Thoughts on this Huntin Fool moose video ethics?

That first shot looks 100% fatal to me. I’ve never cut up a moose but they say in the video, it’s just in the brisket. Guys with moose experience, is this true? I screenshot the video at impact for reference. Arrow buried to the fletching so at least 22” of penetration, and when it whirls around, it appears the nock angles down meaning the broadhead went higher in the body cavity or the arrow snapped. Like I said, no moose experience, but 1/3rd the way up, looks like probably 1 lung and liver to me. Second arrow hit high shoulder with minimal penetration and I thought I saw an “over the top” expandable.
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If you look closely at the video you can see he is using expandable broad heads... from personal experience (shitty experience at that) an expandable broad head can be deflected rather easily if it hits a rib/bone of any sort. While that arrow looks to be in the money spot, it could have snaked downward and not even hit the vitals or worse, hit one lung and the bull died later. For anyone to use an expandable broad head after seeing too many tests proving lack of penetration capacity, I just don't get it. As to his "ethics" to continue hunting... it's a tough call. Me, I'd be done. To each their own I guess.

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If you put one arrow into an animal, you track it. Period. You put two into an animal AND have video of it showing the hits... and you do not track it into the next day... you loose your license. You're a slob hunter. Period. No discussion. You then do what this guy does with the rifle... he should be banned for several years from hunting. All to try and gain financial benefit by posting videos and claiming sh@t happens? Screw him and the dudes that allowed any of it.

If you hunt long enough you will loose an animal eventually. It will happen. But you should never be OK with that outcome. I have crawled on my hands and knees too many times to help others retrieve wounded deer, including one of my own doing. We found all of them. We were lucky I guess but bottom line, we kept at it, many of them in the dark.
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I'd like to make 3 points.

1. I unequivocally disapprove of unsporting and irresponsible behavior afield for any reason. To do it in the name of money, 'likes', clicks, views and other ego-driven needs is disgustingly bad for our sporting lifestyle.

2. I have been fortunate to watch every moose I've taken (all with a longbow) fall in sight. I have helped track other moose which were said to be mortally wounded, only to not find them. Blood-tracking in damp or wet tundra without benefit of solid ground or actual leaves is extremely tough if blood isn't copious. The tundra and most moose habitat is essentially a damp sponge that absorbs blood droplets.

3. This boy is either incredibly naive or a complete idiot:
You should only be able to hunt out of your state or province with a guide. That’ll solve all this BS.

I am so glad fools from every province can’t come hunt in B.C. if you don’t live here you shouldn’t get to hunt the big game.

Thankfully Canada is nothing like the USA and doesn’t like yahoos from any state hunt wherever they want self guided. You don’t end up catering to trash like the hunters in this video.

You want to hunt a different province or state ? Pay a guide outfitter and stimulate the economy but none of this self guided hunt BS. Stay in your own backyard and learn your own area.

Locals respect their back yard far more than some yahoo from a city 5000km away that’ll never see the mountain side again.
In 30 years i've lost two animals up here, one in a swamp and the other on open tundra. Both times harvest tickets got notched. I'm not impressed at all.

I can also see where not notching the tag is proper as well, and just stop hunting. I showed a ranger my notched ticket on the tundra caribou and explained the situation, and he didn't question it. Situational I assume.
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I am in a shitty situation right now. Buddy starter lobbing lead at a bull moose at 760 yards yesterday afternoon. It ran down to 500 he shot 3 more times, it went down. He is out of ammo, bull gets up and trots off. We go find quite a bit of blood. Went out this morning to look for it and no luck. Definitely died somewhere last night. He is out now stalking some more bulls while I hang out at camp and on starlink mobile. Its such a shitshow with this guy and it sucks because we generally have a great time together. If you mortally wound an animal and cant recover it , I am of the mind where you consider the tag punched and you stop hunting.
I am in a shitty situation right now. Buddy starter lobbing lead at a bull moose at 760 yards yesterday afternoon. It ran down to 500 he shot 3 more times, it went down. He is out of ammo, bull gets up and trots off. We go find quite a bit of blood. Went out this morning to look for it and no luck. Definitely died somewhere last night. He is out now stalking some more bulls while I hang out at camp and on starlink mobile. It’s such a shitshow with this guy and it sucks because we generally have a great time together. If you mortally wound an animal and cant recover it , I am of the mind where you consider the tag punched and you stop hunting.
Are you somewhere super remote? If not and it wouldn’t put his life in danger, while he is out hunting pack up the entire camp and leave. When he gets back and throws a fit pretend like he’s crazy and that you’re still at base camp. Sense of direction must be off.
Tell your friends to stop being embarrassments to hunting

Did you let any of these folks know too?

Did you let any of these folks know too?

Wounds can happen, but it's when people just look for half a day and then go try and kill something else that pisses me off.
Wounds can happen, but it's when people just look for half a day and then go try and kill something else that pisses me off.
That's very gracious and forgiving of you! I think the effort should be before the shot so that, "wounds happen"... doesn't. I figured your original statement meant haphazardly wounding animals was the embarrassing part.
That's very gracious and forgiving of you! I think the effort should be before the shot so that, "wounds happen"... doesn't. I figured your original statement meant haphazardly wounding animals was the embarrassing part.
Of course it is, but it's hunting so there's always a chance it could result in a wound no matter how good the opportunity and skilled the shooter.

Draw blood=punch tag
Lol, I put more effort into a ptarmigan I winged the other day and it hopped off into the alders. We did find it eventually.
This reminds me a elk hunt i went on with a old friend. He shot a elk in a herd. Lost track of it. But found the blood, and we still saw the herd. He quit looking for it, and as I watch him start coming back he instantly.saw another herd and again shot at a cow in that herd.... as I watch it from a few hundred yards, he shot 4 times. Only one shot hit. Needless to say, I'm glad our friendship has ended.