Hunting Property Lines

Then goes on to rip into them about not paying the $10,000 is interesting to look up what subsidies or government payments he has received. Seems like the type of guy to suck up every once of tax payer handouts he can.

Not that it has any bearing on the video whatsoever, but since 1995, he's received $830,254.

I'm conflicted on this deal. I feel both sides are in the wrong. Clearly that landowner is an asshole, type of guy a lot of us have come across before. Not pleasant. That said, I feel those kids knew what they were doing, which was downwinding the X in the corn field, by hunting as close to it as possible (inches). I'm also speculating they did this knowing that the corn was to be hunted that same morning (since they saw each other the night before scouting). While what they did is not illegal, I could see how it would piss somebody off. It was certainly not courteous. I've been on the receiving end of this type of behavior more than once, and it's the reason I no longer waterfowl hunt much.

It's an unfortunate situation all around. Hopefully both sides learned something from the ordeal, and will proceed with better judgement in the future.
Not that it has any bearing on the video whatsoever, but since 1995, he's received $830,254.

I'm conflicted on this deal. I feel both sides are in the wrong. Clearly that landowner is an asshole, type of guy a lot of us have come across before. Not pleasant. That said, I feel those kids knew what they were doing, which was downwinding the X in the corn field, by hunting as close to it as possible (inches). I'm also speculating they did this knowing that the corn was to be hunted that same morning (since they saw each other the night before scouting). While what they did is not illegal, I could see how it would piss somebody off. It was certainly not courteous. I've been on the receiving end of this type of behavior more than once, and it's the reason I no longer waterfowl hunt much.

It's an unfortunate situation all around. Hopefully both sides learned something from the ordeal, and will proceed with better judgement in the future.
Birds were in the bean field the night before. They called multiple times and went to crazy guys house to talk before this hunt but never answered. There was a group 500 yds away over a hill in his corn shooting ducks the whole time this was going on. If he would have been with them crazy guy would have been shooting ducks instead of getting famous.
So, they attempted to get permission for the better field (corn). And when that failed, they got permission for the beans, and set up 2" off the corn field? You've done this enough, how many harvested bean fields have you hunted, compared to cereal/corn stubble? I find it hard to believe the beans were the "X".

That said, you're absolutely right, crazy guy should have stayed in his spread and enjoyed his hunt.
So, they attempted to get permission for the better field (corn). And when that failed, they got permission for the beans, and set up 2" off the corn field? You've done this enough, how many harvested bean fields have you hunted, compared to cereal/corn stubble? I find it hard to believe the beans were the "X".

That said, you're absolutely right, crazy guy should have stayed in his spread and enjoyed his hunt.
This year the birds this year have been in the beans 90 percent of the time. I don’t know but looks like a lot on the ground compared to past years. Even guys deer hunting have been saying lots of deer in the bean fields They went to try and find him to see if anyone else was hunting
This year the birds this year have been in the beans 90 percent of the time. I don’t know but looks like a lot on the ground compared to past years. Even guys deer hunting have been saying lots of deer in the bean fields They went to try and find him to see if anyone else was hunting
Kurt, do you have more local factual information or are you trusting what was said in the videos/pod cast (the one side of the story)?

What you have said in this thread seems very plausible, and aligns with what the kids have said. I'm just trying to understand if you are a source of information that backs up their story or if you are taking them at their word?
So, they attempted to get permission for the better field (corn). And when that failed, they got permission for the beans, and set up 2" off the corn field? You've done this enough, how many harvested bean fields have you hunted, compared to cereal/corn stubble? I find it hard to believe the beans were the "X".

That said, you're absolutely right, crazy guy should have stayed in his spread and enjoyed his hunt.
Its not like the guy told them they couldn't hunt the corn and said he would be hunting it the next day. Sounds like they went to his door and no one answered so they got permission where the birds were. Also, If the birds were in the corn and they could only secure the property next to it then by your description they shouldn't have hunted it because it wasn't the "X"? There are times when all the birds are in beans, or wheat fields with corn stubble right next to them with not a bird on the corn. There are days and even seasons where it seams like every bird is on a certain crop and not others. The "X" has nothing to do with it...if guys want to setup in the middle of a CRP field with no birds on it, they have every right to do it.
Kurt, do you have more local factual information or are you trusting what was said in the videos/pod cast (the one side of the story)?

What you have said in this thread seems very plausible, and aligns with what the kids have said. I'm just trying to understand if you are a source of information that backs up their story or if you are taking them at their word?
I have friends I trust that know them. So that’s where the info is coming from. Even so I don’t know how crazy guy could be justified in any way. This isn’t the first time he has tried to run others of land he doesn’t own.
Its not like the guy told them they couldn't hunt the corn and said he would be hunting it the next day. Sounds like they went to his door and no one answered so they got permission where the birds were. Also, If the birds were in the corn and they could only secure the property next to it then by your description they shouldn't have hunted it because it wasn't the "X"? There are times when all the birds are in beans, or wheat fields with corn stubble right next to them with not a bird on the corn. There are days and even seasons where it seams like every bird is on a certain crop and not others. The "X" has nothing to do with it...if guys want to setup in the middle of a CRP field with no birds on it, they have every right to do it.

I think his point was that the kids knew someone would be hunting the corn and they tried to downwind them and cut off the birds before they got to the corn.

Regardless, seems like they are just trying to get by the corn to get a better hide.
I've been on the receiving end of this type of behavior more than once, and it's the reason I no longer waterfowl hunt much.

You and me both buddy. That rat race and everyone down winding everyone got to be more headache than it's worth. I gotta think that the young blue plater youtuber waterfowl hero bit inserts some bias or hard feelings towards these youngsters amongst ND residents even if most everyone agrees they are the lesser of evils in this story.
I've seen this exact behavior from commercial fishing competitors on the ocean of all places. I think some people practice acting like this knowing 90% of us will leave.
You and me both buddy. That rat race and everyone down winding everyone got to be more headache than it's worth. I gotta think that the young blue plater youtuber waterfowl hero bit inserts some bias or hard feelings towards these youngsters amongst ND residents even if most everyone agrees they are the lesser of evils in this story.
If I'm being honest, you're probably right, with there being some bias. For good reason :)
Just trying to play devils advocate a little I guess. There is always two sides to a story, and so far, we've mostly only heard one...
You and me both buddy. That rat race and everyone down winding everyone got to be more headache than it's worth. I gotta think that the young blue plater youtuber waterfowl hero bit inserts some bias or hard feelings towards these youngsters amongst ND residents even if most everyone agrees they are the lesser of evils in this story.
He was the only non resident the other kid his grandfather and his brother are all from nd
I have friends I trust that know them. So that’s where the info is coming from. Even so I don’t know how crazy guy could be justified in any way. This isn’t the first time he has tried to run others of land he doesn’t own.
To be clear, I never alluded to the neighbor ever being justified. His actions are never okay. I'm just trying to form an opinion on how much blame the film crew group should have. Whether or not they are mostly right, there might have been things that could have been done differently. cutting birds off downwind from the X is awesome. Doing it when you KNOW another group is going to be on the X 75 yards away is shitty, even if you are well within your rights to do so. Was just trying to understand if that was the case or not.
Kurt, do you have more local factual information or are you trusting what was said in the videos/pod cast (the one side of the story)?

What you have said in this thread seems very plausible, and aligns with what the kids have said. I'm just trying to understand if you are a source of information that backs up their story or if you are taking them at their word?
Clearly backing up to the field edge was necessary for the hide, which makes total sense. Just trying to understand if there were potential other reasons and I tend to not just take youtube stars' words for it.
I have hunted waterfowl for 30 ish years. In general waterfowl hunters are the biggest bunch of d bags in the hunting community!

Hope the charges on that old d head stick! He may spontaneously combust when he gets them?
I have hunted waterfowl for 30 ish years. In general waterfowl hunters are the biggest bunch of d bags in the hunting community!

Hope the charges on that old d head stick! He may spontaneously combust when he gets them?
I know you said hunting community but can we talk about salmons fisherman? We are all assholes. I’m a way bigger d bag salmon fishing than I ever could be duck hunting.