How’s your fuel prices

Man, as an Alaskan I got to say, as much as I hate paying at the pump (and the inflated prices for everything else for that matter when the price of oil goes up), higher oil prices benefit all Alaskan’s. Oil, mining, fishing, and the tourism industries are everything to Alaska, but oil is by far king.

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Better hope it makes up for a big tourism hit if it keeps going up. Be a lot of plans changing if it keeps this pace up

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Better hope it makes up for a big tourism hit if it keeps going up. Be a lot of plans changing if it keeps this pace up

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I totally forgot about the timber industry, which also contributes quite a bit to our economy. Tourism is actually at the bottom of that list. The summer before last, at the height of the pandemic, we had very, very few tourist that came up, and as far as I'm concerned, it was one of the nicest, quietest summers I can remember.
I paid $3.59 today for diesel in SW Missouri but every other station in town was $3.99. It was up to $4.59 outside of KC this afternoon.
I suspect we are only going up for a while given the current events. Definitely starting to feel it's impact and trying to consolidate driving trips
The summer before last, at the height of the pandemic, we had very, very few tourist that came up, and as far as I'm concerned, it was one of the nicest, quietest summers I can remember.

"Alaska may have a big tourism hit...." - Don't threaten me with a good time!

Filled my duramax last week @ 3.75 and parked it. Diesel was $4.70 this morning in Wasilla, AK.
Maybe you guys don’t realize, but this is intentional.
The petro-dollar will be broken. The entire financial system will be broken, and you will all be ******. Next comes digital currency.

Bring on the hate and ignorance. It looks exactly like the msm/social media hits we’ve seen the past 5 years or so.

Bottom line - it’s useless to talk fuel prices. They tell you out loud what their plan is, but when it’s relayed here, people are suddenly “fried” or conspiracy theorists. You’re trained attack dogs working for the gov for free and you don’t even know it.
I watched the Ted K movie about Kacsynski last week. He had a little cabin on a few acres in Montana and rode a bike everywhere. He didn’t need a car, gas, anything.

Of course he was pretty pissed off all the time too :).

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I totally forgot about the timber industry, which also contributes quite a bit to our economy. Tourism is actually at the bottom of that list. The summer before last, at the height of the pandemic, we had very, very few tourist that came up, and as far as I'm concerned, it was one of the nicest, quietest summers I can remember.
For you, yes, but for businesses that cater to tourists I bet they have a different opinion. Those checks aren't going to offset that loss to their businesses.

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For you, yes, but for businesses that cater to tourists I bet they have a different opinion. Those checks aren't going to offset that loss to their businesses.

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I doubt there will be a drop in tourism.
I watched the Ted K movie about Kacsynski last week. He had a little cabin on a few acres in Montana and rode a bike everywhere. He didn’t need a car, gas, anything.

Of course he was pretty pissed off all the time too :).

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What is your point
No point, just thinking about building me a little cabin and going completely off grid with the way the worlds going.

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Biden made it pretty clear he wanted "green" energy to be the answer to all of our woes. Only way to do that is overprice our current energy system. It was coming without Russia and Ukraine. I think the powers that be wanted it to be more gradual but Russia threw a wrench in that plan. I don't know how you can beat natural gas heat with electric but listen to the climate change guru's and that is their plan.