If you could move anywhere?

You actually picked a good state out west in UT. Conservative, good weather for sports, great state for hunting and fishing, good schools, good job market and more businesses are moving there etc... I've worked with and met several people that have chosen to move there. Salt Lake area, Farmington are is really nice, been there a few times. I wouldn't hesitate to move to UT at all.
The Rain Forest... like around the Tikal ruins in Guatemala.

Your senses just come alive there! You can smell "The Green" in the air... you can smell the richness of the Earth you're walking upon. And with some regularity.... you'll hear some form of other living thing moving around, calling out, or otherwise doing their thing. Howler Monkeys, Cool birds, Millipedes, and what not.

And if ya get up someplace High? To try and lookout? As FAAAAARRRRRR.... as your un-aided eyes can see in ANY direction... 360 degrees... you only see the tops of trees, and distant ridges here and there.

As someone from here in SoCal... being all stuck in what looks like "The Concrete Jungle" when you're taking off from here at LAX (or SNA) in a plane and looking down.... Man... that view over their... it really hits home for you to see that much vastness of greenery without any structures anywhere popping up out of it as far as your eye can see! Makes ya really think about, and question things, ya know?

And your LUNGS! You most definitely notice that you breathe better/easier out there.

You'll sweat a lot, from the Humidity. But after awhile you start to just not mind and just not worry about it anymore, since you see everybody else is too.

And Butterflies! Butterflies with like... friggin' 7inch wingspans and such, just up and landing on your breakfast table, attracted by the sweet items like the fruits, etc.
My wife, 2 boys and I are moving out west. We currently live in Ohio and want to experience everything life has to offer. We are avid outdoorsmen that love to hunt and fish. My wife loves hiking and enjoying the outdoors. We are currently set on Utah right now but we're not sure that is where we need to be. We have been contemplating Montana or Wyoming. So my question is, For a conservative family with 2 boys looking to move west where would you recommend? What State or even towns? My boys also enjoy sports such as baseball and football. Thanks.
Alaska, wish I would have gone there 45 yrs ago!
I have concerns after working in Alaska about being limited to boat or plane transportation. It would be quite a readjusment in thinking as to logistics.
You’d be sorely disappointed in Utah. Cost of living is ridiculous and it is getting insane with the amount of people in the choked out wasatch front, which is where all the work is. If we don’t keep getting good winters, which unfortunately equals less fawn survival, there will not be enough water to go around in short order. Utah is on a collision course for disaster and as long as there’s greedy city counselors and developers it will inevitably come to a head. They can’t keep building out every inch of the valley and expect reasonable sustainability and quality of living. Rant over, for now…..
I've always wanted to try Alaska.
Alaska has been a great place to live and raise a family. I don’t care to be here in the middle of the summer anymore. Far too crowded. In a lot of areas of the state, the hunting has taken a hit for a few different reasons. One being over hunted. Overcrowding.