I want a 6.8 Western…but…

Since I'm a lefty I had a Tikka T3x re barreled to 6.8 Western and I really love it. Mild recoil for the level of performance you get. I still have the 300 WSM barrel so could do a switch barrel rig. If you are a hand loader once you have brass you're good to go. Have some great loads with the 175 gr Sierra TGK and 170 gr Ballistic Tip. It may not be the most popular round but it will do well. The vast number of people who try one end up absolutely loving it, myself included. Does what I used to do with 300 magnums with a lot less recoil.
Maybe someday. Just bought a fast twist 270 win that I’ve been working up loads for. Can shoot same heavy bullets as 6.8 western just not quite as high of velocity. So far it pushes 165 ablr to almost 2900 fps and will carry the 1500ft/lbs that most people go by for elk out to 640yds. Plus components are easier to find
The fast twist 270 Win is awesome too. Only about 150 fps less than the 6.8 Western. I still have a bunch of 270 Win components and plan on another one. My last one was a 1 in 9 twist but the gun had other issues. An 8 or 8.5 at slowest would be better.
The fast twist 270 Win is awesome too. Only about 150 fps less than the 6.8 Western. I still have a bunch of 270 Win components and plan on another one. My last one was a 1 in 9 twist but the gun had other issues.
I thought about building one but wanted it for an elk hunting trip this year. Didn’t think I would have got it built in the timeframe I have and still get a load worked up and range time before hand. Ended up buying an x bolt western hunter lr with factory 1:7.5 twist. Love it so far.
I thought about building one but wanted it for an elk hunting trip this year. Didn’t think I would have got it built in the timeframe I have and still get a load worked up and range time before hand. Ended up buying an x bolt western hunter lr with factory 1:7.5 twist. Love it so far.
Those are super nice guns, congrats!
Mcgowan will re-barrel your Browning Rifle for about the same amount as a Tikka prefit.
I have been hunting with a 270wsm with a break for several years. With 140gr Berger VLDs, it has killed everything I have pointed it at out to 400 yards. I recently won a Browning Xbolt in 6.8 Western with a 20" barrel. I was super intrigued with what i read about this round. I threw a scope on it and bought some ammo from Choice Ammunition and took it to the range. It has the Browning Hawg muzzle break on it and the recoil is less than my 270wsm. The rifle is extremely pleasant to shoot. After only 20 rounds through the gun, I was shooting sub 1" groups at 200 yards.

In regards to ammunition. I highly recommend Choice Ammunition. I have been using their ammo for years and it shoots amazing. They currently offer 6 different options for the 6.8 western. I called them last week and asked about the demand they are seeing and if they think the round will stick around. They told me they will never stop making it. They have incredible demands for it. They just received a giant shipment of brass that should keep them stocked for the next couple of years. Check with them in a few weeks and they should be fully restocked on all of their options.

I say do it! Light recoil and heavy bullet, what could go wrong?!
I have been hunting with a 270wsm with a break for several years. With 140gr Berger VLDs, it has killed everything I have pointed it at out to 400 yards. I recently won a Browning Xbolt in 6.8 Western with a 20" barrel. I was super intrigued with what i read about this round. I threw a scope on it and bought some ammo from Choice Ammunition and took it to the range. It has the Browning Hawg muzzle break on it and the recoil is less than my 270wsm. The rifle is extremely pleasant to shoot. After only 20 rounds through the gun, I was shooting sub 1" groups at 200 yards.

In regards to ammunition. I highly recommend Choice Ammunition. I have been using their ammo for years and it shoots amazing. They currently offer 6 different options for the 6.8 western. I called them last week and asked about the demand they are seeing and if they think the round will stick around. They told me they will never stop making it. They have incredible demands for it. They just received a giant shipment of brass that should keep them stocked for the next couple of years. Check with them in a few weeks and they should be fully restocked on all of their options.

I say do it! Light recoil and heavy bullet, what could go wrong?!
Interesting information, thanks. I like those short barreled X Bolts, yours is shooting well.
…not at all a gun guy. But I need to start expanding season/success opportunities by adding a rifle and muzzy.
OP, this sounds like its going to be your first and only rifle. Is that correct? Sounds like you know you are recoil-averse, but not clear on experience or if this rifle will be your only, or augmenting what you already have. Thats seems very relevant to me.
I know the easy answer is to just pick something different right from the start, but I don’t want to. So there!
And, are you actually considering other cartridges or platforms, or just looking for justification to get what you want? If so, carry on.

To those advocating for the 6.8w, if this is the OP’s first and only rifle and he volunteered that he’s recoil-averse, for use most of the time in the east with all shots under 200 yards on whitetailed deer, as well as for practice and “becoming a gun guy”, would you suggest this (or any mid-sized magnum with recoil, etc) is the best cartridge to get for a first and only rifle when initial practice and proficiency will also be required?

Where Im sitting, the math looks really different depending on if the way I read the original post is correct. 6.8 Western as a second rifle might make a lot more sense than 6.8 Western as a first and only rifle.
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OP, this sounds like its going to be your first and only rifle. Is that correct? Sounds like you know you are recoil-averse, but not clear on experience or if this rifle will be your only, or augmenting what you already have. Thats seems very relevant to me.

And, are you actually considering other cartridges or platforms, or just looking for justification to get what you want? If so, carry on.

To those advocating for the 6.8w, if this is the OP’s first and only rifle and he volunteered that he’s recoil-averse, for use most of the time in the east with all shots under 200 yards on whitetailed deer, as well as for practice and “becoming a gun guy”, would you suggest this (or any mid-sized magnum with recoil, etc) is the best cartridge to get for a first and only rifle when initial practice and proficiency will also be required?

Where Im sitting, the math looks really different depending on if the way I read the original post is correct. 6.8 Western as a second rifle might make a lot more sense than 6.8 Western as a first and only rifle.

These are great points, put extremely well. And as noted, some depends on the interpretation of what the OP's posts contain.

When he says "…not at all a gun guy", does this mean "I'm not a gun nut but have guns", or "literally don't own any guns"? Not sure, but I suspect the former, the same way I'd say I'm not a car guy or stereo guy, while owning both. But he noted that his realistic max distance would be 500yds, and that he'd also be taking "nearly annual" trips out west for things like antelope, and he wants a do-all rifle. He noted he's a bit recoil averse, so that makes me think he's got some degree of experience with larger cartridges.

While I believe a 6.8W (and a couple dozen other cartridges) would fit his use-intent very well, I also think it's very hard to argue with your main point, which seems to be that he (and anyone) would be better off with getting something light recoiling as a main trainer gun that could still be usable on deer (ie, .223) first or at the same time.

Sounds to me like this thread gives the OP all the justification he needs in getting a matched pair of Browning X-Bolts in .223 and 6.8W...
Man the only thing I'd say is that if you really want to shoot to 500 yards, 223 won't even come close. I've killed critters out to 642 yards with a 6.5CM and it doesn't recoil hard at all to me.
First - mentioning the “cartridge that should not be named” and now dissing the venerable elephant caliber…Ladies and gentlemen put your helmets on!
First - mentioning the “cartridge that should not be named” and now dissing the venerable elephant caliber…Ladies and gentlemen put your helmets on!
I know, how dare I have a dissenting opinion. I've done most my hunting with a bow or a 300 WSM to be honest. I just wouldn't recommend that 223 to a guy that's wanting to go out west occasionally. If he's just wanting to practice and shoot deer within 200 yards, then sure, get after it. I know a guy pretty well that's done a whole bunch of deer culling with 17 hmr head shots, so you don't need a cannon to deer hunt.
I know, how dare I have a dissenting opinion. I've done most my hunting with a bow or a 300 WSM to be honest. I just wouldn't recommend that 223 to a guy that's wanting to go out west occasionally. If he's just wanting to practice and shoot deer within 200 yards, then sure, get after it. I know a guy pretty well that's done a whole bunch of deer culling with 17 hmr head shots, so you don't need a cannon to deer hunt.
They are really talking about target practice with a .223 so that OP is a good enough shooter to take game with his preferred rifle cartridge. The long range hunters like to use small caliber bullets that fragment. That is why they prefer match bullets over conventional hunting bullets. For them energy isn’t part of the equation. They use BC and muzzle velocity.
OP, this sounds like it’s going to be your first and only rifle. Is that correct? Sounds like you know you are recoil-averse, but not clear on experience or if this rifle will be your only, or augmenting what you already have. Thats seems very relevant to me.

Besides a very old inherited 270win that I’ve maybe shot 10 times, this will be my first hunting rifle. All of my shooting experience is tactical. AR’s in 5.56, 300BLK, 9mm.

And, are you actually considering other cartridges or platforms, or just looking for justification to get what you want? If so, carry on.

I’m considering a 6.5 and 7 PRC also.

Recoil adverse may not have been the right explanation. I’ve shot a 300wm and didn’t want to keep shooting it. I want something that I can take to the range, send 20 rounds down range without starting to flinch after just a few shots.

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Besides a very old inherited 270win that I’ve maybe shot 10 times, this will be my first hunting rifle. All of my shooting experience is tactical. AR’s in 5.56, 300BLK, 9mm.

I’m considering a 6.5 and 7 PRC also.

Recoil adverse may not have been the right explanation. I’ve shot a 300wm and didn’t want to keep shooting it. I want something that I can take to the range, send 20 rounds down range without starting to flinch after just a few shots.

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If you are comfortable shooting the 270 win, the 6.8 Western isn’t much more recoil. The 7 PRC is definitely more recoil than the 6.8 Western. I think you may be better suited with a 6.5 PRC or even a 308. Tons of ammo options for those two cartridges and anyone can shoot them well. The 6.5 Creedmoor would probably serve you well also. My .270 Win was used on pronghorn primarily, but I took bull elk with it.