The best vest-less system for turkey hunting (imo)

Bino harness, with a couple calls and a gun. Jump out the truck and get after it.
I’ve been pretty happy with the new Sitka turkey tool belt as a fairly minimalist turkey setup. It works for both ultralight mobile and as a good call organizer for blind based hunts. It’s by far the best pack Sitka has ever put together and it’s a more unique product than their turkey vest which is “better” but not great.
Turkey season is only two months away thankfully!

What systems are yall planning on running this year?
This thread has some pretty legit setups, I have enjoyed reading through them. I don’t do much differently from anything else I hunt, except I hunt turkeys with a rifle when I can. Way easier.
Whats the reason folks dont like vests? Been using a Mother turkey vest for 20-ish years, have never felt any urge to do different. The retractable sit pad is nice bc its often wet and cold where I hunt, so it makes my ass cozierThats important. 😁. Then pulls out of the way when walking.
Aside from that, i just bring a couple ahells, a couple calls, and a locator call. Sometimes a collapsible decoy. The game bag on the vest is unobtrusive when mostly empty, and easily carries a decoy and/or a turkey, plus I can toss a hat or an extra layer in there. Ive tried a small pack and dont like it as much.
I went to a Sitka vest last season, initially was not sure about the layout but it turned out to be fine, the built in tote for carrying birds is nice!

Though I am considering carrying small game bags and butchering the birds in the field on long hikes?