Idaho Tag Site Already Crashed

I stood in line at a regional office since 1400 hrs yesterday . It was also a circus there when the tags went on sale. One guy was like 54 in line. He was on his phone, logged in and got his tag that way. Before IDFG (office) could get him his tag.

I was able to get my son’s tag, not mine, just a recipient and a confirmation number for my tag. Was told they would mail it to me
You don’t need to go to an IDFG office to get tags, secondly it was a disaster in person at retailers. Took 2 hours to get 4 tags, my online buddies who were sub 1500 in the cue still didn’t have tags after 4 hours.

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I got through at 8:30 eastern. My top 10 units were sold out. But I figured screw it, grabbed a tag that I know is 98% public! I can still apply for controlled hunts and I can always turn it back in. But I know I have a muley tag to go hunt now.
I got lucky!! I was 19,505 in line. I picked up a coveted forky horn only mule deer tag!!! Stoked. There were a few other mulie tags available.
Without sarcasm: I wanted about 5 other hunts. I am just happy to be going afield and run a great chance of putting 60 pounds of meat in my freezer. Glassing mule deer in sage brush country is my second favorite thing to do. I'll have an Oregon mulie tag roughly 30 miles from this hunt. That will end 7 days before this tag. I'm lined up to hunt mulies from Oct 7 thru the 24 th.
Yeah, that don't suck.
I just got in and bought a whitetail tag just so my effort wasn’t for nothing 😂 at least I’ll be hunting some type of deer during the rut!
Everyone was logged in from several different IP addresses to game the system, thats why it cashed. And now everyone doing that is whining about how it ended up.
Interesting. A good move would be to have to log in to your account to get in line. I had no idea you could get in line without logging in.
I stood in line at a regional office since 1400 hrs yesterday . It was also a circus there when the tags went on sale. One guy was like 54 in line. He was on his phone, logged in and got his tag that way. Before IDFG (office) could get him his tag.

I was able to get my son’s tag, not mine, just a recipient and a confirmation number for my tag. Was told they would mail it to me
You waited in line overnight? How many others were in line doing the same?
Apparently I have to go to Idaho Nov 30 and Dec 1st next year.

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Won't help anything.I did just that and was first in line at a vendor.Took 3 1/2 hours and was kicked out of the system multiple times but luckily got a tag.Feeling very lucky.....
Just so you all know……outfitters are buying multiple tags for their non-resident clients at vendors. People are standing in line and buying multiple tags for their friends at vendors. The online deal is a complete bust.


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