How's everybody make a living

I’m an executive chef. I’ve run hotels and restaurants for 20 plus years. Super high end but have simmered that down a bit since I moved to Montana. Unfortunately this Covid bullshit has destroyed the hospitality industry so most of all us doing it are working even more stupid hours due to no one wanting to work the industry anymore. I can’t blame them....14 to 16 hour days 6 to 7 days a week for shit pay gets down right old after a while. Been thinking of switching it up after all these years but to what I don’t know
I am a financial advisor in Colorado. As well as a father and Hunter, but those two clearing a ways to drain all the money I do make
I'm a mechanical engineer in central Illinois. I perform drivetrain testing on construction and mining equipment. YM wife and I own a rental house on the side. The job affords me ability to invest in my bird dog and nicer shotguns.
I sell satellite components, satellites and constellations of satellites.

"Cubesat" form factor- small like a breadbox to as "big" as carry-on bag sized.

Still waiting to start my dream job of running a non profit that sells fake GPS coordinates to huge B&C big game animals. I will make money from donations from guys that hate people willing to pay for said information. Any profits above my meager salary will be donated to kids hunting programs.

In the mean time I'm a CEA airflow engineer.
Im a mortgage loan officer in south/central VA, Anyone still not refinance yet? hit me up!