I may or may not have...........................

I may or may not have packed my wife and kid 3 hours into a wilderness area to stay a couple nights for my wife’s elk tag. Woke up opening morning to realize I brought Ammo for the wrong gun, as we were glassing the elk we were going to get after. 6 hours later I was back to camp with the correct ammo, but while I was at the truck I checked the weather to see a huge snow storm was heading in that night to drop a couple feet of snow. And out we went that evening. Was a good workout anyway.
I got a few maybes. Some might have opened the lid on a 100 crickets and dropped them all into the cab of the truck after his dad told him don’t touch the crickets. Dad was only in the store a couple minutes but that was enough time for the crickets to all get out. Got a good spanking for that one. Truck smelled for a long time after that
May or may not have left Minnesota, drove 150 mile to Twin Cities and the south to (very rural) OK ( about 800 miles) on a hog hunt only to find I forgot my ammo for my 6.8 SPC. Near as I can figure, I drove by 4 Cabelas in the process. Not going to find that ammo at a rural hardware store. Hunt saved by my nephew who decided to bring his 6.8 at the last minute.😀
I may or may not have had my Girlfriend, now Wife, help me haul treestands into the West Elks. Upon returning to the trailhead I may or may not have convinced her that skinny dippy was a great way to be clean for the drive home. I may or may not have assured her that no one ever came there during weekdays, at least until Grandpa and grandson ran into her at point blank range when she decided to go get a towel out of the truck.
My sons favorite one. I still find my laughing about it years later.
I was at a pretty stress time in my life. I had just finished a huge event which was a pretty good success and someone had the nerve to call me up and complain about the smallest thing. I walk in the front door and the wife ask me to run to the store and medicine for the kids. It was already late and I had put a full day in but went anyway for her. I get the medicine and walk back to parking lot and cant find my truck. I am walking all over the place and can’t find it. I am pissed and call my BIL who is a cop and tell him. He gets a bird in the air and sends two cops to pick me up. They take down the report and take me back home. When I pull up in the drive way there is my truck. Everyone is a little confused until I realize I had taken the Van to the store. Added on to an already hard day. Wife could not wait to tell everyone. My buddies photo shopped my face on dud where’s my car movie and sent it to everyone.
my son loves telling everyone that story
Circa 1975 in Flagstaff AZ a guy was gassing up his dirt bike, Kawasaki 185, and locked the steering when going in to pay (back then they didnt have pay at the pump).

A busload of cheerleaders from a local summer camp drove up to get gas. Got back on said motorcycle and thought he could peel out and wheelie impressing said cheerleaders, but forgot to unlock the steering.

Any guess as to what happened next????????
Circa 1975 in Flagstaff AZ a guy was gassing up his dirt bike, Kawasaki 185, and locked the steering when going in to pay (back then they didnt have pay at the pump).

A busload of cheerleaders from a local summer camp drove up to get gas. Got back on said motorcycle and thought he could peel out and wheelie impressing said cheerleaders, but forgot to unlock the steering.

Any guess as to what happened next????????

hey i bet he got their attention!
This thread is gold!

Back when I was in college I may or may not have been trying to make sure my arrow was level in the rest of my bow by drawing, turning it sideways, then looking at it. I may or may not have accidentally punched the trigger while doing so, sending an arrow pin balling through the living room that had 4 people in it. By the grace of god it didn’t hit anyone or even break anything. After ricocheting off a giant white board it lodged in the curtains (those 1950s curtains are some burly sum bitches). I may or may not have shrugged it off while my roommate may or may not have acted like he’d seen his life pass before his eyes.
I have to tell you this a hysterical thread. I love it. Here's another stinky one I was just thinking about.

A buddy and I may or may not have been hunting and trapping coyotes in high school. We used his 4x4 pickup to get ourselves up in the hills to hunt the yotes and to check our traps. I had concocted a SCENT for us to use by putting water and chopped up suckers into a glass jar and letting the jar sit out in the sun. It fermented all summer and went through the winter without freezing solid which was amazing. After a little over a year and a half it was now the moment to put this awesome cover scent to work. Wondering how it smelled I may have cracked open the lid on one of the jars and sniffed my concoction inside. Almost instantly the odor was so hideous that I started to wretch instantly. I quickly closed the jar and placed it back up on the roof of my fathers tin shed. Come November we were all set to call and trap coyotes. I may have had to spend the next 10 minutes or so scrubbing my hands in hot water and soap trying to rid my carcass of this foul odor.

It was time to check our traps. I may have put the "glass" jar of cover scent in a box and then put this box in the back of my friends pickup. In getting to a couple of our sets we may or may not have had to do some serious four wheeling in my friends pickup. I had put the glass jar and some packing in the box to protect it from breaking. We certainly didn't want it up in the cab with us. On one of the many steep and snow covered hills we had to get his pickup up the box in the back rattled around and dumped the glass jar of our special scent in the back of the pickup. The glass jar broke and yes a full quart jar of this amazing concoction spilled all over in the bed of his pickup. His pickup may or may not have been the most potent smelling vehicle known to man after that. My goodness it was awful, and we had lost a full quart jar of my special mixture!

After our adventures that day we drove back home and my buddy spent about $10.00 at a car wash hosing out the back of his pickup without much success. He drove his pickup to school every day and if you were a block away downwind, you may have felt like you were going to loose your cookies. It was that bad!!! The smell eventually faded after about a month but I don't know if it ever completely went away.
I may have....just once....been playing around with my bow grip. Got a little too relaxed and the bow slipped out of my hand at full draw! I promise you I will NEVER let that happen again. Wonder what the fps is on a hoyt returning to your face???

Well on a Bear Polar LTD the weight is enough to drop you. Out cold, blood streaming from the forehead, friends bent over laughing.

Pro tip:

Don't try to shoot with a cast on your bow arm.
May have forgotten my fully loaded pack on my way to a buddy's elk hunt. Drove 3.5 hours to the trailhead, got there at 9 pm. Instead of hiking in that night, we did the 7 hour round trip to get my pack and hiked in the next morning.

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May or not have left my pack on the side of a busy mountain road with a pair of Victory SF 10x42s, Sig rangefinder, Conquest 15x56s, a Meopta spotter, a sirui tripod with gitzo head, a s&w .40 and my inreach. I left the mountain Saturday night. I realized I didn't have my shit Sunday night. I pinged my inreach location multiple times Sunday night to make sure it was there and picked my pack up Monday morning at daylight.

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I may or may not have been camping with a buddy on a turkey hunt a few years ago...we were hiking one evening with a backpack of beer. I went to pee and noticed a black spot at the tip of my you-know-what. Wouldn't brush off so I tried to pick it. Realized it was a tick! A tiny bugger that I couldn't get off no matter how hard i tried. Had to have my friend come scratch it with a beer tab while I pulled the skin tight. As bad as that was it gets worse....two days later I have a terrible fever and flu symptoms. Ended up getting lyme disease. Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Sickest I've ever been. I still get made fun of about the d#$% tick.
I may or may not have been handed a Bull Bomb for the first time during my first archery elk hunt. The air is still, the first rosy fingers of dawn are piercing the crisp morning sky as I point the Bull Bomb in front of me and press the button. A moment later I see the slight imperceptive breeze blowing in my direction as the fine mist envelopes me. I quickly learn inhaling 100% genuine fresh elk urine first thing in the morning will outperform coffee every time.

As I fight the urge to cough, choke, puke and spit I just know my two friends are fighting urges of their own. Musta been a gut-buster watching me douse myself in elk pee. I spray in all other directions as the sky grows brighter. That’s when I learned lesson #2 about Bull Bombs…they are insect magnets. In moments I have literally thousands of biting, stinging bugs all over me. I pull up my bandit, (3/4 facemask) pull down my beanie and put on my gloves. As I write this a week later my hands and face still look like a teenage pizza employee’s face.
May or may not have left several dozen night crawlers,shrimp, and several containers of chicken liver in a cooler. That happen to be in bed of my buddies truck in the hot Oklahoma sun for several days. Opened the cooler only to find death living in it.
We then may or may not have dumped the whole cooler in the dumpster of our military dorms parking lot.. where it sat for several more day.. we may or may not have sat on our balcony drinking laughing at the reaction of people when they walked by the dumpster.