Idaho salmon area unit 36b & 28 archery


Oct 6, 2019
Call me during roughly daytime hours...I have hunted 36B several years for both elk and deer. I hunted areas with no motor vehicle access and back pack hunted though.
Hi. I've been trying to get someone to point me in the right direction regarding 36B. I'm an archery hunter and have been concentrating my time scouting last summer (wasn't able to hunt the September season) in the southwest area of the Unit. I have never hunted Idaho before and just met the resident requirements so next season I will hunt. Am I wasting my time in the southwest area of the unit for elk? I'm just a meat hunter and enjoy the hunt but wondering since there was such low amount of sign if that meant it was a bad portion of the unit. Any and all feed back is appreciated. I know folks have a hard time pointing folks in the right direction. I hunt by myself so any feedback would just stay with me. If you want to private message me you can. I don't think I have enough posts to pm. Thank you.