How’s your fuel prices

Well, another 20 cent raise overnight. Now $4.23 here. That’s 50 cents higher than just 5 days ago.
You suck, Brandon.
In the last 8 hours diesel has gone up $.45 and gas $.15/gal.

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In the great Permian Basin of West Texas, I filled up w/ diesel Tuesday and it was $3.64. Today diesel is $4.09 and that is at the cheapest locations. Most are around $4,50iah. Gonna be over $5.00 pretty soon I am afraid.
$6 a gallon gas coming soon.
won't surprise me...

sleepy Joe is going to cost us the whole time he's in office.... wait... is he actually considered in office? i think he's like a hologram or something, can't actually be the real president of the most powerful country can he...

i'm still convinced this is a way overthought and elaborate April fool's joke.... has to be, right?
I filled up at a Shell station by my office on Monday and it was 4.89 a gallon for diesel, this morning I looked as I drove past and it was 5.69 a gallon for diesel. Its bad everywhere but California really sucks!!
Wait til oil hits $200/ barrel. It's coming.

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Man, as an Alaskan I got to say, as much as I hate paying at the pump (and the inflated prices for everything else for that matter when the price of oil goes up), higher oil prices benefit all Alaskan’s. Oil, mining, fishing, and the tourism industries are everything to Alaska, but oil is by far king.

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Trading my diesel in for a horse
That’s not much better. Hay, alfalfa and feed has gone way up. In another month hay farmers will start cutting and with this fuel at the price it is I’m sure alfalfa and grass hay will be at an all time high.

I hate going into town today because diesel probably went up overnight again.