I may or may not have...........................

I may or may not have partially defecated in my waders thinking they were in the clear during an Arkansas duck hunt a few years ago after eating too much "coon stew" at the Gillette Coon Supper. Still get reminded about that one by the buddies.
On my very first day archery elk hunting, I may or may not have 1) had an accidental trigger punch that sent an arrow three feet into the ground in front of me as a screaming bull was standing less than 15 yards away, after the bull screamed and sprinted his way uphill towards us and I "took cover" BEHIND a giant ponderosa, 2) used my 40-yard pin to shoot over the back of that same bull when he stopped broadside at 25 yards, 3) had an arrow fall off the rest at full draw as a spike came by at twenty yards, and then 4) have the bottom cam of the bow get stuck on deadfall, sending an arrow below the belly of that same spike several minutes later.
I may or may not have winged a grackle in my backyard trying to get them to stay off my bird feeder. The grackle may or may not have then flown to neighbors tree and died hanging upside down by one leg. Wife then banned me from shooting squirrels or birds in my .1 acre lot in Chicago suburbia. Later that week I missed the rhinehart 18-1 target and shot my house, through the siding, through the drywall across the bathroom and stuck an inch into the bathroom door. Luckily the wife was not home for this.
When I was about 10-12 years old a buddy and I were out messing around with our little fiberglass bows. We each had ONE target arrow each as I recall. My Norwegian Elkhound was with us. We came upon a skunk along an irrigation ditch. Said Elkhound started barking and going after the skunk who did what skunks tend to do. We may or may not have used our ONE arrow each to shoot the skunk to kill it all the while the dog was getting sprayed as were we. We may or may not have had to pull our arrows out of the still live skunk and then shoot him again each of us before he died. We may or may not have then hauled the skunk HOME so that I could show my mother how we had taken out this varmint by golly. Poor mother was not happy. Made us take the skunk back far far way. Then had to wash us in the bath with tomato juice and then vinegar, and whatever else she could think was an elixir to fix our problem. I discovered one thing in that skunks REALLY stink but if you are literally covered in the stench at some point your nose seems to quite working and you cannot smell anything as it's so horrible. The odor seems to lessen a bit. Not for those nearby though!
I may have gotten a tick embedded above my crotch and tried to use a lighter to get it to release, accidentally lighting my pubes on fire.
Oh my gosh I'm crying as I write this. That's funny. I have a tick story also. For some reason ticks seem to really like me. I was spring bear hunting with a buddy. The ticks were HORRIBLE that spring. We would walk about 100 yards and then stop for several minutes and pick ticks off of each others pants legs and wherever else they might be located on our clothing. I may or may not have accidentally brought a tick or two home with me thinking that after my shower and cloths change that I was tick free. My wife may have woken up the next morning with a tick crawling on the back of her neck in her hairline if I remember correctly. My wife was NOT Happy! A couple days later my belly button started hurting and was bugging me. I was in bed as we were just waking up and I told her to look as I have an innie and I could not see inside to tell what was going on. My wife looked and started freaking out and saying oh my, crap, and other language.

I May have had a tick burrow into my belly button right in the center and was inside my skin with just about his back half as all that was left sticking out. I told my wife to get some fingernail polish remover and fill my belly button like a swimming pool. After she did that and we waited about 5 minutes I figured the tick would be dead. She got a paper towel and I drained the pool by dabbing the paper towel in my belly button. She then got a tweezers and may tried several times to extract the tick without success trying to be "gentle". I finally got frustrated because I couldn't take care to this removal myself and I told her to "just grab the damn thing and pull it out." Which she did and was successful. The tick came out whole and may have had a piece of my flesh clinched in his shut jaws! As soon as the extraction was successful some of the lower level pool liquid immediately filled in the void she had created. Holy crap did that fingernail polish remover hurt when it into the hole left by the ticks eviction from the premises. I mean it really hurt!

I ended up getting sick about a week later running 103 temperature and sweating buckets. I had "one" of the several types of tick fevers that are possible to get. It was not worth testing to figure out which one so they just gave me strong antibiotics which I took for 10 days. I was home sick as a dog for more than a week before I got better.
I may or may not have partially defecated in my waders thinking they were in the clear during an Arkansas duck hunt a few years ago after eating too much "coon stew" at the Gillette Coon Supper. Still get reminded about that one by the buddies.

A guy I hunt with tells a story about one of his buddies girlfriends tagging along on a turkey hunt years ago. She went off for "just a pee" and came back smelling terrible. After a little while one of the guys noticed the steamer in her jumpsuit hood. Apparently when she drop he britches she didn't have as much clearance as she thought...
Successful late season doe hunt. Hung the doe in buddy's tack shed for cutting and butchering.

May or may not have forgotten to remove the head/carcass from the tack shed after the cutting was done and wife did not find it until late Spring.....apparently staring at her when she opened the door for the first Spring ride.
Wife 1.0 - Utah 1997....

May or may not have left a full "cow in estrus" scent wafer container in a pair of pants that wife washed (lip popped open during spin cycle apparently) and then ran through the dryer on high heat.

She may or may not have appreciated that odor as much as I did...

It may or may not take about a week for that smell to completely leave the small 700 square foot house......

The couch may or may not be as comfortable to sleep on as the bed....
I friggin love this thread. May or may not have:

dumped a bucket of minnows in the bottom of my dads car. Found dried up minnows under the carpet years later. Sorry dad.

jump started a motorcycle with a geo metro in the AM. came home that night to car still running in the drive.

left raw chicken livers in my car from a weekend fishing trip. May or may not have smelled like a cadaver.

christ I could write a book.