Thoughts on this Huntin Fool moose video ethics?


Jun 28, 2017
I didn’t watch the video and it sounds like these guys are screw balls, but maybe I’m in the minority but if I take a good shot and for some reason something goes wrong. And I do my due diligence to find the animal (which I’ve seen a lot live on ). The fish and game figures tag numbers with a % of wounded game in to there figures. But if I’ve exhausted all options I will keep hunting. Once again it sounds like the guys in the vide did not do what I’m explaining.

I understand both side of the spectrum. I’m just surprised it’s not more even both ways. If I graze a buck or bull. There’s a 99.9% chance there going to live so to me it’d be kinda wierd to punch my tag.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
In my opinion You kind of answered your own question in the title… you expect a business whose model is built on selling content/ blowing up spots to act in the highest ethical manner… their bottom dollar is content, viewer/readership and ads.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Definitely not in the brisket. I'd say 100% fatal shot based on several moose that I have or have seen shots placed very similarly on. Lungs and liver most likely. If he was quartering away, probably would have got some heart in there.

The worst deaths and recoveries I've seen on moose, including one my partner killed 5 days ago, are high shot placements, midline of the animal and up. There are a lot of voids in the top half of moose that either won't kill the animal, or won't kill them quickly. I always exaggerate my shots low on moose for a few reasons, quicker death and better blood trails. High shots on moose usually lead to a lot of blood pooling in the body cavity and crappy or nonexistent blood trails. High double lung shots can be very problematic to follow even if the animal dies relatively quickly. It is remarkable how much ground a moose in flight can cover in a very short period of time.

On my moose this year I put two rounds from a .300wm in basically that same spot but with more of a broadside presentation and blew the heart to shreds. The 67" with a massive body bull took three steps and was dead in seconds with a shocking amount of blood loss.
Sounds awesome post up a pic of the 67”!!!


Oct 25, 2017
After some deliberation I watched the video. That bull sure doesn't look very hurt. I still think it was a fatal shot, but based on the way he was behaving, it was likely a long, slow, bad death. Very unfortunate. I'll hold my tongue on the ethical question.