fast food and it would be interesting to see if the stats change in other areas. Take away that and you would see much worse stats overall.

Look past the picture they are trying to paint for you.
I will not look past the waste, fraud, cronyism for big pharma, bankruptcies and ruined finances from medical bills, political efforts to limit care to people who cannot afford care, the limiting of access to basic and preventative care (which has the largest potential savings and improvement in public health outcomes for the lowest cost) as a political prybar. We in the medical profession advocate for policy and legislation changes that would address all these flaws in our national system, we have done so for decades.

The countries in the report you challenged included Canada and Australia, both far larger in land and population than TX, as well as UK and the other European nations that are most similar to the US economy. The report compares apples to apples; it shows we pay more and wait longer for worse care than most of the other apples.


Feb 20, 2017
• Investor buys a sizable minority position in a company he believes (correctly, it turns out) to be undervalued
• Investor pushes the company to consider selling out to a rival
• The company's board (unanimously) and the majority of its shareholders approve a sale
• Investor pockets a tidy profit for recognizing an undervalued company and for helping connect a willing seller with a willing buyer
• Fast forward 3 years...the aforementioned rival decides to close the acquired company's old small-town headquarters, hysteria ensues, investor gets blamed for ruining rural America

That last bit may seem like a non sequitur, but that's okay, the narrative doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to get clicks.

If you're interested in the other side of the story, here's a link to Elliott Management's response to the Tucker Carlson hit piece: https://medium.com/@ElliottMgmt/elliott-managements-response-to-tucker-carlson-tonight-4b629d59339a

Exactly right and thanks for digging that up.

I wonder how many businesses and people our President has crushed in business dealings as an example. And if Trump made a hard right turn Tuck’s brown nose would break right off.

Crappy journalism, no pun intended.


Sep 26, 2018
I will not look past the waste, fraud, cronyism for big pharma, bankruptcies and ruined finances from medical bills, political efforts to limit care to people who cannot afford care, the limiting of access to basic and preventative care (which has the largest potential savings and improvement in public health outcomes for the lowest cost) as a political prybar. We in the medical profession advocate for policy and legislation changes that would address all these flaws in our national system, we have done so for decades.

The countries in the report you challenged included Canada and Australia, both far larger in land and population than TX, as well as UK and the other European nations that are most similar to the US economy. The report compares apples to apples; it shows we pay more and wait longer for worse care than most of the other apples.

You do realize Texas has 25 million people, Canada has around 33 million and Australia has 25 million people. Land size doesn’t really matter in the comparison, we probably have more illegals in our country then Canada has citizens. Oh and the UK has a whopping 67 million while the US has 330 million people. Would you say Los Angles is similar to Sheridan WY because it’s about the same ratio difference.

I never said we are perfect but it’s silly of you to think everywhere else is, keep listening to Bernie Sanders that we suck and every other country is so much better.

We all can pull up some experts report that sways facts our way, there is an expert for anything you want to believe and a report to back it up somewhere.

Again, where would you prefer your loved ones receive care?
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Mar 31, 2014
Just remember the golden rule:

“Those who have the gold, make the rules”

Businesses first priority is to the shareholders, second (and quite a long ways from 1st) is stakeholders.

I want to make a $1B deal, I offer to make the bumpkin city home for my business in exchange for favors and $$ to “bring revenue”, politicians see opportunity for their private interests, rub shoulders with the big wigs and receive plenty of donations for their “cause”

Why else do multi millionaires run for President? Everyone hates the big wig, unless they are one.

On the basic level, it’s kids trading baseball cards, making friends with candy, and having a group of buddies. Just on a larger scale.


Jun 2, 2013
In 32 years of working and looking out for my family, I've worked for 2 companies that have gone bankrupt. They have cost many other companies large losses in that process. I've moved to 5 different states hustling to keep making ends meet. Its been a great run and we always kept things in perspective and enjoyed the good times and worked through the bad times. Now looking forward to retirement in a few years.

We have lived in the greatest country on earth and by looking for opportunities we have always found them. If someone lived in small town American and the big local company went out of business, take your loss, pull up your socks, and go make something of yourself somewhere else.

Those folks are not that far from Denver. This economy is rocking and no one can find good help. Sick of the bitching. Get off your butt, move to someplace with way more opportunity and make something of your self. Rant off.


Dec 26, 2012
North Dakota
This is exactly what capitalism is about and it's working as intended. All about the dollar and people be damned. Get out of the way or get run over. Free trade ruined manufacturing in this country because it allowed companies to move operations to other countries where labor is cheap. Profits increased and it left the "common man" wondering what the heck to do. A very small number of people benefit from it. Our country is run this way and will be for the foreseeable future. Why do you think senators go into congress with "little" and leave multi-millionaires? Trump fully participated and benefited from this in his lifetime. He's no saint at all but he's fighting a much larger battle for us commoners. Make no mistake though, he's not our savior.
Best advice I ever heard was to get out of the banking/monetary system as much as possible. Little or no debt means the system can't get their hooks into you. Trick kids into getting useless degrees and saddle them with thousands of $ of debt that they can never get rid of and BOOM they got you. But that is a discussion for another thread perhaps.