Hydration Drinks

Mountain ops hydrate packets. Taste so good I find myself craving the flavor on the mountain, which results in me drinking a ton more
Salt and water in whatever form you can consume. It's all i ever need. Pills work great. Consumption before activity (preloading) is very effective, as long as you continue to hydrate during exersion.
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I stopped using the WA Hydrate and Recover because the 1st 2 ingredients are Fructose and Maltodextrin. I've dropped as much sugar and artificial sweeteners as possible from my diet. Right now I'm searching for a replacement.
LMNT is absolutely amazing and tastes great. It can be too much for a lot of people (unless youre really sweating etc you do not need that many electrolytes) Also if you are killing it with miles etc and dont care about the added sugar than gatorade is a solid go toad its cheap.