I gots the Covid.


Apr 8, 2018
FWIW, here's a portion of an email that my doctor recently sent out to all of his patients:

We have spent a lot of time thinking about COVID and its impact. As the old adage goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is certainly true when it comes to the COVID virus. Having good overall health and taking preventative measures can greatly affect your risk for contracting the virus and the severity of infection if you do become infected. One statistic that has been most staggering to us is that roughly 80% of severe cases of COVID (hospitalization, ventilation, or death) have occurred in individuals that are overweight or obese. That is an alarming number and has caused us to reflect on how we can better help our patients achieve better health.

The email then mentions new annual tests on body composition (including visceral fat), nutritional and fitness goals, proper hydration and sleep habits, as well as inflammation risk, etc. I see him on Tuesday, and I'm already preparing myself for how much gut fat I have.

This is not some anti-vax quack - and I'm vaxxed and have natural immunity from Covid.


Dec 12, 2015
I think long and hard about this stuff,could you just imagine if the leader of the free world(our president), looked like the Rock(Duanne Johnson)? What kind of example would that set? Would people look to someone like that and inspire to be like that? Do these weak withered up old men really represent what America is about? I want to see a war hardened, insanely fit,gritty individual that could actually serve as an example of what people should strive to emulate, im tired of this same old whitewash.
Feb 20, 2016
It’s been said before and I’ll ask it again……why the hell aren’t these so called “professionals” advocating immediate treatment instead of rest, stay home, call when you can’t breathe?

Monoclonal antibodies and other drugs while certainly not a magic bullet do seem to have a positive effect on some people. If there’s little to no risk then why no use the “bullets “ we have available.

My son tested positive 3 days ago. We’ve been using a betadine solution nasal spray 4x a day. After the first day the stuffy nose was 50% better. Day 2 probably 90%. His quote this morning “ I feel more productive now than ever” he’s 10. Is it a scientific proven cure? Nope. Risk in using it? Nope. Will I continue? Yep.

How come no one is talking about the death rate after the vax? Why isn’t anyone looking at the numbers of young people with myocarditis?

Guess who makes the #1 drug for treating myocarditis? Would it surprise you if it’s Pfizer?

For the record I got the vax and I’ve had covid.

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Dec 8, 2018
Wow, really? This is laughable, “why our medical experts have totally ignored telling Americans to get healthy is totally beyond you”, seriously? You’re joking, right? So what, you believe that this whole time “our medical experts” were conspiring against the American people and not promoting good health and fitness? Wake up brother, our “medical experts” have been advocating for healthy living, diet and exercise from the beginning, and if you believe that not to be true than I got nothing for you, and you should probably seek out a place to live that has a better health care system.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not finding anything on the CDC, FDA, AMA, Harvard medical school, White House .... websites stating the importance of Vit D, healthy weight, exercise, diet, zinc, nasal rinses with anti virals ( much more effective than a non medical paper mask) ,ivermectin, MCA's and Hydroxychloroquine ( down played after Trump received them), as being very effective and essential in avoiding hospitalization when contracting the virus. Take a Tylenol and go home pray that the body's immune system doesn't go into overdrive. Many hospital are still refusing MCA's.

There has been zero guidance on those who get covid to avoid having to go to a hospital for emergency care, and when educated and very seasoned frontline healthcare workers, who are treating covid, are advocating for effective and cheap treatments, they are attacked and deplatformed. .Still zero info on the efficacy of natural immunities from the CDC, Whitehouse , AMA.

Next time you're shopping look at what fat frightened vaccinated people wearing Chinese paper masks are putting into their carts the past 2 years. It aint kale and salmon. So much for the importance of diet and exercise in the great covid war.

Shut everything down and get the untested booster

Clown world. Millions of deaths could have been avoided


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
I'm not finding anything on the CDC, FDA, AMA, Harvard medical school, White House .... websites stating the importance of Vit D, healthy weight, exercise, diet, zinc, nasal rinses with anti virals ( much more effective than a non medical paper mask) ,ivermectin, MCA's and Hydroxychloroquine ( down played after Trump received them), as being very effective and essential in avoiding hospitalization when contracting the virus. Take a Tylenol and go home pray that the body's immune system doesn't go into overdrive. Many hospital are still refusing MCA's.

There has been zero guidance on those who get covid to avoid having to go to a hospital for emergency care, and when educated and very seasoned frontline healthcare workers, who are treating covid, are advocating for effective and cheap treatments, they are attacked and deplatformed. .Still zero info on the efficacy of natural immunities from the CDC, Whitehouse , AMA.

Next time you're shopping look at what fat frightened vaccinated people wearing Chinese paper masks are putting into their carts the past 2 years. It aint kale and salmon. So much for the importance of diet and exercise in the great covid war.

Shut everything down and get the untested booster

Clown world. Millions of deaths could have been avoided
Spot. On. Best 'rona post I've read in awhile. Chesapeake was spot on as well. Why the hell aren't we seeing more practical GUIDANCE from the powers that be? They don't f cking care.
My wife and I were just talking about our local practitioner and touching base and calling him to learn protocol should we need monoclonal antibodies. Hey, we've been pragmatic about all of this, but we want to be prepared. Wife air-travels all over the place and is around many people.

Frankly I think they want the death, destruction and mayhem; just as I firmly believe China willfully wanted several million fewer people in their popuation --the old, compromised, the infirm--in that billion-strong country.

It really is clown world.
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Sep 16, 2021
Lots of resentment out there these days on all fronts, but resenting Americans for exercising their rights and freedoms (especially their own healthcare decisions) should never be part of that IMO. Our rights and freedoms and the foundation of our nation are the things that should NEVER be compromised. And by the way, in April my vaccinated mom passed away. The Dr. told us that she needed to be in the ICU but they didn't have any room at that time. I don't have any resentment at all towards this new all-combined group called "the unvaccinated".

A bigger question should be.......if Covid is still such an issue, then where are all the triage type units that were set up in 2020 when the hospitals were overloaded with Covid patients.......tent cities and warehouses full of patients........etc? Bring them back if it's that big of deal right now, and use them for only Covid patients. We haven't heard word one about any of that since last year. Heck, our governor has said that we only have 1500 ICU beds in the entire state. That sure doesn't sound like many for such a "crisis" as they keep making this out to be. If we use that as an average, that means that there are ~99,925,000 unvaccinated Americans NOT using those beds. Resentment towards the entire "group" seems misguided. That's akin to blaming all gun-owning Americans (or the guns themselves) for the minuscule percentage of Americans (and illegals) that are committing crimes with guns.
A couple things, first the temporary units and "COVID-only" stuff that was set up, i can really only talk about my metro area specifically, required shutting down other spaces. There was a good six months where there were no elective surgeries. Knee or hip replacement? Tough luck, see you in September. Nobody had the money to build and staff all knew facilities. Setting up temporary ICUs as was done in some places is also ridiculously expensive, and it's not something you can do indefinitely, again because of staffing issues.

The issue with unvaccinated people is not just soaking up the extra bedspace, but it's typically the unvaccinated people who are also spreading it, not wearing masks, harassing people who have been wearing masks in public, promoting the nonsense conspiracies, etc. That paints a big target.
It’s been said before and I’ll ask it again……why the hell aren’t these so called “professionals” advocating immediate treatment instead of rest, stay home, call when you can’t breathe?

Monoclonal antibodies and other drugs while certainly not a magic bullet do seem to have a positive effect on some people. If there’s little to no risk then why no use the “bullets “ we have available.

My son tested positive 3 days ago. We’ve been using a betadine solution nasal spray 4x a day. After the first day the stuffy nose was 50% better. Day 2 probably 90%. His quote this morning “ I feel more productive now than ever” he’s 10. Is it a scientific proven cure? Nope. Risk in using it? Nope. Will I continue? Yep.

How come no one is talking about the death rate after the vax? Why isn’t anyone looking at the numbers of young people with myocarditis?

Guess who makes the #1 drug for treating myocarditis? Would it surprise you if it’s Pfizer?

For the record I got the vax and I’ve had covid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cost for one, space for another. Same reason you don't get admitted to the hospital the minute you get a cancer diagnosis or the flu. The side effects of monoclonal antibodies are pretty rough and they cost . I dunno maybe I'm crazy to think that after 18 months of dealing with it we've got the standard of practice pretty down pat.

Betadine nasal spray carries the risk of allergic reaction, surface reactions on mucosal surfaces, and can open the body up to secondary infections. Nothing is without risk.

Deaths post-vaccine have been pretty well monitored by drug producers, every government, and several independent research bodies. Unless you're gonna come in with the VAERS nonsense again (a tool that is used to identify trends, but does not and is not intended to identify cause and effect) You're pretty far afield claiming nobody is talking about it. The truth of the matter is that there's nothing exciting about it.

To say "nobody is looking at the numbers of young people with myocarditis" I would say is also a myth. Again, our population surveillance is pretty good, but I suppose that by phrasing it that way you have something specific in mind. But I would also wager that you heard about it from someone else, probably directly or indirectly through a news or social media outlet, from one of the surveillance bodies, which would mean that it is being discussed. I know a couple of the usual suspects (FLCCC, infowars, mike adams) have made a habit of misreading preprints to and exaggerating the data, and then never following back up or correcting themselves.

An example of people literally talking about it: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/you...e-myocarditis-side-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine

But guess what causes long-term symptoms, even in children, at much higher rates? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html

And myocarditis specifically? https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm

What I don't see discussed as much from the anti-vax or "it's not that serious" crowd is the long-term symptoms that come from exposure, while reaching for any vaccine side-effect (real or imagined). To me that's a classic case of shooting three holes in a backstop and painting the bullseyes on after the fact.


Dec 8, 2018
A couple things, first the temporary units and "COVID-only" stuff that was set up, i can really only talk about my metro area specifically, required shutting down other spaces. There was a good six months where there were no elective surgeries. Knee or hip replacement? Tough luck, see you in September. Nobody had the money to build and staff all knew facilities. Setting up temporary ICUs as was done in some places is also ridiculously expensive, and it's not something you can do indefinitely, again because of staffing issues.

The issue with unvaccinated people is not just soaking up the extra bedspace, but it's typically the unvaccinated people who are also spreading it, not wearing masks, harassing people who have been wearing masks in public, promoting the nonsense conspiracies, etc. That paints a big target.

Cost for one, space for another. Same reason you don't get admitted to the hospital the minute you get a cancer diagnosis or the flu. The side effects of monoclonal antibodies are pretty rough and they cost . I dunno maybe I'm crazy to think that after 18 months of dealing with it we've got the standard of practice pretty down pat.

Betadine nasal spray carries the risk of allergic reaction, surface reactions on mucosal surfaces, and can open the body up to secondary infections. Nothing is without risk.

Deaths post-vaccine have been pretty well monitored by drug producers, every government, and several independent research bodies. Unless you're gonna come in with the VAERS nonsense again (a tool that is used to identify trends, but does not and is not intended to identify cause and effect) You're pretty far afield claiming nobody is talking about it. The truth of the matter is that there's nothing exciting about it.

To say "nobody is looking at the numbers of young people with myocarditis" I would say is also a myth. Again, our population surveillance is pretty good, but I suppose that by phrasing it that way you have something specific in mind. But I would also wager that you heard about it from someone else, probably directly or indirectly through a news or social media outlet, from one of the surveillance bodies, which would mean that it is being discussed. I know a couple of the usual suspects (FLCCC, infowars, mike adams) have made a habit of misreading preprints to and exaggerating the data, and then never following back up or correcting themselves.

An example of people literally talking about it: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/you...e-myocarditis-side-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine

But guess what causes long-term symptoms, even in children, at much higher rates? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html

And myocarditis specifically? https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm

What I don't see discussed as much from the anti-vax or "it's not that serious" crowd is the long-term symptoms that come from exposure, while reaching for any vaccine side-effect (real or imagined). To me that's a classic case of shooting three holes in a backstop and painting the bullseyes on after the fact.

This year alone over 2 million unvaxxed illegal aliens have been allowed and encouraged to enter our country by Biden. The border remains open and over 100,000 a month unvaxxed allowed to enter our country. What does the CDC guidance say about this? lol

Can you catch covid if you have natural anti bodies? Can you provide an actual peer reviewed study on this from the CDC? One would think that this is a very important.

Why would someone with natural anti bodies have to get the vax, wear a mask and social distance?
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Dec 8, 2018
Lots of resentment out there these days on all fronts, but resenting Americans for exercising their rights and freedoms (especially their own healthcare decisions) should never be part of that IMO. Our rights and freedoms and the foundation of our nation are the things that should NEVER be compromised. And by the way, in April my vaccinated mom passed away. The Dr. told us that she needed to be in the ICU but they didn't have any room at that time. I don't have any resentment at all towards this new all-combined group called "the unvaccinated".

A bigger question should be.......if Covid is still such an issue, then where are all the triage type units that were set up in 2020 when the hospitals were overloaded with Covid patients.......tent cities and warehouses full of patients........etc? Bring them back if it's that big of deal right now, and use them for only Covid patients. We haven't heard word one about any of that since last year. Heck, our governor has said that we only have 1500 ICU beds in the entire state. That sure doesn't sound like many for such a "crisis" as they keep making this out to be. If we use that as an average, that means that there are ~99,925,000 unvaccinated Americans NOT using those beds. Resentment towards the entire "group" seems misguided. That's akin to blaming all gun-owning Americans (or the guns themselves) for the minuscule percentage of Americans (and illegals) that are committing crimes with guns.
Did your follow the science Gov mention anything about natural anti bodies? Why are the unvaxxed with natural anti bodies such a danger to those who are vaxxed when the vax lasts only 6 to 8 months?
Feb 20, 2016
A couple things, first the temporary units and "COVID-only" stuff that was set up, i can really only talk about my metro area specifically, required shutting down other spaces. There was a good six months where there were no elective surgeries. Knee or hip replacement? Tough luck, see you in September. Nobody had the money to build and staff all knew facilities. Setting up temporary ICUs as was done in some places is also ridiculously expensive, and it's not something you can do indefinitely, again because of staffing issues.

The issue with unvaccinated people is not just soaking up the extra bedspace, but it's typically the unvaccinated people who are also spreading it, not wearing masks, harassing people who have been wearing masks in public, promoting the nonsense conspiracies, etc. That paints a big target.

Cost for one, space for another. Same reason you don't get admitted to the hospital the minute you get a cancer diagnosis or the flu. The side effects of monoclonal antibodies are pretty rough and they cost . I dunno maybe I'm crazy to think that after 18 months of dealing with it we've got the standard of practice pretty down pat.

Betadine nasal spray carries the risk of allergic reaction, surface reactions on mucosal surfaces, and can open the body up to secondary infections. Nothing is without risk.

Deaths post-vaccine have been pretty well monitored by drug producers, every government, and several independent research bodies. Unless you're gonna come in with the VAERS nonsense again (a tool that is used to identify trends, but does not and is not intended to identify cause and effect) You're pretty far afield claiming nobody is talking about it. The truth of the matter is that there's nothing exciting about it.

To say "nobody is looking at the numbers of young people with myocarditis" I would say is also a myth. Again, our population surveillance is pretty good, but I suppose that by phrasing it that way you have something specific in mind. But I would also wager that you heard about it from someone else, probably directly or indirectly through a news or social media outlet, from one of the surveillance bodies, which would mean that it is being discussed. I know a couple of the usual suspects (FLCCC, infowars, mike adams) have made a habit of misreading preprints to and exaggerating the data, and then never following back up or correcting themselves.

An example of people literally talking about it: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/you...e-myocarditis-side-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine

But guess what causes long-term symptoms, even in children, at much higher rates? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html

And myocarditis specifically? https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm

What I don't see discussed as much from the anti-vax or "it's not that serious" crowd is the long-term symptoms that come from exposure, while reaching for any vaccine side-effect (real or imagined). To me that's a classic case of shooting three holes in a backstop and painting the bullseyes on after the fact.

Without getting into all of the various things you mention, I’ll just touch on what I feel is the biggest point your missing “space”. That’s the whole point! These things are some BEFORE you have to be admitted with serious breathing issues. Kinda like the vaccine: may be effective in some people, helps to prevent overcrowding, and readily available (although not ready used ).

I’m out. I held off as long as possible on this. You do you, I’ll do me and really DGAF what you do as long as YOU don’t make decisions for ME.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jun 29, 2020
Southern AZ
The side effects of monoclonal antibodies are pretty rough and they cost .
This is the first time I've heard of this. Out of half a dozen people I know that had that treatment not a one had any issues with it.

We have a doctor in our circle that will prescribe and help you source any legal drug you want for treatment unless she doesn't think a particular drug is safe for you. Her stance is if there's no harm in the drug there's no foul in trying it. I can't disagree. Argue all you want about effectiveness or non-effectiveness but in my mind that's the way it should be. Her main goal is to treat as fast as possible to try to keep you out of the hospital.
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Dec 8, 2018
This is the first time I've heard of this. Out of half a dozen people I know that had that treatment not a one had any issues with it.

We have a doctor in our circle that will prescribe and help you source any legal drug you want for treatment unless she doesn't think a particular drug is safe for you. Her stance is if there's no harm in the drug there's no foul in trying it. I can't disagree. Argue all you want about effectiveness or non-effectiveness but in my mind that's the way it should be. Her main goal is to treat as fast as possible to try to keep you out of the hospital.
MCA's ( 1/2 a dozen or so in use around the world treating covid now) have been generally proven to be very safe based on everything Ive read. ( Remember the dozens of fake stories that ivermectin was killing people and was dangerous?) Cost is an issue for Veklury ( remdesivir). Others much cheaper . Generally can say they have been a miracle, in conjunction with other meds, in treating covid. Shame hospitals are not using them and steroids more aggressively at the beginning of treatment.


Aug 6, 2020
Oregon Cascades
could you just imagine if the leader of the free world(our president), looked like the Rock(Duanne Johnson)? Do these weak withered up old men really represent what America is about? I want to see a war hardened, insanely fit,gritty individual that could actually serve as an example of what people should strive to emulate, im tired of this same old whitewash.



Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
My co-worker's mother is in a hospital in a rural small town. Not Covid related. They (her dr.'s) desprately want to move her to a larger ICU...no room in ANY of the hospitals within 200 miles. I know for a fact the biggest hospital in the region is almost completely full of non-vaxxed Covid long-haulers.
We tell you over, & over, & over again, not gettinv vaxxed DOES effect others. And a significant number just refuse to listen.
THIS is why a lot of places are short staffed. Healthcare workers have had enough. They can't take it anymore. They're walking away from taking care of covid patients. It's NOT because "hospitals are firing ALL those RN's who refuse to vaccinate." Around here, it wasn't the frontliners, it was the rehab, baby nurses, clinic workers who DIDN'T SEE the covid sh'tsh'ow that refused vaccinations.
It's very sad to see, & has made a whole lot of really good, caring people I know feel very resentful towards a certain subset of folks.
What small town?


Apr 8, 2020
Around here, it wasn't the frontliners, it was the rehab, baby nurses, clinic workers who DIDN'T SEE the covid sh'tsh'ow that refused vaccinations.
It's very sad to see, & has made a whole lot of really good, caring people I know feel very resentful towards a certain subset of folks.

The feeling is mutual.

Kansas’s first omicron case ……. Full vac’ed + booster. Can we please start calling the vaccine Sex Panther, 60% of the time it works every time.
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Nov 15, 2018
I tested positive today, second go around for me. I had it the first time in March 2020; it was about like having the flu. I also got vaccinated in May/June of this year. Symptoms this time are pretty mild so far - sore throat, little headache, body aches. Like a mild flu. So far all I’m doing for treatment is orange juice, water, and fresh air.


Dec 8, 2018
I tested positive today, second go around for me. I had it the first time in March 2020; it was about like having the flu. I also got vaccinated in May/June of this year. Symptoms this time are pretty mild so far - sore throat, little headache, body aches. Like a mild flu. So far all I’m doing for treatment is orange juice, water, and fresh air.
Curious Did you get tested for other flu viruses to confirm? Have you had an anti bodies test yet?


Nov 15, 2018
Curious Did you get tested for other flu viruses to confirm? Have you had an anti bodies test yet?
No, no other tests. I’m probably going in for a PCR tomorrow - my understanding is these drive through rapid tests aren’t extremely accurate.


Feb 28, 2021
FWIW, here's a portion of an email that my doctor recently sent out to all of his patients:

We have spent a lot of time thinking about COVID and its impact. As the old adage goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is certainly true when it comes to the COVID virus. Having good overall health and taking preventative measures can greatly affect your risk for contracting the virus and the severity of infection if you do become infected. One statistic that has been most staggering to us is that roughly 80% of severe cases of COVID (hospitalization, ventilation, or death) have occurred in individuals that are overweight or obese. That is an alarming number and has caused us to reflect on how we can better help our patients achieve better health.

The email then mentions new annual tests on body composition (including visceral fat), nutritional and fitness goals, proper hydration and sleep habits, as well as inflammation risk, etc. I see him on Tuesday, and I'm already preparing myself for how much gut fat I have.

This is not some anti-vax quack - and I'm vaxxed and have natural immunity from Covid.
Its not rocket science as to why obesity is the #1 common denominator among people dying from Covid. Its actually quite simple. The virus is highly transmissible, and it replicates extremely fast in the body. The more cells a person has (large people are going to have more cells for it to replicate to), the more overcome they will be with the virus in their body. Now couple that with a less healthy heart from not living a healthy lifestyle of good diet and exercise and the have the culmination of things that can go bad quickly.

Now compound that with so many healthcare professionals, doctors, etc. taking the "isolate, wait and see - then go the the ER if things get bad" approach its no wonder people have died at such a rapid rate.

Smart people in the medical and science community have said from day 1, "this isn't the flu". So again, why in the actual F^&* have so many doctors and heathcare organizations treated it like the flu (wait and see)? Because they are incapable of actually thinking things through or they are just doing what they are being directed to do (which I suspect is the majority).

The really good doctors out there have from day 1 getting meds into people focusing on aggressively stoping viral transmission, which allows the bodies own immune system to overcome it. Plus treating with antibiotics to prevent pneumonia from taking hold as well.

My brother and his wife just tested positive for Covid over the weekend. Both got anti-body treatments the day after testing positive. Both already feel vastly better and are on the mend with negligible issues. They also were given antibiotics along with prednisone. AND NO SIDE EFFECTS FROM THE ANTIBODIES (contrary to another poster's comments about it), I've yet to hear of a single person having a reaction to the antibodies - yet my mother in law had a stroke 1 week after getting her second Covid vaccine shot. Fortunately she made it through the stroke, but here doctor absolutely will NOT let her get a booster shot, risk of blood clot and stroke is too high for her.