Idiots & Pack Color Selection

Just got the new issue of elk hunter. It has an article of a guy taking an arrow in the head while hunting. Haven't had a chance to read it in full, but the situation had something to do with a guy shooting at the sound of movement. Scary chit.
Well I have a olive/black Kuiu Icon (because at the time it was the only option on sale).

I just don't understand how someone could send rounds or arrows down range without 100% certainty of what they are shooting at. I worry about it all the time while hunting with my Brittany's. I fear someone is either going to mistake them for a game animal, or get pissed that someone else is using public land and disrupting their hunt and shoot them. That's what my G23 is for...
Just got the new issue of elk hunter. It has an article of a guy taking an arrow in the head while hunting. Haven't had a chance to read it in full, but the situation had something to do with a guy shooting at the sound of movement. Scary chit.

I posted a link to that article on the previous page. I bowhunt to minimize the chances of getting shot. It's a creepy feeling knowing you are in a position where it could happen.

It is my first time hunting rifle season with a bow. So there I am, comfortably sitting in a 100% natural ground blind I had cut and raked the day before. it is located in a narrow finger of BLM land that is surrounded by steep hills and private property but a necessary and frequently used corridor for deer. I have shooting lanes on three sides, there is no back door, too dense besides, anything coming from that direction would wind me instantly. I've been patiently waiting for sunset since 3pm, the Thermacell is keeping the bugs 5' away and I hear the periodic passing of cars and trucks on the dirt access road behind me. Dusk finally arrives.

I see deer begin their migration down the far side of the canyon and pick up my bow and nock an arrow. It's go time. I raise my binos looking for racks. One, two, three, four, five deer heading my way...don't see any headgear yet. 100 yards and coming right towards me. Then I hear a vehicle stop and the sound of a door closing. "Are you FN kidding me?!"

50 yards and still comin', the dimming light vanishing rapidly and I strain to see antlers. That's when it happened...I hear the unmistakable sound of a bullet being chambered in a bolt action rifle not 25 yards behind me. A chill ran up my spine. I am invisible to that road warrior, deer are now on all three sides of me, one as close as fifteen feet. Still no antlers. One big doe stares right at me for four minutes a mere five paces is only when I lower my binos that she takes off. I swear I can actually feel the guy's muzzle sweeping the back of my head. I don't think I've ever felt more alive, a state of hyper-awareness. It's like the whole world was moving at half speed and my mind is racing at 10 times the normal processing speed.

Darkness envelopes the canyon and I hear the guy get back in his vehicle and drive away, I pack up my belongings and walk back to my Jeep. I was afraid to move beforehand fearing he was one of the idiots who shoots at moving bushes. It was the first time I ever hunted that close to a road and while I wasn't too thrilled with the "company" behind was the closest encounter I have had with deer while bowhunting to date and that was worth the trip. When I think about the sound of that round being still creeps me out.
Unfortunately a common saying around here is "if it's brown it's going down" therefore I make sure I'm not wearing anything brown.
Coyote packs look awesome but not something I am willing to risk due to the stupidity of others