I may or may not have...........................

I may or may not have caught a bunch of salmon, cleaned them well and put carcasses in the bucket. Wife always reminds me to dispose of stinky carcasses. I may or may not have said yes I will babe.

It was late, tired and boat still hooked up to truck, it may or may not have been easier to put said bucket in back if her forerunner for the 6 mile drive to disposing area Saturday evening...

I may or may not have been violently woken up early Monday morning as she left early for work due the putrid smell in her car...

I will comply with all future protocols with stinky carcasses...

If I can remember or not to tired.
It’s hard to be a sportsman.
I may or may not have gotten left over crab legs from a restaurant employee who was going to throw them out. I may have figured that they still had some purpose left in them. I may have taken the smelly crab legs and using my "fleet key" to open up the door to my Sergeants patrol vehicle. He did not care what the inside of his car looked like and it appeared that a transient was living on the floor of the front passenger seat area. Empty McDonalds bags and other various food containers were above seat hight on the passenger front floorboards. I may have placed several crab legs in this underneath this trash heap up and up near where the floor heat vent was. He may or may not have finally caved in and had to clean out his car as it stunk so bad that even he could not stand it!
I may or may not have bought a new bow. Got home in the evening and couldn’t resist putting a few arrows through it in the backyard, always shot out of town but just had to shoot it. Lived in a subdivision, shot a few and decided to shoot one more. Punched the trigger bad, missed the target and put a hole in my vinyl fence. The house next to ours was being built and just had a foundation. There was a large pile of gravel on the other side of he fence. Thinking surely it just went into that gravel pile, looked for probably 45 min for my arrow with no luck. Next day I walked to the community mail box and on my way back happened to look up at the house across the street, sure as sh!t there’s my arrow 20 ft up stuck in the siding of their house.
I may have....just once....been playing around with my bow grip. Got a little too relaxed and the bow slipped out of my hand at full draw! I promise you I will NEVER let that happen again. Wonder what the fps is on a hoyt returning to your face???
I had broke my wrist and thought it was healed up enough to shoot again. At full draw my recently broken wrist buckled and the cable rod slammed right into my side cracking a rib. Worst pain I've ever felt. Thought I had punctured a lung.

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I may or may not have had a different Sergeant who smoked in his car and he smoked one right after the other. Really nice fellow but the cigarettes were bad. I may have had a smoke detector go south on me in my house at the time. It might have become uber sensitive and even just a little sniff of something burning on the stove and it would go off, and was quite loud I might say. I might have figured the old girl still had some life/use left in her and may have taped the smoke detector to the headliner of his patrol car directly behind where he sat and behind the cage behind the front seat. I may have wanted to follow him home that afternoon to see what happened to witness the events as they unfolded but I could not do it and give myself away.
I may or may not have accidentally killed a rhino. A buddy and I had loaded our stuff into his side by side after a morning deer hunt. I sat down in the passenger seat. His rifle was tucked beside my left leg. As we drove away, I asked if he unloaded his rifle. He hadn't. No problem, I'll get it. As I tried to pull the bolt, I remembered that the bolt won't cycle on his Savage unless the safety is off. So I flipped the safety and boom. His Yamaha Rhino died. Turns out my gloved hand wasn't on the trigger guard like I thought. A .270 bullet cut the wiring harness and negative battery cable completely in two.
I may have....just once....been playing around with my bow grip. Got a little too relaxed and the bow slipped out of my hand at full draw! I promise you I will NEVER let that happen again. Wonder what the fps is on a hoyt returning to your face???

I may have done a similar instance in reverse. Learned real quick how bad a dry fire can be, and a peep sight can bounce off 4 walls and still hurt when it hits you
I may or may not have been walking down a logging road elk hunting with a buddy when I felt a bee in my pants. I may or may not have started swatting and running down the road stripping my pants off to get away. When investigating to make sure the bee was gone the old flip phone in my pocket may or may not have had a missed call.:rolleyes: Those things vibrate like crazy and I hate bees.😀
Getting ready to head in on a deer hunt when the bubble guts hit. Was a pretty good distance to the nearest tree or downed log and I didn’t have time for that, so squat it was. I may or may not have lost my balance trying to get up and fell back in it. Brings some clarity to the saying “shit and fall back in it.”
As many have said this thread is gold

I may or may not have been calling in a giant bull elk for a buddy that we had been after for weeks. finally everything is in our favor,...wind is right...buddy is set up perfect...i'm 40 yards back and have him on a string. Just as the bull starts walking into range there is a horrible ring from my pocket...i may or may not have forgot to put my phone on silent. never saw that bull again...my buddy has never let me live it down.
10ish years ago I may or may not have walked out of class to the parking lot to see a girl crying next to my exploder speaking with two campus police officers, as I got closer I may or may not have spotted a dead raccoon with a paint marker taped to it's hand on my hood with the hand under my windshield wiper, with "happy Valentine's day! XOXO written across my windshield.

As I approached I definitely denied knowing whose vehicle it was and kept walking while I called the friend I know was responsible and told him to pick me up NOW!
I may or may not have shot my 30.06 in the living room at phone books.

I may or may not have had a few drinks that day.

Sometimes I wonder what the neighbors may or may not of thought or why the cops may or may not of showed.
It's mine, 2.5 hour drive back to the club to get it. Was home unloading the truck when it hit me, oh crap.

I may or may not have been whitetail hunting when a serious case of the bubbles came around. This spot was was known to have a bear pass through, and on the way in i saw it left some scat near the base of my stand and it looked fresh. I went from “i can make it to after the morning opens” and at 7:30 sharp i had to do a fireman slide down the ladder. I was wearing bibs and i just moved those shoulder straps down to my ankles and pressures best measured at a biblical level escaped my body. About 6” from the bear scat. Im pretty sure i shit on top of his scat unintentionally. I used some leaves and decided that hunt was over. I was not risking round two. Came back a few days later, there was bear scat every few feet around the incident. It was pretty entertaining, but not a single deer or hog ever showed up on camera again. After 3 months i moved my stand and decided it wasnt worth that.
Husband found these “fossils” during a hunting trip that sat in the house for months in the most inconvenient spot. I deemed these fossils “rocks” and when we moved out of our rental. The “rocks” went into the garden and i told said husband that they must be in one of those moving boxes somewhere. He never could find them and gave up looking after awhile

Also said husband had a pair of old camo pants that he was emotionally attached to and magically after hunting season one year these pants seemed to have magically disappeared. Which then forced said husband to finally go buy some new camo that was deemed appropriate attire by his wife.

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I may or may not have done a hard day of climbing an returned to my tent, which was set up about 20 yards from a hiking trail and above treeline. I may or may not have eaten about a pound of dried apricots and then fallen asleep for a mid afternoon nap. I may or may not have been awakened by the worst gut pain ever. I may or may not have run out of my tent, dropped my drawers, and violently pissed out of my ass right in front of a few hikers. Like right in front of them.